Japanese | Phil Sandhop | Tomato |
◆おにいちゃん こわい。 でんきスタンドが くるったように あばれだしたの。 |
@Brother, I'm so scared! The lamp seems to be alive! |
@Brother! I'm so scared! My lamp suddenly started going crazy! |
◆>おにいちゃ-ん! おうちが こわれちゃうよう! |
@Oh my! Brother, our house is falling apart! |
@Brother! It's like our house is about to fall apart! |
◆ウェ-ン。 | @Boo hoo! | @Waah! |
◆はい おにいちゃん ジュ-ス。 おなかすいたでしょ。 |
@Brother, here's some juice. @You are thirsty, aren't you? |
@Here's some juice, big brother! You must be pretty thirsty. |
◆こわ-い! おにんぎょうが あばれだしたの! |
@Spooky!! The doll walks by itself! |
@Eek! My doll is going crazy! |
◆こわかったぁ。 あっ! おにんぎょうのなかに なにかあるみたい。 |
@I was scared to death!! @Oh wow! CHECK out what's hidden inside the doll. |
@Whew, that was scary. @Oh! I think I see something inside the doll! |
◆わたし ミミ-よ。 ミニ-と まちがえちゃいや。 |
@No, I'm Mimmie, don't confuse me with Minnie. |
@I'm Mimmie. Don't mix me up with Minnie! |
◆だいじょうぶだった? [Name] ◆このいえは いったい どうなっているのかしら。 オロオロ。 ◆こんなときに パパがいてくれたら いいのかもしれないけど…… |
@[Ninten]. Are you alright? @Egad! What is happening to our house? @I wish your Dad were here now. Maybe... |
@Are you okay, [Name]? @What on earth is happening to our home? I'm so scared... @If only your father were here now... |
◆あなたって おもってたより ずっと ゆうかんなこだったのね。 ◆……でも あなたを つらいたびに だしたくないわ。 |
@Son of mine, you are braver than I thought. @I can't let you go on a journey so famished. |
@You're much braver than I ever imagined. @...But I can't send you on a journey so famished. |
◆まぁ ずいぶんきずついて…… | @Oh, you have been wounded. |
@Oh, my! You're hurt! |
◆え-と つぎのレベルまで…… | @Well, the next level requires... |
@Let's see... To get to the next level, you need... |
◆また [Favorite Food]が たべたくなったら かえってくるのよ。 |
@When you want to eat [Favorite Food] again, just come back here. |
@Come back home whenever you want some more [Favorite Food]. |
◆ふむふむ…… そうか それは ラップげんしょうだな。 ◆どうすればいいのかは…… パパにもわからないな。 ◆しかし ひいおじいさんが PSIの けんきゅうを していたはずだ。 ◆ちかしつをさがせば なにか わかるかもしれない。 ◆ちかしつのカギは…… どこかに つけておいたんだが…… ◆わすれた。 ◆とにかく おまえだけがたよりだ。 いまこそ ぼうけんのときだ。 すすめ [Name]! ◆みんなを まもってくれ。 |
@Well... It seems like a poltergeist. @I'm not exactly sure how to... @But, your great- grand-father studied PSI. @You might find something in the basement to help. @But, I left the Basement Key someplace... @...can't remember exactly where... @Anyhow, son, you are my only hope. @It's time for you to go on a little adventure, @and explore the potential of your powers. @Powers not be taken lightly. @[Ninten], go for it!! @But remember to come back and check on our family. @Bye. @Oh... phone me, and I will SAVE your progress. @Call me whenever you want. |
@Hmm, I see. Sounds like it must be a poltergeist of some sort. @I'm not sure what to do about it, either. @But your great-grandfather did study PSI at one point. @Perhaps there's something in the basement that could help make sense of things. @I know I put the basement key somewhere... but I can't remember where. @Anyway, you're our only hope. Now is the time for an adventure. Go forth, [Name]! Protect us all! |
◆ガチャン ツ-ツ-ツ- | @Slam. | @(Click! Beep-beep-beep...) |
◆あ パパだ。 | @This is your Dad. | @[Name]? It's your dad. |
◆[Name]の ぎんこうこうざに [Money]ドル ふりこんでおいたからね。 ◆おまえ[Name]が つかったぶんと さしひきで [Money]ドル ぎんこうに はいっているはずだ。 ◆だいじに つかいなさい。 |
@I've transferred $[money code 2] into your account. @After the amount you've spent, @the balance is $[Money]. @Spend your money wisely. |
@I've deposited $[Money] into your bank account. @Taking away what you've spent, you should now have $[Money] in the bank. @Use it wisely. |
◆おせっかいかもしれないが ちょっと きゅうけいしては どうかね。 |
@Now son, it's not my business, but why not rest? |
@I realize this isn't any of my business, but why don't you take a little break? |
◆そうか。 じゃ きろくしとくよ。 |
@I see. I'll SAVE your progress. |
@I see. Then I'll make a record of your progress. |
◆そうか。 ま ちきゅうの ききだからな。 |
@I see. I know, the Earth faces a crisis. |
@I see. Well, I guess the Earth IS in danger and all. |
◆そうか。 パパも もう きょうは やすもうと おもってたところだ。 ◆たたかいのきろくは つけといたよ。 ◆おやすみ…… |
@OK...But, I was thinking of going to sleep now. @I've SAVEd your progress, so far. @Good night. |
@Okay. @Your dear old dad was also thinking about hitting the hay for the night. @I've created a record of your adventure to this point. @Good night, sleep tight. |
◆おたがい よくやったよな。 ◆それじゃ スイッチを OFFに しなさい。 わかったね。 |
@See you later! @Remember, push in and hold RESET, @while turning the POWER off. OK? |
@We're a great team, aren't we? @Well, you should turn the power OFF now. @All right? |
◆[Name]も ママににて がんばりやだなぁ。 ◆むりするなよ。 |
@Just like your Mom, you never want to stop. @Please don't push yourself so hard. |
@[Name], you like to work hard, just like your mom. @But, I don't think it's good to work too hard. |
◆それはそうと なんのようだい? | @By the way, do you want to SAVE? |
@Anyway, what do you need from me? |
◆がんばれよ。 | @Good luck. | @Good luck! |
◆こんにちは。 わたしも ピッピも すっごく げんきよ。 |
@I want to thank you again for your help. @Pippi is fine now. |
@Hello. Pippi and I are feeling just dandy now! |
◆おまえ まさか みなみの はかばから きたんじゃないだろうな。 |
@Don't tell me you've been south to the cemetery! |
@You didn't come from the cemetery to the south, did you? Please tell me you didn't! |
◆おまえ すごいな。 | @You are terrific. | @You're really amazing. |
◆おまえ まさか ゾンビじゃないだろうな。 ゾンビか? |
@Be honest, you're a zombie. @Aren't you? |
@Please tell me you're not a zombie! ...Are you? |
◆ゾ ゾ ゾンビの…… バカッ! ヒャ-- |
@There is no cure for zombies! AAAAAAAHHH! |
@Oh, yeah? W-w-well... You're a big stupid zombie head! Waaaah! Eek! |
◆ほんとに にんげんか? | @Are you really a human? |
@Are you really a human? |
◆よく ここまで こられたな。 | @It's amazing you came here. |
@I'm amazed you made it this far. |
◆やっぱりな…… | @You see... | @I knew it... |
◆おれ こわくて おもらししそうだよ。 |
@Don't tell anyone, but I'm so scared, I wet my pants. |
@I'm so scared I'm about to wet my pants... |
◆こわかったよなぁ。 | @It was dreadful... | @Boy, that was scary... |
◆ゾンビ-! | @Zombie! | @ZOMBIE! |
◆フフフフフ…… おまえも ゾンビに なれ! |
@Ha-ha... You shall become a Zombieeee! |
@Heheheh...! You get to be a zombie too! |
◆ししゃたちを うごかしている なにものかが いるらしい。 |
@Someone must be controlling the dead. |
@There must be someone controlling the dead... |
◆おわかいの やるではないか。 | @Young man, you did well. |
@Not too shabby, youngster! |
◆このまちも ゾンビに せんりょうされてしまうのか。 |
@Zombies may be anywhere in this town. |
@Are the zombies going to take over our town too? |
◆あら カナリアのヒナね。 カナリアむらで てにいれたの? |
@Did that Canary Chick come from Canary Village? |
@Oh, that's a baby canary. Did you find it in Canary Village? |
◆へ-え。 | @Hum. | @Hmm. You don't say. |
◆カナリアむらの ことりなら きれいなうたを うたうはずだものね。 |
@The chicks at the Canary Village have lovely voices. |
@The birds of Canary Village do sing such lovely songs. |
◆わたし カナリアむらの おじさんに あこがれてるのよ。 |
@The gentleman in Canary Village is my idol. |
@I really admire the man living in Canary Village. |
◆ちょうちょうさんは ゆうきのある すけっとを さがしておられる。 |
@The Town Mayor is looking for a brave man. |
@The town mayor is looking for someone brave to help him. |
◆はかばに こどもが まよいこんだっていうけど たすかったのかなぁ。 |
@Has the little girl who strayed @into the cemetery been rescued? |
@I heard a little girl got lost in the cemetery. I wonder if she's been rescued yet... |
◆おまえ…… ほんとに はかばに いくつもりか? |
@You... Are you really going to the cemetery? |
@Say... You're not honestly thinking of going to the cemetery, are you? |
◆じょうしきを わきまえた こどもだと おもったな オレは。 |
@I thought you were a sensible child. |
@I thought you were a sensible boy. |
◆どうぶつたちは くるって あばれだすし ◆しにんは ゾンビになっておそってくるし…… ◆どうすればいいのよ。 ヒ-ヒ-…… |
@The animals went mad and out of control. @The dead became zombies and began attacking people. @What can be done? |
@Animals have suddenly turned violent, and the dead have come back as zombies to attack us... @What are we supposed to do? I'm so scared I can hardly breathe... (gasp gasp) |
◆あなたって スゴイ! | @You are super! | @You're so awesome! |
◆おまえんち ポルタ-ガイストに みまわれなかったか? おれんちなんか たいへんだったぜ。 |
@Did a poltergeist visit your house? @It tore mine apart. |
@Did a poltergeist attack your house? It tore mine apart. |
◆どうぶつえんは くるったどうぶつが これいじょう にげださないよう かんぜんに へいさしたそうだぜ。 |
@The animals went mad and began to escape, @so the Zoo was locked. |
@I hear they locked the zoo up to keep any more animals from escaping. @They've all gone berserk, you see... |
◆パンは たべることもできるけれど ちぎって パンくずにすると めじるしに なるんじゃないかな。 ◆……おせっかい ですけどね。 |
@To EAT, you'll find Bread stale, @but, with its Crumbs you can mark your trail. @Do you think I talk too much? Well do I? |
@Bread is great for when you're hungry, but I bet you could also use its crumbs to mark your trail. @...I guess it's really none of my business, though. |
◆きみでは むりかなぁ。 きたいしてるんだけどなぁ。 |
@Citizen, I know you would like to help your town. |
@I don't know, this task might be too much for you to handle, but I still have high hopes for you anyway. |
◆いやなに…… はかばに こどもがまよいこんでね。 ◆つぎの ちょうちょうせんきょも ちかいし…… ……たすけてチョ-ダイ! |
@Well... A child has strayed into the cemetery. @And... I'm up for re- election soon. @You must help! Please help me! |
@Well, you see... @A child has strayed into the cemetery. @And, as luck would have it, I'm up for re-election soon. @So... please help me! |
◆えっ いってくれるか。 たすけだして くれるってか。 |
@Oh!? You will go there and save her? |
@Oh! You'll do it?! @You'll go and rescue her?! |
◆そのこが まいごになった ピッピちゃんかね。 ◆いやいや すばらしい。 ◆みどころのあるしょうねんだと おもって いたが。 ◆はくしゅ パチパチパチ…… ◆よかったねぇ かわいいピッピちゃん。 ◆ママに ちょうちょうさんに たすけてもらったと ちゃんというんだよ。 ◆[Name]くんにも しょうきんを [Money]ドル あげよう。 ホレッ。 |
@Is she the lost girl, Pippi? @Well that's just great. @I knew that you could fulfill your civic duty. @Applause, applause... @Now pretty Pippi, don't forget... @to tell your Mom that the Mayor saved you. @Here, I will give [Name] a prize of [Money]. |
@Oh, is this Pippi, the girl who got lost? @Stunning work, lad! @I knew from the start that you showed promise! (clap clap applause) @You're so lucky, Pippi. Adorable, too. @Now remember to tell your mother that the mayor rescued you. @And for you, [Name]... A $[Money] reward. Here. |
◆ところで ついでといっては なんだが ◆どうぶつえんの じけんのほうも ひとがんばりしてみちゃ くれないかね? |
@By the way hero, @maybe you'd like to go see what's up at the Zoo? |
@Say, since you're here and everything, won't you help with the zoo problem too? |
◆そうか やっぱりいってくれるか! [Name]くん きみも ほんとに ゲ-ムずきだねぇ。 ◆どうぶつえんの カギは じょやくの アボットから もらいなさい。 |
@Yes, you'll go? Great, great great! @Now make sure to get a Key from my assistant, Abbott. |
@Oh, you'll go check it out? That's wonderful! [Name], you certainly do love to play games! @Have my assistant Abbot give you a key to the zoo. |
◆はい これが どうぶつえんのカギです。 |
@This Key will open the Zoo's gate. Now don't lose it. |
@Here you go. This is the key to the zoo. |
◆いきてかえって きみは えいゆう! からだのぐあいさえよければ わたしも いくんだけど…… |
@Return her to me alive, and surely I'll be a hero... @Er, umh, I mean you'll be a hero. |
@Come back alive and you'll be a hero! @I'd go with you, but I'm, umm, not feeling well... |
◆おお えいゆうの [Name]くん。 ふくに とらのふんがついているよ。 ◆あ うそ うそ。 こんどは なにも あげるものがないが…… ワハハハハハ。 |
@Why if it's not our hero [Name], @You have tiger droppings on your clothes. @Ha-ha, just joking. Now run along kid. |
@Oh, it's [Name], the hero! @You have tiger droppings all over your clothes, you know. @Oh, I'm just kidding! @Sorry, I don't have anything to give you this time... Wahahaha! |
◆ふしぎな しょうじょの うわさは きいてるかしら? ◆きっと きみの たびを たすけてくれると おもうの。 |
@I've heard a rumor about a wonder girl. @She will help you on your trip. |
@Everyone's talking about a girl with special powers. Have you heard about her? @I bet she'd be a great help to you on your journey. |
◆どうぶつえんのカギくらい いくらでもあります。 はい またひとつあげましょう。 |
@Zoo Keys are a dime a dozen, have another. |
@I have plenty of extra zoo keys. @Here, have another. |
◆みてのとおり どうぶつたちは みんなにげだしちまった。 |
@Look for yourself, all the animals have escaped. |
@As you can see, all our animals have escaped. |
◆いるのは カナリアのヒナだけだ。 かうかね? |
@Only this Canary Chick is left. Want to buy it? |
@All we have left is this canary chick. Interested in buying it? |
◆じゃ [Money]ドルで かうかね? | @Well, how about $[Money]? |
@Then how about for $[Money]? |
◆うたをしらないカナリアだからなぁ。 | @OK kid, it's a free country, you know. |
@Yeah, I don't blame you. It doesn't even know any songs. |
◆かわいがってね。 ありがとさん。 | @Take care of it. Come see us again! |
@Thanks! Take extra good care of it! |
◆ただでも いらないかね? もっていきな。 |
@If it's free, do you want it? Then take it! |
@How about for free, then? C'mon, take it. |
◆カナリアは まだ げんきかね。 | @How's the Canary? | @Say, how's that canary doing? |
◆どうぶつたちは きっと なにかに あやつられていると おもうの。 |
@I think something is controlling the animals. |
@I'm almost certain that something is controlling all the animals... |
◆どうぶつは かわいいわよね。 | @Ah... cute pets aren't they? |
@Animals are so cute. Don't you agree? |
◆うふっ。 | @Hmmm. | @Teehee. |
◆バ-カ! | @You stupid jerk! | @Stupid head! |
◆いらっしゃいませ。 また ごへんぴんですね。 |
@How may I help? Do you have some- thing to return? |
@Welcome! Do you need to return any items? |
◆[Name]の こころに なにかが といかけてきている。 |
@Wait.. A voice is speaking into [Name]'s mind. |
@Something is speaking into [Name]'s mind. |
◆ああ よかった。 | @Good. | @Whew, what a relief. |
◆これからも とうデパ-トを よろしくおひきたてくださいませね。 うっふん。 |
@Thank you for shopping with us today. |
@Please visit us again for all your shopping needs! (giggle) |
◆デパ-トの 1かいに ちょきんを おろせる きかいが できたのは いいんだけどね。 ◆キャなんとかカ-ドが ないと おろせないってのが ふべんね。 |
@It's convenient that the cash machine is @next to the Service Counter, @but, why should I care. I don't have a card for it. |
@It's nice that there's a machine on the first floor of the department store that lets you withdraw cash from your bank account, but you need a PTA card or something to use it. That's not very convenient, if you ask me. |
◆いいてんきじゃ。 しかし それがどうしたと いうのだろう。 |
@It's fine weather today. But, I don't care. |
@It's such nice weather out. But what does it matter? |
◆ありゃ きみのカナリアは うたひめロ-ラのこどもじゃないか。 ロ-ラに とどけてやっておくれ。 |
@Wow! That Canary is the baby of singing Laura. @Will you return her baby to her. |
@Oh, that canary is Laura the songbird's baby! @Go take it to her! |
◆きみは なにか たいせつなことを わすれているな。 かなしいことだ。 |
@Wait... @You just missed something very important. |
@You seem to have forgotten something important about life. How sad. |
◆ロ-ラは どこにいたかな…… | @Where is Laura?... | @Now where did I last see Laura...? |
◆うたひめロ-ラが うたを おもいだしてくれたようだ。 きみも メロディ-をおぼえたかい? |
@Laura remembered her song, and began to sing once more. @Did you learn the melody? |
@It sounds like Laura the songbird has remembered her song. @Have you learned her melody, too? |
◆だ-めだ そりゃ。 | @That's no good. | @Well, that's no good. |
◆うたは ちからなり…… まことに そのとおりじゃ。 |
@The truth is... There is power in song. |
@In song there is strength. True words, indeed. |
◆わたしは まいごのピッピだよ。 あなたって ゆうき あるね。 |
@Hi! I am Pippi, and I'm lost. @What a brave boy you are to have found me. |
@I'm Pippi. I'm lost. You're really brave, huh? |
◆この おちょうしもの。 ハハハ。 | @Don't get so swell headed. Ha-ha-ha. |
@You're such a goofball! Hahaha! |
◆ゆうきあるわよ。 また いつか どこかで あえるといいね? |
@You're brave. I hope we can meet again sometime. |
@You're really brave. I hope we meet again sometime, don't you? |
◆うれしい。 このバッヂは やくそくのしるしよ。 ハイ うけとって。 |
@I'm so happy! To show my gratitude take my gift. @This shiny Badge will guard you. Keep it! |
@Oh, I'm so happy! @Here, this badge can be a symbol of our bond. Take it with you. |
◆すきなひとがいるのね。 きっと…… |
@You probably already have someone special, |
@I guess you already have a special someone, huh... |
◆じゃ ここでバイバイ。 ◆わたしの もっている グッズは あとで わたしのうちに とりにきてね。 ◆ところで…… わたしのくつした みじかすぎる? |
@Now, it's time to say good-bye. @Please come by my house, I'll be waiting there to @see you again. By the way... @Do you think my hair needs styling? |
@Well, I guess this is bye for now. @Come by my house later to pick up an item of mine. @By the way... do you think my socks are too short? |
◆こたえなくてもよかったのに。 かわいいひと…… |
@You didn't have to answer, cutie. |
@Oh, you didn't have to answer. You're such a cutie... |
◆キャッキャッキャッ (おまえの かあさんでべそ!) |
@Kyakyakya! (You're a big doo-doo head!) |
◆[Name]は 「かみのしっぽは どこにある。」 という こえをきいた。 |
@[Name] felt this question enter his mind. @"Who has lost his tail?" |
@[Name] heard a voice... @"Where is the god's tail?" |
◆ありゃりゃ。 かわったふくを きているな おめぇ。 ◆そんなにめだつふくを きてると まものが よってくるだよ。 |
@My! What strange clothing you wear! @Surely monsters will come after those clothes!! |
@Whoa, those are some weird clothes you have on there. @I bet you'll attract monsters dressed like that! |
◆しあわせは あるいてこない。 だども ふしあわせも あるいちゃこねぇよなぁ。 |
@Are you bothered that unhappiness and @misfortune search you out? |
@Happiness won't just walk into your life on its own. @But neither will unhappiness. @Wouldn't you agree? |
◆さいなんに であいたくなかったら いっぽも あるかねぇこった。 |
@If you desire to never find trouble... @STAY HOME!! |
@So if you don't want trouble in your life... then you'd best stay still and never move a muscle. |
◆そうか ふしあわせは あるくか…… しらなんだ。 |
@Is that right? Trouble searches after you? @Hmm, that's too bad. |
@Really? Unhappiness CAN walk? I had no idea. |
◆おらの センスを みとめただか。 おめぇも カッコイイあだなが ほしいだな? |
@Then, you admit I have good taste. @Huh? You want a cool nickname, too? |
@So, you admit I have good taste? @Then I take it you want a cool nickname, too? |
◆できた。 いまから おめぇは うすのろぶた [Name]だ。 ◆おしゃれな ム-ドになったぞ。 |
@OK, I've got it! From now on, you are Noodlenoggin! @Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it? |
@Okay, I got it. @From now on, your name will be Stupid Face [Name]. @It just oozes class. |
◆そうか。 ざんねんだな。 | @Is that right? That's too bad. |
@Oh, that's too bad. |
◆やぁ うすのろぶた[Name]。 | @Hello, there! Noodlenoggin [Name]. |
@Heya, Stupid Face [Name]! |
◆しあわせについて てつがくしてるやつに あったか? |
@Have you ever met the man who practices philosophy? |
@Have you met the guy who philosophizes about happiness? |
◆やつは あだなをつける めいじんなんだ。 さいこうに センスが いいんだぜ。 |
@He is so good at nicknaming. @He uses such... good taste in it. |
@He's a master nicknamer. He's got a real knack for names. |
◆あわなきゃ わかれもないわけだ。 | @In the first place, if we have not met @we cannot part! |
@People cannot part if they have not yet met. |
◆あわなきゃ わかれもないっていう かんがえのおとこに あったか? |
@Have you met a man who says, that you cannot part, @with someone you have not met? |
@Have you met a guy who talks about how you can't part if you haven't met? |
◆おれも そんなかんがえかた してるんだ。 |
@I tend to think the same way, too. |
@I agree with him, actually. |
◆あったほうが ためになるぞ。 | @You should meet him. |
@You really should meet him. You'll be a better person for it! |
◆クイ-ンマリ-の いずみで すっかり げんきになったわ。 |
@I regained my strength at Queen Mary's fountain. |
@I feel completely refreshed after stopping by Queen Mary's fountain! |
◆クイ-ンマリ-のいずみは とおいのが つらいわよねぇ。 わかりにくい ばしょにあるし。 |
@The bad thing about Queen Mary's fountain is... @that it is so far away, and so hard to find. |
@Gettng to Queen Mary's fountain is really tough. Not only is it far away, but it's hard to find, too. |
◆この こわれたイヤリングを いずみにもっていって まほうの イヤリングにするの。 |
@I am taking this broken earring to the fountain. @I'll bet it'll change into a magic earring. |
@I'm going to take this broken earring to the fountain to turn it into a magic earring. |
◆いずみのふしぎなおとを きくと それだけで おちつくよなぁ。 |
@The mysterious sound of the fountain soothes. |
@I feel so relaxed just listening to the mysterious sound of the fountain. |
◆もっと みなみ。 みちにまよったのかい。 ◆ごめん ごめん いま おしえたのは トイレのばしょだった。 ◆クイ-ンマリ-の いずみなら おしろから にしに いくんだよ。 |
@More to the south. Are you lost? @Sorry...I was directing you to the rest room. @Queen Mary's Fountain is west of the castle. |
@Oh, are you lost? Just keep going south. @Oops, sorry. I thought you were looking for a restroom. @If you're looking for Queen Mary's fountain, then just go west from the castle. |
◆スプ-ンを まげちゃったら ごはんが たべにくいや。 おにいちゃんもとに もどせる? |
@I bent my spoon and it's hard to use like this. @Do you think somehow you could fix it for me? |
@I bent my spoon, and now it's hard to eat with. @Can you bend it back for me? |
◆はやく もどして。 ◆([Name]は PSIのちからで スプ-ンを もとに もどしてやった。) ◆あんがと。 パクパク モシャモシャ。 うちにこんやは とまっていきなよ? |
@Please fix it right away. @([Ninten] fixed the spoon with PSI-Power.) @Thanks a million! Munch, munch... @Hey, would you like to spend the night here? |
@Please hurry. @([Name] used the power of PSI to fix the spoon.) @Thanks! (munch munch chomp chomp) @Do you wanna stay the night here tonight? |
◆どうしてぇ!? | @Why not? You can fix it without any physical effort! |
@Why not?! |
◆あなた へんなかんじの かたね。 でも にくめないタイプ…… |
@You're a strange person... @but for some reason, I like you. |
@You're very strange, you know that? But I also think I might like you... |
◆よかった。 | @That's good. | @Great! |
◆うぇ-ん。 ひとのしんせつは うけるものだよ。 |
@Boo hoo hoo... You should accept kindness graciously. |
@Waaah! You're supposed to accept people's kindness! |
◆あら たびのかた うちで おしょくじしていったら? ◆さぁ きょうのメニュ-は なんでしょう? わかる? |
@Oh, traveller! Why don't you enjoy a meal at our house? @Well.... Today's special. Can you guess what it is? |
@Oh, a traveler! Why don't you eat with us? @Here, can you guess what we're having today? |
◆まぁ どうしてわからないのかしら。 あやしいひと! |
@Why not!? You sound so suspicious! |
@Huh? Why can't you tell? You're really suspicious! |
◆そう [Favorite Food]。 ◆あなたのこころを よんで [Favorite Food]にしたのよ。 おいしい? |
@Yes, it's [Favorite Food]. @I knew you liked [Favorite Food]. Do you want some? |
@That's right, [Favorite Food]. @I read your mind and decided to make [Favorite Food]. @How does it taste? Do you like it? |
◆うちは がっきや だったんだけど ちゅうもんした オカリナが ぜんぜん できてこないの。 ◆もう あきらめた-っと。 |
@This was to be a musical instrument store, @but the Ocarina that we ordered never arrived. @So I've given up. |
@I used to run a musical instrument store, but the ocarina I ordered never arrived. @So I've given up. |
◆あら そう。 | @Is that so? | @Oh. I see. |
◆ありがとう ベッドのよういも できてるわ。 ゆっくりおやすみ。 |
@Thanks. Your bed is ready. Please sleep well. |
@Thanks! @Your bed is ready. Pleasant dreams! |
◆えんりょしないで また とまっていきなよ。 |
@Please feel free to use our bed anytime. |
@Stop by again anytime! |
◆おまえ なんか このくにに なじまない かおしてるなぁ? |
@Stranger, I can tell you're not from this place. |
@You don't fit in with this place, you know that? |
◆きぼうのオカリナができたんだ。 ◆きみのしってる メロディ-が ながれるんだよ。 ◆ほしいか? |
@The Ocarina of Hope is finally completed. @Its melody can now flow out from it. @Do you want it? |
@I finished the Ocarina of Hope. @It can play the melodies that you know. @Do you want it? |
◆すなおな しょうねんだな。 はい どうぞ。 アハハハハ。 |
@You're a pretty straight looking dude, Go ahead. @Ha ha ha. |
@Ahahaha. You're a real straightforward guy. @Here you go. |
◆ほしいって かおに かいてあるよ。 アハハハハ もっていきな。 |
@It's quite obvious that you want it. Ha ha ha. @Go ahead, take it. |
@Ahahaha! "I want it!" is written all over your face. @Go ahead, take it with you. |
◆よっ ぼうず げんきか。 | @Hey, kid! How are you doing? |
@Hi, kid! How's it going? |
◆マジカントのくにに でぐちなんてものが あるものかね。 アハハハ。 |
@There is no exit from a place like Magicant. @Ha ha ha... |
@Leave Magicant? That'd be the day! @Ahahaha! |
◆そと? そとのせかいって なんのこったね? |
@Outside? A world outside? What do you mean? |
@Outside? What is this "outside" you speak of? |
◆あなが あったら はいりたいですわ。 もし あったら だけどね。 |
@I am so embarrassed! I wish I could crawl into a hole. |
@I'm so embarrassed I wish I could crawl into a hole. @If only there were holes to crawl into... |
◆わたしは ふしぎな にもつあずかりにん。 ◆ごようですか? |
@I am the Mysterious Goods-Keeper. @You have a need? |
@I am the mysterious goods-keeper. @Can I help you? |
◆ぼく ものまねが うまいんだぜ。 | @I am the Mysterious Mimicker. |
@I'm great at impressions, you know! |
◆まちの ひがしのほうに あなが たくさんあるんだ。 ◆どの あなか わからないんだけど べつの せかいの おとが きこえてくるんだ。 |
@There are a great many holes east of town. @The sound of another world can be heard from one. |
@There's a whole bunch of holes east of town. @I'm not sure which hole it is, but you can hear otherworldly sounds coming from one. |
◆あかいくさを ひっこぬいて いずみにつければ なんと マジックハ-ブになるだよ。 |
@Pull out a Red Weed and place it into the fountain, @it will turn into the Magic Herb. |
@If you pull out a Red Weed and put it in the fountain, it'll turn into a Magic Herb... just like magic! |
◆でっかいふくろは いるかね? | @Would you like me to give you the Big Bag? |
@Could I interest you in a Big Bag? |
◆じゃ あんたのキャッシュカ-ドを しばらくかしてくれんかね。 |
@Can I borrow your Cash Card for a while? |
@In that case, could I borrow your ATM Card for a short while? |
◆マジックハ-ブが 30たんいも はいっているんだぜ。 |
@It holds 30 Magic Herbs. |
@It has 30 Magic Herbs inside it, in case you didn't know. |
◆ありがとう かならず かえすよ。 なんか カッコイイな とおもってね。 |
@Thank you, sure, sure I'll return it to you. @I thought that it looked pretty cool. |
@Thanks. I promise I'll give it back. @It just seems... really cool. |
◆あんたは にんげんを うたがうことを しっとるな。 そのほうが いいかもしれんが…… |
@You don't trust anyone. @That may be a good attitude, possibly... |
@You don't trust others. @That might be for the best. Well, maybe... |
◆ああ キャッシュカ-ドを かえさなきゃな。 |
@Oh that's right, I have to return your Cash Card! |
@Oh, right, I need to return your ATM Card. |
◆クイ-ンは いま ちょっと からだの ぐあいがわるいの。 |
@The Queen isn't feeling very well. |
@The queen isn't feeling very well right now... |
◆あやしい かおだな。 わしのナゾナゾがわかったら ここをとおして やるけどな…… |
@Suspicious man.... I'll let you pass, @if you solve this riddle... |
@You look suspicious. @But I'll let you through if you can solve my little riddle... |
◆そうでした。 こたえは わに にひき。 ◆もんだいは まだ かんがえてなかったんだよ ヘヘヘ。 |
@That's right. The answer is "two alligators". @Although I haven't come up with the riddle yet. |
@That's right. The answer is "two alligators". @I haven't thought up the question yet, though. Heheh. |
◆ごきげんよう。 | @See you later! | @Take care! |
◆クイ-ンの うたを また ききたいな。 |
@I wish I could hear the Queen sing again. |
@I wish I could hear the queen's song again... |
◆ハロ-! おれは てつがくしていたところだ。 ◆ギタ-のおとが じゃまで ものを かんがえられないよ。 ◆あっ! じぶんが ギタ-をひいていたのか。 まいった まいった。 ◆…………………… ◆ここからの はなしは ぜったいに ないしょなんだが すっごく つよくなったら おれに あいにこい。 ◆それと このことは ぜったいに わすれないように メモなんか しとくと いいぞ。 |
@Hello! I didn't hear you come in. @That guitar playing is so loud... @I can't even think. @What? I was playing the guitar myself!? @I should have known. @.......... @The story I tell to you now is a real secret. @When you become really strong, come see me. @You had better write this down so you don't forget. @I know if I don't write things down, I forget. |
@Oh, hello! @I was just in the middle of pondering philosophical questions. @It's hard for me to focus with all this guitar music, though. @Oh! Whoops! I didn't realize I was the one playing the guitar! How careless of me! @......... @This is a secret between just you and me: come back here when you're stronger. @You should probably make a note of this now so you don't forget later. |
◆おれを むししようとしたな。 さみしいもんだぜ。 こんなところで ひとりぼっちでさ。 ◆できることなら なんでもするぜ。 ホラッ! |
@You tried to ignore me, didn't you? @I'm so lonesome out here, all by myself. @I will do anything I can. Here! |
@You tried to ignore me, didn't you? @I get so lonely, being out here all by myself. @If there's anything I can do, I'll do it. @Here! |
◆うれしいよな- おまえらが きてくれて。 ◆わかってるって やってほしいことは。 ホラッ! |
@How happy I am that you came to see me. @I know what you would like me to do. Here! |
@I'm so happy you came! @I know just what you want. @Here you go! |
◆おれ ついに うたをつくったんだ。 きけ! おんがくずきの ぼうけんか[Name]よ。 「キュ-ピ-にんぎょう なぜなくの それは カナリアが なくからよ サルが うたえば ピアノもうたう ピアノは おばけが ひくのかな さばくのサボテン さみしそう ひとりで よなよな うたってる ドラゴンたおれて おんぷがのこる イヴが うたって やまをのぼる XXいしの さいごの うたは クイ-ンマリ-に とどくかな ラララ ふしぎなララバイよ ララバイ バイバイ さようなら」 ◆いいうただろ。 いいうただよなぁ…… |
@Listen to my song! Oh music-loving adventurer [Name]! @Why do you cry, oh Cupid-Doll? @Canary sings so sadly. @Monkey sings, Piano plays, @maybe there is a ghost? @Desert Cactus so alone, @every night his sad, sad tone. @The Dragon sleeps, the note remains. @Eve's last song has no refrain. @On the Mount named Itoi, @you must climb high young boy. @See the XX Stone, for the last tone, @then do not leave Queen Mary alone! @La la lullaby... Strange lullaby... @Bye bye bye... Good-bye. @Sure is a nice song, isn't it? |
@I finally wrote a song! Give it a listen, you music-loving adventurer! @Oh, baby doll, why do you weep? The saddened canary won't utter a peep. The monkey can sing, the piano - it chimes. Though ghosts will play out on its keyboard sometimes. Each night in the desert, the lone cactus croons. The dragon, when beaten, will carry some tunes. While scaling the mountain, EVE sings along. Will Queen Mary ever hear the XX Stone's last song? Lalala, what a mysterious lullaby. Lullaby, bye-bye, and goodbye. @What do you think? Nice song, huh? @It is, isn't it? |
◆もりのおくに こどくをあいする ギタ-ひきが いるの。 ◆ちょっといいおとこで…… しかも すっごく しじんなの。 |
@Deep in the woods, is a guitar player who is a hermit. @Not that bad looking of a man... @Best of all, he's quite a poet. |
@Deep in the forest is a guitar player who loves solitude. @He's kind of handsome... and a great poet, too. |
◆……そんなきが……したわ。 | @...I thought so... | @...That's what I figured. |
◆おれは うたわないサルだ。 ◆でも ふつうサルってのは うたわないもんだ。 しつもんは あるか? |
@Of course I am a non-singing monkey. @Normal monkeys don't sing. So, any questions? |
@I'm an unsinging monkey. @But monkeys don't normally sing, anyway. @Any questions? |
◆ぐもんだね……どうせ。 | @Anyhow... questions are so ridiculous. |
@I'm sure it's a dumb question, too. |
◆よかった。 つっこんだ しつもんをされたら どうしようと おもってたんだ。 ◆それにしても おまえ クイ-ンマリ-に かおが にてるなぁ。 ◆どうしてだろ。 |
@Good, I worried that you would ask a difficult one. @You look so much like Queen Mary. @I wonder why? |
@Whew, what a relief. @I was worried you were going to ask me something tough. @Say, you look kind of like Queen Mary. @I wonder why that is. |
◆あんた[Name]に あったら いおうと おもってたんだ。 ◆せんろが なおって でんしゃが とおれるように なったってね。 |
@I just had to tell you about it as soon as I saw you. @The rails are fixed, and the train is on time. |
@I wanted to tell you this as soon as I saw you... @The train tracks have been fixed, so the train can run through here again. |
◆わたし いっしょうに いちどでいいから おしろに はいって ◆マリ-さまの おかおを はいけんしたいわ。 |
@I wish I could go into the castle to see Queen Mary. |
@Just once, I'd like to go inside the castle and see what Queen Mary looks like. |
◆たまに クイ-ンマリ-は うなされてるんだ。 ◆わるいこを しかりつけるような ことをいって ◆こわい こわい となきさけぶのさ。 ◆そして うたを うたいはじめるんだ。 ほんのすこしだけ…… ◆で おもいだせないって くるしがってさ。 あせびっしょり かいて めざめるわけさ。 ◆クイ-ンマリ-は むかし よっぽど かなしい ひどいめに あったのかな。 |
@Queen Mary often has nightmares. @As if scolding a naughty child, she cries out, @"I am scared! I am scared!" @And then she starts to sing... just a little bit. @Then she forgets the tune, and wakes in a sweat. @I wonder what sad experience has done this to Queen Mary? |
@Queen Mary often has nightmares. @She talks like she's punishing a naughty child and then cries out about being afraid. @Then she starts to sing a song, but only a short bit of it. @The fact she can't remember it seems to bring her pain. @Then she wakes up covered in sweat. @Something really sad must've happened to Queen Mary a long time ago... |
◆でも おんなのこにしか あげないよ。 |
@I only give this to girls. |
@But it's for girls only. |
◆ぐ-ぐ-ぐ-…… | @Zzzzzzzzzzzz... | @Zzzzz... |
◆うそつきめ! | @You liar! | @You rotten liar! |
◆あなた[Name]が このくにのひとで ないことは みんなしってるわ。 でも なかまだと おもっているの。 ◆めのうのつりばり さえあれば いつでもかえってこられるはず。 |
@All of us know you don't belong here, @but we consider you one of us. @With the Onyx Hook, you can warp back here anytime. |
@We all know you're not from here, but we consider you one of us just the same. @With the Onyx Hook, you can come back here any time. |
◆きっと また かえってくるのよ。 くるしいときに ここに…… ◆みんな あなた[Name]を すきなんだから。 |
@Promise me, that if you need help, you will return. @Everyone loves you, [Name]. |
@Don't hesitate to come visit us again whenever you're having a hard time. @Everyone here loves you. |
◆ようこそ [Name]。 ◆このマジカントこくでは みんなが ともだちになれるし ほしいものは すきなだけ えられるのですよ。 ◆えっ わたしのうたが ききたいの? ◆ごめんなさい。 どうしても おもいだせない。 ◆いつか きっと おもいだして うたえるはず…… ◆あのうたを うたえたときに そう……なにかが おこるの。 |
@Welcome, [Name]. @Here in Magicant, everyone is your friend. @You can have as much as you like, @of whatever you want. @What? You want to listen to my song? @Sorry, I don't know why, but I just can't sing. @I beg you to learn the melody. It is only 8 notes long. @When you learn them all, return and sing for me. @If I only could hear that song... |
@Welcome, [Name]. @Here in the land of Magicant, everyone is your friend and you can have as much as you like of whatever you want. @Oh? You want to hear my song? @I'm sorry. I don't know why, but I just can't seem to remember it. @I'm sure I'll be able to remember it someday... @If I can just sing it again, something will happen... I just know it. |
◆……。 | @...... | @...... |
◆あなた[Name]の おぼえてきたうたを わたしに きかせて。 |
@Please SING to me the melodies that you have learned. |
@Let me hear the melodies you've learned... |
◆そう。 そう……このうただった。 | @Yes... that's right. That is the song. |
@Yes... That's it... That's the song... |
◆ああ……ギ-グ…… | @Oh! Giegue! | @Oh... Giygas... |
◆わたし このマジカントこくが きえて なくなっちゃう ゆめをみたのよ。 ◆まだ しんぞうが ドキドキしてるわ。 |
@In a bad dream, Magicant vanished into thin air. @My heart is still pounding so hard. |
@I had a dream that Magicant vanished into thin air. @My heart's still pounding, even now. |
◆ぼくは ぢめんを およぐねこ。 ぼくの てのなかに はいってるものを あててごらん。 |
@Yes, I am the cat who swims on the ground. @Guess what is in my hand. |
@I'm a cat that swims in the ground. @Can you guess what I'm holding in my paw? |
◆ぼくの てのなかに はいっているものが みえたかい? ◆そう。 リボン。 ふしぎなちからのわくリボンさ。 |
@Do you know what I have in my hand? @That is right. A Ribbon... @This Magic Ribbon will give strength... |
@Did you see what I'm holding in my paw? @That's right. A ribbon. @This ribbon is overflowing with a special power. |
◆おんなのこには このふしぎなリボンを あげようね。 |
@Magic Ribbons are only for girls. |
@I'll only give this Magic Ribbon to a girl. |
◆おれは およぐ ねこ。 ◆よわいこに ゆうきと ちからを あたえる キャンディを しってるかい? |
@I am a Swimming cat. @Have you heard of a Magic Candy that gives strength @and power to a helpless child? |
@I'm a swimming cat. @Have you heard of a candy that gives courage and strength to weaklings? |
◆そうか。 でも きみは つよいこだから いらないな。 |
@I see, but you are not helpless, so you don't need it. |
@I see. But you're a strong boy, so I doubt you would need any. |
◆そっちの メガネのこは よわそうだから あげような。 |
@The boy with glasses can surely use the Candy. |
@That boy with the glasses seems pretty weak. I'll give the candy to him. |
◆キャンディ おいしかっただろ? | @Was the Candy good? |
@Pretty tasty candy, huh? |
◆おたすけじいさんを よびたかったら マリ-の いずみに ゆくのだ。 ◆こころの さけびで やってくる。 こころの さけびだ! |
@If you need the benevolent old man, @go to Queen Mary's Fountain for his help. @He will hear your soulful cry and come to help. @Soulful cry, remember, soulful cry! |
@If you need to see the helpful old man, go to Mary's Fountain. @He'll come if he hears a cry from the heart. @Remember, a cry from the heart! |
◆(おきゃくは さわいだ。) ◆あの ぼうしかぶった いしは なんなんだよ! ブ-ブ-。 |
@(The crowd becomes restless and upset.) @What in the world is that stone with a hat on! |
@(The crowd grows restless.) @We didn't come to see no lousy rocks with hats on 'em! Boo! Boo! |
◆よんだか? | @Did you call me up? |
@Need something? |
◆そうか。 さいなら。 | @Is that right? Bye! |
@Oh, okay. Goodbye. |
◆おかねが ひつようか? | @You need money, don't you? |
@Do you need money? |
◆やくにたってるかい? | @Has it been helpful to you? |
@How is it? Are you finding it helpful? |
◆そうか。 [Money]ドル ぎんこうに あるようだが ◆いくら ひきだす? |
@Well, your balance is $[Money]. @How much do you want to withdraw? |
@I see. @You seem to have $[Money] in your account. @How much will you withdraw? |
◆えいやっ ホカホカ。 だいじにつかえよ。 さいなら。 |
@Here... Take it with you. |
@Hocus-pocus, allakazam! @Use it wisely. Goodbye. |
◆そんなに ひきだせないぞ。 やりなおせ。 さいなら。 |
@Ouch, there is not that much money left in your account. |
@You can't withdraw that much. @You'll have to try again. Goodbye. |
◆げんきんを そんなに もつな。 かんがえなおせ。 さいなら。 |
@Don't carry so much money with you. |
@Don't carry so much cash with you. @Go think things over. See you later. |
◆おれは わすれられたおとこ いないも どうぜん。 ◆きづいてくれなくても よかったのに…… ◆おれのことなんか むしして いいんだ。 |
@I am a forgotten man. I'm not really here. @You didn't have to notice me.... @Please ignore me. |
@I'm a forgotten man. I might as well not exist. @You didn't have to notice me, you know... @Just go ahead and ignore me. |
◆おれは どこにもいないおとこ やさしいことばなんて かけてくれたら こまっちゃうぜ。 ◆ひとこいしく なったら いきていけない。 |
@I am a man who does not exist. @You talk so kindly, I don't know what to do. @If I miss people, I cannot live alone anymore. |
@I'm a nowhere man. @It's best if you don't give me words of kindness. @I can't live on like this if I start to miss people... |
◆おれのことばは いつも ひとりごと。 ◆うまれたときから きょうまで ずっと ひとりでいたおとこ。 |
@My conversation is always a monologue. @I've been alone from the moment I was born... |
@My conversations are always a monologue. @I've always been alone, from the moment I was born. |
◆うんがいいとか わるいとか。 そんなことは おれには かんけいないね。 ◆いきをするのに せいいっぱいさ。 |
@Lucky, unlucky... It makes no difference to me. @Sometimes, even breathing becomes too much. |
@Good luck, bad luck... None of it makes a difference to me. @Sometimes just breathing is almost too much for me to handle. |
◆なぜ そんなにしつこく おれに はなしかけるんだ。 ◆おまえも わすれられたおとこなのか? |
@Why do you insist on talking to me? @Are you a forgotten man, too? |
@Why do you insist on talking to me? @Are you a forgotten man, too? |
◆うそを つけ。 おまえを まってる おんなのこの ところへ かえれ!! |
@Don't give me that garbage. Just leave me alone. |
@Liar! I know there's a girl waiting for you! Just leave me alone and go back to her! |
◆そうさ。 そうだよな。 そうなんだ。 ◆おまえも はやく おれのことを むししろよ。 |
@That's right. That is right, right? @Go ahead, ignore me, like everyone else. |
@Yeah. That's what I figured. Yep. @Now just hurry and ignore me already. |
◆そうだ。 ありがとうよ。 | @That's right. Thank you. |
@Good. Thanks. |
◆もちきれないようだな。 また でなおしておいで。 |
@Your load is too great for more. Why not come back? |
@You seem to be holding too much stuff. @Come back for it later. |
◆マザ-ズデイのあたりは なんか とんでもない じけんが おこってるらしいな。 |
@I heard about some weird things over in Podunk. |
@I heard some really weird stuff is happening over in Mother's Day...? |
◆ゾンビが ゆうかいされて どうぶつが どうしたとか…… めちゃくちゃらしいな。 |
@Heard a zombie was kidnapped... @animals roamed the city streets... @all kinds of crazy stuff. |
@Something about a kidnapped zombie and animals doing something or other... It sounds absolutely nuts. |
「サンクスギビングのまちに ようこそ!! CM-- やすくて はやくて いいおとこ。 いしゃは ビッグベン・ケ-シ-に かぎる。 いまなら とくべつ おおやすちりょう!! いのちは しんでもまもりたいもの」 |
@Welcome to Merrysville!! @Cheap, fast and handsome. @The best doctor is Old Sawbones Benny. @Take advantage of specially priced treatments now!! @Whether dead or alive, protect your life. |
@Welcome to the town of Thanksgiving!! Advertisement: Cheap, fast, and handsome! Big Ben Casey can heal what ails you! Visit now for a super-discount checkup! Protect your life... to the death! |
◆まずマネ-をみせてください。 ちりょうは それからです。 ◆みせないなら こちらから きんがくを いいます。 ◆[Money]ドルで あなた[Name]は なおる。 ◆これ あかじ かくごの しゅっけつサ-ビスです。 OK? |
@First show me your money. Then I'll treat you. @Well... In your case, I'll have to bill @$[Money] for your treatment. @This special price was set just for you. |
@First show me some money. Then I'll heal you. @Otherwise I'll have to charge you my own price. @I can heal you for $[Money]. @This is my special deal just for you. I'm actually losing money doing this. |
◆はい。 たしかに[Money]ドル。 ◆はい もうなおりました。 ◆また おおけがを してきてくださいね。 やすくしとくから。 |
@Thanks for the $[Money]. @You'are now cured. @Go get hurt again and come back soon. He-he-hee! |
@Thanks for the $[Money]. @Okay, you're all better now. @Please come back sometime. I'll give you another nice deal. |
◆そうですか。 そうぎやにでも でんわしときましょう。 |
@Fine, die all on your own. I'll phone a mortician. |
@Oh, I see. @In that case, I'll call a mortician and give them advance notice. |
◆かいげんれいが とかれるまで この はしを とおすなと ◆ちょうちょうさんから めいれいされているのだ。 ◆どうぶつえんの ひがしの はしを とおりなさい。 |
@Until the curfew is lifted, no one can cross. @That is by order of the Town Mayor. @Psst... by the way kid, @they might let you cross the bridge northeast of The Zoo. |
@By mayor's orders, no one's to cross this bridge until martial law is lifted. @I suggest you use the bridge to the east of the zoo instead. |
◆きみ がっこうは どうしたの。 きょうは おやすみじゃないはずよ。 |
@What happened to school? You have school, don't you? |
@Hey, why aren't you in school, kid? @I'm pretty sure today's a school day. |
◆きたの ダンカンこうじょうから バッテリ-を かっぱらってきた。 |
@I got this from Duncan's factory in the north. |
@I swiped a battery from Duncan's Factory north of here. |
◆このこうじょうは ダンカンさんの もちものです。 ◆つうこうきょかしょうは もっていますか? |
@This factory is Mr. Duncan's private property. @Let's see your Pass! |
@This factory is Mr. Duncan's private property. @Do you have a pass? |
◆こりゃ きげんぎれですぜ おにいさん。 ひろったものだな。 ◆あやしいやつ…… ◆おれの めを みろ!! |
@This Pass has expired. You must have stolen it! @Suspicious creature. @Look me in the eye!! |
@Sorry, but this is expired, kid. @You swiped it, didn't you? @You're suspicious... @Look me in the eye! |
◆すげぇ ばけものに やられちまった。 ◆えきにいくなら かくごしたほうが いいぜ。 |
@An awful creature beat me up. @If you're going to the station, watch out! |
@Some really strong monsters beat me up. @If you're headed for the train station, I'd watch out if I were you... |
◆マザ-ズデイの まちの かいげんれいは とかれたんだってな。 ◆ってことは あのはしも とおれるように なったってことだ。 ドゥ ユ- アンダスタン? |
@I heard the curfew in Podunk has been lifted. @You know what that means, don't you? @We can cross the bridge once more! |
@I heard they lifted the order for martial law over in Mother's Day. @Which means we can cross that bridge now... @Get my drift? |
◆よわむし[Lloyd]のやつを いじめてたんだけど にげられちまった。 |
@I was picking on that weakling, [Lloyd]. @But he got away. |
@I was teasing that wimp [Lloyd] just now, but he got away. |
◆おい [Lloyd]…… よわむしけむし! |
@Hey, [Lloyd]! You weakling! |
@Hey, you weakling, stinkling [Lloyd]! |
◆よわむし[Lloyd]のやつを いじめてたんですよね せんぱい。 |
@We've been picking on that weakling [Lloyd], right? |
@You've been picking on that weakling [Lloyd], haven't you? |
◆なんだ ひやかしか! | @Just teasing. | @What?! That was just a joke?! |
◆[Lloyd]ったら ばくやくを もちだしちゃったらしいの。 ◆せんせいに みつかったら たいへんだわ。 |
@I saw [Lloyd] steal explosives!! @I'm afraid of what Mr. Teacher will say. |
@I heard that [Lloyd] ran off with some explosives. @He's in big trouble if a teacher finds him... |
◆[Lloyd] めがねが ずれてるわよ。 |
@Your glasses have slipped off your nose. |
@[Lloyd]. Your glasses are slipping. |
◆あたし ス-ジ-。 ミス・いなかまちにえらばれたのよ。 きれい? |
@I am Suzy. I'm Miss Merrysville. @Aren't I gorgeous? |
@I'm Suzy. I won the Miss Middle of Nowhere pageant. Do you think I'm pretty? |
◆あなたも すてきよ。 | @You look cute too. | @You're really cute, too. |
◆あなたのほうが ブス! うすのろぶたって かんじよ! |
@You are ugly! You remind me of a noodlenoggin! |
@You're way uglier than me! @Stupid Face is what they should call you! |
◆おくじょうのドアが しまっててよぉ。 ◆トランジスタラジオでも ききながら ◆サボろうと おもってたのによぉ なっ?! |
@It's too bad that the door to the roof is locked. Maybe you'd like to join me... @I was going to sneak out and play with my Game Boy. |
@The door to the roof is locked. @I was plannin' to ditch class and listen to the radio on the roof, too! Weren't you?! |
◆むくちな やつ。 | @You don't talk very much, do you? |
@Geez, you don't talk much, do you? |
◆たいいくの せんこうに たたかれた。 ◆ふりょうに なっちまおうかなぁ ……おれ。 |
@The gym teacher made me do extra push-ups again. @I'd rather do sit- ups though. |
@The gym teacher hit me. @Maybe I should drop out and become a thug... |
◆じぶんのがっこうで まいごになるなんて ……ほんとに もうっ! |
@How can you get lost in a schoolyard? @I just can't believe it. |
@Getting lost in your own school... @Can you get any more lame?! |
◆おくじょうのドアが あかないって いうのか。 |
@Of course the door to the roof is locked! @We can't have students sneaking out to play games, @when they should be studying, you know! |
@Oh, the door to the roof is locked? |
◆ぶくぶくふとるばっかしでよ。 ひでぇおんなだろ? |
@Then, when she does get up, she goes shopping. @Luckily, I hid the credit cards from that woman! @Don't you think she's a terrible wife. |
@All she does is get fatter and fatter. @Isn't she a terrible woman? |
◆こどもにゃ わからねぇ。 じんせいのかなしみは…… |
@Kids don't know the sorrows of real life... |
@A kid like you wouldn't understand the sorrows of life... |
◆おまえに うちのにょうぼうのことを そんなふうにいわれる すじあいは ないね。 でてってくれ。 |
@How dare you talk about my wife like that, scram! |
@How dare you talk about my wife like that! @Get out! |
◆わかいときゃ かわいかったんだ。 そうさ いいところもあるんだよ。 ◆ま おちゃでものんでくかい? |
@When she was young, she was very pretty, @come to think of it, she's not that bad after all. @Would you like some tea? |
@She was pretty when she was young. @Yeah, come to think of it, she has her good points, too. @Say, how about some tea? |
◆はなしのわかるこどもだな。 あ おくじょうに いきたいんだっけな。 ◆じゃ ついておいで。 |
@You are a pretty good kid. @You say you need to go up to the roof? Follow me. |
@You're a pretty smart kid. @Oh, that's right, you want to go up to the roof. @All right, then. Follow me. |
◆としよりを だいじにしないと おとなになって なきをみるぞ。 |
@When you're old you'll wish that young punks @would respect you! |
@Cherish your elders or you'll be sorry when YOU grow old! |
◆なんだ こんなあぶないものを もって。 これは あずかっておくぞ。 |
@That's dangerous, what are doing with that thing? @I will keep this for you. |
@Hold on. What are you doing with something as dangerous as that? @I think I'LL hold on to this for you. |
◆ま おちゃを のみなって。 なッ。 |
@Please, please have some tea. |
@Say, you should stay a while and have some tea. |
◆ろうかを はしるんじゃ ありませんよ! |
@Don't run in the hall! |
@No running in the halls! |
◆コラッ みかけないこどもだな。 このがっこうの せいとか? |
@Wait a minute, I don't belive I've seen you before. @You must not be from around here, are you? |
@Hey! I haven't seen you before, kid! @Do you even go to this school? |
◆そうか ろうかをはしるなよ。 | @I see. Just don't run in the hall. |
@Oh, okay. Just don't run in the halls. |
◆もちものを みせてみろ。 ◆あぶないものは もっていないだろうな。 |
@Show me what you have. @You don't have anything dangerous, do you? |
@Show me what you have. @You better not be carrying anything dangerous... |
◆きみは だれだ! ぼくは ここからでないぞ。 ◆でたら きっと いじめられるんだから。 |
@Who are you?! I won't come out. @If I do, everyone will pick on me. |
@Who's there?! @I'm not coming out! @You're just gonna pick on me if I do! |
◆ぼくが だいじなともだちだって!? ◆じゃあ りかしつから ばくやくを もちだしたことを だまっててくれるか? |
@You want to be my friend? @Don't tell anyone, but I stole some explosives. |
@You want to be my friend?! @Then do you promise not to tell that I took explosives from the science lab? |
◆いま でる。 | @I'm coming out now. |
@I'm coming out now. |
◆ぼく [Lloyd]。 スイ-トリトルこうじょうで つくってたっていう ペンシルロケットを とばして みたくてさ。 |
@Hi, I am [Lloyd]. I wanted to fly the Bottle Rockets @that the Sweet- Little Factory was producing. |
@I'm [Lloyd]. @I heard they make Bottle Rockets at the Sweet Little Factory south of here... I wanna launch one really bad! |
◆つかれてるでしょ。 とまっていけば? |
@You must be tired. Why don't you stay here tonight? |
@You must be exhausted. You should stay the night! |
◆わぁっ これが あの うわさの ペンシルロケットか。 ◆これなら おなじものを つくれるかもしれないぞ。 ◆りかしつに きてくれ。 |
@Wow! This Bottle Rocket is sure to cause a bang. @We may be able to make some more on our own. @Come with me to the lab. |
@Wow! @So this is a Bottle Rocket! I heard so much about them! @I should be able to make more of these now. @Come with me to the science lab. |
◆[Lloyd] 「いいぞ! よし このスイッチを オンだな。 ……きっと。 あっ。」 |
@([Lloyd]) Aim on the rock... OK! 1-2-3 Fire!! |
@[Lloyd]: OK! Now I just flip this switch and... Oh! |
◆[Lloyd] 「こんどこそ よわむしのぼくが たたかう ばんだ。 [Teddy]! きみは ここで やすんでいてくれ。」 |
@([Lloyd]) Now it is the weakling's turn. @You stay here and wait! |
@[Lloyd]: I may be a wimp, but now it's my turn to fight! @[Teddy]! You can take it easy in here. |
◆わしは じぶんでもわかっておるが このがっこうに かくれすんでいる かわりもののせんせいだ。 ◆けんきゅうひが ほしい。 わしの はつめいを かってくれんか? |
@I'm the Mysterious Teacher. Secretly I live here. @I need money for research. Care to buy an invention? |
@I'm a weird teacher who secretly lives in this school. Yes, I admit I'm weird. @I need funding for my research. @Would you be willing to buy one of my inventions? |
◆じゃ メニュ-をみてくれ。 | @Well, please take a look at the price list. |
@Then have a look at my goods. |
◆おとしだまくらい もってるだろう。 | @You must have some money for candy, or such, eh? |
@Come on, you gotta have at least SOME allowance money... |
◆また いつでも きてくれ。 いいものをつくっておくからな。 |
@Please drop in anytime, @I'm always working on a new invention. |
@Come back anytime. @I'll have some more nice stuff ready for you. |
◆あれから はつめいが すすんどらんのだよ。 むかしの メニュ-をみるか? |
@I haven't made any progress since your last visit. @Would you like to look at the old list? |
@I haven't made any progress with my inventions since your last visit. @Would you like to see my older items? |
◆さっき ラジオで きいたんだけど あっちもこっちも パニックらしい。 このえきだけは おいらがまもるぞ。 |
@I heard on the radio that it's a mess everywhere. @At all costs I will protect this station. |
@I heard on the radio just now that major panics are breaking out everywhere. @I WILL protect this train station, no matter what! |
◆きしゃが どこまで はしれるかは ほしょうできないけど うんちんは とるよ。 ◆きしゃにのるかい? |
@Well, I don't know how far the train goes through, @but, you need a ticket to ride. Care to buy one? |
@I can't guarantee this train'll go very far, but you'll still need to pay. @Are you gonna ride the train? |
◆([Name]は ぶきを とりあげられた。) |
@([Name]'s weapon was confiscated.) |
@([Name]'s weapon was confiscated.) |
◆じゃ [Money]ドルになります。 | @Then, it's [Money] dollars. |
@That'll be $[Money], then. |
◆きみの もってる ぼうしは スノ-マンのまちの [Ana]ちゃんの わすれものらしいね。 ◆とどけてあげたまえ。 |
@Hey, that Hat you're carrying looks just like @the one that [Ana] of Snowman lost. @If you return it to her, she just may reward you. |
@It looks like that hat you have belongs to a girl named [Ana] in Snowman. @You should go and return it to her. |
◆ながいき しなされ。 | @May you live a long life. |
@May you live a long life. |
◆にょうぼうを さがしに イ-スタ-の まちに いく ところだよ ◆でも せんろが こわれたとかで おてあげなんだ。 |
@I was on my way to Youngtown to look for my wife. @But, without the train running, how can I get there? |
@I was on my way to the town of Easter to find my wife. @But with the train tracks busted, I have no way to get there now... |
◆ちいさなおせっかいが ゲ-ムを おもしろくするコツですな。 |
@Go ahead, poke your nose into other people's @business. It's what makes playing the game so fun. |
@Poking your nose into other people's business is what makes playing games so fun! |
◆はい あげる。 | @Here it is! | @Here you go. |
◆ペテンひげをはやしたおとこを みかけたか? |
@Did you see the man with the slick mustache? |
@Have you seen a man with a sinister mustache? |
◆にげられたようだな。 あきらめて ちゅうしゃいはんでも つかまえよう。 |
@Must have lost him. Couldn't help it... @Anyhow, I must go check for parking violations now. |
@Sounds like he got away. @Guess I'll just go and catch me some more parking violators then. |
◆とんでもない サギしなんだ。 みかけたらおしえてくれ。 |
@He's a swindler! Please let me know if you see him. |
@He's a big-time scam artist. @If you see him, let me know immediately! |
◆おっと ぼうず このかねを あずかってくれ。 ◆けいかんに あってもしらんぷり するんだぞ。 |
@Hey Kid! Just hold onto this money for me. @Don't tell the cops or anyone about it! |
@Whoa, hey, kid! Hold on to this money for me, will ya? @If you run into any cops, act like you never saw me. |
◆もちにげするなよ! | @Don't run away with it! |
@Don't run off with it, now! |
◆さからうんじゃねえ! | @Just do what I tell you! |
@You'll do what I say! |
◆ひとが ひっしでにげてるときに はなしかけるんじゃないよッ! |
@Leave me alone! Can't you see I'm incognito? |
@Quit bugging me! I'm trying to make a getaway here! |
◆すごく はらのでた おとこを みたか? |
@Have you seen the woman with a big belly? |
@Have you seen a man with a huge gut? |
◆にげられたようだな。 あきらめてスピ-ドいはんでも つかまえよう。 |
@Must have lost her. Couldn't help it... @Anyway, I'm going to check for speeders instead. |
@Looks like he got away. @Guess I'll just go and catch some speeders then... |
◆[Favorite Food]を 5にんまえも くいにげしたんだ。 みかけたらおしえてくれ。 |
@She ate 5 [Favorite Food]s, @then ran away without paying. @If you see her, let me know! |
@He ate five orders of [Favorite Food] and then ran off without paying. @If you see him, let me know immediately! |
◆ああ はらがきつい。 ゲ-ップ。 | @Oh, I'm so full!! | @Oof, my stomach's so full. (belch) |
◆このまちも ぶっそうになったもんだ。 ◆だけど バレンタインのまちよりは ましだよ。 |
@This town has become dangerous! @But it's still a much better place than Ellay. |
@Things've gotten mighty dangerous in this town. @But it's still a whole lot better than the city of Valentine, that's for sure. |
◆オ- イエ-ッ! のってるかい? | @Oh yeah? Are you ready? All-right!! |
@Oh, yeah!! You feelin' it?! |
◆イエイッ! おいらのうたを ききたいかい? |
@Hey!! Wanna hear my song!? |
@Right on! You wanna hear me sing?! |
◆おいらは じてんしゃにのってるぜ。 | @Fine, be that way. | @I'm feelin' glum. |
◆もう おわかれのじかんに なっちまうのかい…… |
@It's time to say good-bye... |
@It's time to say goodbye already? |
◆ドラゴンの こもりうた きいた? | @Did you hear the Dragon's lullaby? |
@Have you heard the dragon's lullaby? |
◆ハロウィ-ンのまちのどこかに…… ◆ゆ ◆ゆっ ◆ゆゆゆゆ ◆ゆうれいやしきが あるそうよ。 ぜったいに いかないほうがいいわ。 |
@Somewhere in the town of Spookane... @I heard that there's a @gh... @gho.. @ghost.. Ghost house!! @Don't you ever dare to go there!! |
@I heard that there's a h-h-haunted house in the town of Halloween. @I dunno about you, but I'd never go anywhere near that place! |
◆なんでもいいから ものをくれ。 ◆くれ。 ◆ください。 ◆くれますか? |
@Give me something. Whatever it is, just give it to me. @Gimme gimme. @Please, give me. @Why won't you give it to me? I said please? |
@Give me something. Anything. @Gimme. @Please. @Pretty please? |
◆おれいは ぜひ させてもらうよ。 | @I promise, I'll give you something in return. |
@I'll give you something in return, of course. |
◆いいものを あげるんだけどなぁ。 | @I'm thinking of something nice to give you. |
@I was gonna give you something good in return, too... |
◆なにをくれるね? | @What are you going to give me? |
@What will you give me? |
◆ありがとうよ。 これはおれいの ノミとシラミだ。 もっていってくれ。 |
@Thanks a lot. To show my gratitude I'll @give you this Flea Bag. Please take it. |
@Thanks. In return, here are some fleas and lice. @Take them with you. |
◆カゼが はやってて…… ハ-ックショ-イ! んちくしょおっ! |
@There's a flu going around here. Cough, cough. |
@A cold's been going around lately... @Achoo! @Argh! This sucks! |
◆やまのなかに…… ◆かぜひとつひかずに 300ねん いきてるっていう よげんしゃのじいさんがいるらしい。 |
@High in the mountains, lives an old man. @Legends say he hasn't had a cold in 300 years. |
@I heard there's a prophetic old man in the mountains who's lived for 300 years without ever catching a cold. |
◆ひひぇひゃひょ ひょひょひへ ふはく ひゃひぇひぇひゃひんひゃ。 |
@Mmm, hmm meh heh, hmm, heh mehah, hmmm, heh hmmumm! |
@A aann aak eey ell iiow ma ennas. |
◆いまの せんせいと ふつうに しゃべるのは わたしでも むりです。 |
@I can't understand a word the old man says either. |
@Not even I can hold a normal conversation with him like this... |
◆おお いればを さがしてくれたおれいに ながいきのひけつをおしえてやろう。 ◆うがいを よく することじゃ。 ◆カゼをひいたら うがいでなおせ。 ◆わしの とくせいの うがいぐすりを もっていきなさい。 ホレ。 |
@So nice to have my Dentures back once more. Your reward? @With you I'll share my secret to long, long, life. @Gargle often. Gargle proud. Gargle strong. @And if you catch a cold, gargling will help. @Here is a Mouth- wash I concocted myself. Take it! |
@Oh! In exchange for finding my dentures, I'll share with you my secret to living a long life. @And that secret is... ...to gargle all the time. @If you catch a cold, go and gargle until it's gone. @Here. Take some of my special mouthwash with you. |
◆また うがいぐすりですか? さぁ もっていきなさい。 ◆こんどは[Money]ドル いただきますよ。 ガラガラッ ペッ。 |
@Mouthwash again? Here it is. Go ahead, take it. @But, I have to charge you $[Money] this time. @Gargle gargle gargle... Splash! |
@Oh, you want more mouthwash? @All right, here you go. @From now on, it'll cost you $[Money], though. (gargle gargle spit) |
◆カゼがげんいんで しんじゃったやつも いるらしいぜ。 |
@I heard someone died from a cold. Just a cold! |
@I've heard that some people have died from catching a cold. Just a cold! |
◆ハロウィ-ンのまちの ゆうれいやしきの はなしは きいたかい? |
@Have you heard that their is a ghost house in Spookane? |
@Have you heard about Halloween's haunted house? |
◆だれもいないやしきから ピアノの メロディ-が きこえてくるんだってな。 |
@I heard a spooky tale about that vacant house... @they say that the piano still plays a haunting melody. |
@They say you can hear a piano melody coming from inside, even though the house is empty. |
◆しらなきゃ しらないほうがいい。 | @Hey kid, what you don't know will never hurt you! |
@In that case, it's best that you don't know. |
◆ふっふっふっふふふ。 | @Ahh - Ha ha ha... | @Heh heh heh heh. |
◆だれも いないよ。 くっくっく。 | @Nobody's here. Hee hee hee... |
@No one's home. Keeheehee... |
◆これは あくむ。 さめることのない わるいゆめ…… ひっひっひ。 |
@This is your worst nightmare. You cannot get away! @Hee hee hee... |
@This is a nightmare. @A bad dream you'll never, ever wake from... @Hee hee hee... |
◆か え れ | @T U R N B A C K | @G O B A C K |
◆ギャ-----ッ! | @Aaagghhhhhhhhhh.... | @Gyaaaa! |
◆[Name]! しぬぞ。 ひっひっひっひっひっひっひっひっ ……くくくくく。 |
@You'll never make it... Hee hee hee hee. |
@[Name]. @You're going to die. @Heeheehee hehehe! ...Keeheeheehee! |
◆あっしは あやしい ねずみじゃありやせん。 ◆ピアノのあるへや…… へっへっへ。 |
@I'm just an ordinary mouse. @The room with the piano... Hee hee hee... |
@A suspicious rat... I am not. @The room with the piano... @Heheheh...! |
◆ゆうれいやしきは ロ-ズマリ-さんの ものだ。 |
@The owners of the ghost house were the Rosemarys. |
@The haunted house belongs to the Rosemarys. |
◆おれのうちも ゆうれいがでるように なったんだけどさ。 ◆うさぎごやみたいに せまいから イヤだって でてったよ。 |
@A ghost appeared at my house too. @But, he didn't stay long. @He thought my room was too small. |
@A ghost started showing up at my house, too. @It finally left 'cause it hated how cramped it was. |
◆わたしは このまちの にんげんというよりは ゲ-ムのアシスタントなの。 ◆あなた メモしわすれていること あるんじゃない? ◆ひとつのヒントを [Money]ドルで おしえるけど かう? |
@I'm not a resident of this town. I am your assistant. @Maybe you forgot to write something down? @I will sell you a hint for only [Money] dollars? |
@I'm more like a game assistant than a citizen of this town. @Surely there are things you've forgotten to jot down notes about, right? @I can give you a hint for $[Money]. What do you say? |
◆あら ずいぶん じしんがあるのね。 じゃ もう あわないようにするわ。 |
@Oh, you don't need anyone's help, do you? @Fine and dandy, you can color me gone. |
@Oh. You're really confident about yourself. @Then I'll make sure we never meet again. |
◆ヒントは3つまでよ。 あとは…… ひ・み・つ。 |
@I can sell only 3 hints. Discover the rest youself. |
@I can give you up to three hints. @Everything else is a S-E-C-R-E-T. |
◆このハロウィ-ンのまちで いちばんの ひょうきんものが おれさ。 ◆ほかのやつらって なんか インキだろ? |
@I am the only clown in Spookane. @Everyone else is so serious. |
@I'm the most upbeat person here in Halloween. @Everyone else seems so gloomy, wouldn't you say? |
◆そうなんだよな。 おれも ほんとは あかるいほうでも ないんだ…… |
@Truth is, by nature I'm not a jolly guy. |
@Yeah, huh. @To be honest, I'm not that cheerful a person either... |
◆そうかなぁ。 ◆おれ じぶんが くらいのかも しれないな。 |
@Is that right? @I may be the true pessimist myself. |
@I dunno. @Maybe I'M actually the gloomy one. |
◆うちのやしきが ばけもののすみかに なってしまって…… ◆わしらは こんなところでくらして いるですよ。 |
@My house is filled with monsters, mostly ghosts. @That's why we live life in the great outdoors now. |
@Our home turned into a hive for ghosts and monsters... @So now we live out here. |
◆[Lloyd] 「きみの もってる ロケットの ねんりょうは ほらっ ぼくのもってる この…… ◆すっごいだろ。 あっ!」 |
@([Lloyd]) Your Bottle Rocket and my... @great, isn't it... Whaaaaat!? |
@[Lloyd]: I can use the fuel from your rocket and... Then, if I use it with this... @Pretty cool, huh? Ahh! |
◆くらくて よくみえないが あんた[Name]は もしかすると ◆スノ-マンまちの きょうかいの むすめさん[Name]だな…… たしか [Ana]ちゃん…… とかいう。 ◆おかあさんは ずっとおくのへやに とじこめられて いるはずだ。 ◆しかし わたしたちを いま たすけるのは むりだ。 ◆とにかく あの マザ-シップを なんとか できなければ…… |
@Oh, the darkness is so thick... @Can't see you very well.. @But could it be?... @Is it the little girl from Snowman? @[Ana], I believe it was... @Brace yourself, your mom is locked in a room in back. @Do not try to rescue us now. @First, the Mother Ship must be destroyed. |
@It's too dark to see much, but aren't you that girl from the church in Snowman? @[Ana], was it? @Your mom is being held in a room in the back. @But you can't save us right now. @You gotta find a way to deal with the mothership first... |
◆おお! うちゅうくうかんへと とびさった。 あるいみで だいせいこうだ。 |
@Oops! It's gone into orbit. @A success... @sort of. |
@Oh! It flew off into outer space. @A great success... sort of. |
◆まぁ あなたって ほんとうに すてきなかた…… ◆いつまでも みつめていたいくらい…… ◆あなたなら きっと あのやしきを とりもどして くれるわね…… ◆ハイ これが あのいえのカギよ。 うふっ。 |
@Oh, you are such a charming boy... @Just looking at you makes me feel so confident. @I'm sure you'll bring that house into control. @Here is the Key to it. |
@Oh! You're such a charming boy! @Why, I could just gaze at you forever... @If anyone can turn our mansion back to normal, I'm sure it's you. @Here. This is the key to get in. (giggle) |
◆ぼくちゃん [Name]っていうの。 ◆もとの なまえは バグエラ-・ロ-ズマリ- っていうんだ。 |
@Hi there, my name is [Ninten]. @It used to be Buggerror Rosemary. |
@My name is [Name]. @It used to be Bugerror Rosemary, though. |
◆[Name]のバカ! ◆いえ うちのこに いったんですのよ。 |
@[Ninten]! Get your grubby little... @No cutie, I was talking to my boy. |
@[Name]! You big dummy! @Oh, sorry, I was talking to my son, not you. |
◆ゆうれいは まだ でるみたいだけど あなたって ほんとうに ゆうかんなかた! ◆わたし…… むすこに あなた[Name]の なまえを いただきましたのよ。 |
@The ghosts aren't gone yet, but... @what a brave boy you are! @I've renamed my son [Ninten], after you. |
@The ghosts haven't quite left yet, but you're such a brave boy! @In fact, I even renamed my son after you. |
◆しゅうてんの スノ-マンえきだ。 | @This is Snowman Terminal. |
@This is Snowman Station, the last stop. |
◆イ-スタ-のまちでは じゅうみんが ぜんぶ かみかくしにあっちまったらしいよ。 |
@I heard everyone in Youngtown has disappeared. |
@I heard all the citizens of Easter were spirited away. |
◆ママが イ-スタ-のまちに いってるの。 ◆なんにちも れんらくがないから パパとさがしにいくのよ。 |
@Mom left for Youngtown. @We haven't heard from her for days now. @Dad and I are going there to look for her. |
@My mommy's in the town of Easter. @We haven't heard from her in days, so Daddy and I are going there to look for her. |
◆ハロウィ-ンのまちの ゆうれいやしきには いったか? |
@Have you been to the ghost house in Spookane? |
@Have you been to the haunted house in Halloween? |
◆こんど ゆっくり はなしを きかせてくれ。 ◆おれは コワイはなしが だいすきなんだ。 |
@Later you can tell me the whole story... @I love to listen to horror stories. |
@You HAVE to tell me all about it sometime. @I just love scary stories! |
◆おれは いきたくないけど おまえ いくといいぞ。 |
@I don't want you to go, but do so if you must. |
@I don't wanna visit it, but you probably should. |
◆このスノ-マンのまちは さむいから カゼひくなよ。 ◆はみがきも しろよ。 ◆ゴホッ ゴホッ…… |
@It's freezing here in Snowman. @Don't catch your death of cold. @Brush your teeth, too. @Hack hack wheez... |
@It's freezing here in Snowman. Be careful not to catch a cold. @And be sure to brush your teeth, too. @(cough cough) |
◆じんせいは ゲ-ムよ。 やすんだり もどったりも だいじなのよ。 |
@Life is a game. But sometimes you have to rest. |
@Life is a game. @Sometimes it's important to rest and pick up where you left off later. |
◆[Ana]が がっこうやすんでるから しんぱいでよう。 |
@[Ana] hasn't been to school lately, I'm so worried. |
@[Ana] hasn't been at school lately. I'm really worried. |
◆おれ [Ana]のことが しんぱいで しんぱいで よるも ねられねぇ。 |
@I'm concerned about [Ana]. @I am so worried I can't sleep. |
@I'm so worried about [Ana] that I can't sleep at night. |
◆かねが たりないぜ。 | @You don't have enough money. |
@You don't have enough money. |
◆あれあれ ハナミズがたれてるよ。 | @Oh my, your nose is running. |
@Oh, my! Your nose is running! |
◆ちょっと このゲ-ムをしている プレイヤ- のかたに かわってくれないか。 |
@Excuse me, I need to see the person playing this game. |
@Say, could I speak to the person playing this game? |
◆だいじな ようじが あるんだ。 | @I have some very important things to talk about. |
@It's really important. |
◆もしもし いつも [Name]が おせわになっております。 ◆わたくし そのこのちちで ございますが ◆あなたさまの おなまえを きかせて いただこうと ぞんじまして…… ◆よろしくおねがい いたします。 |
@Hello there... @I appreciate your kindness to [Ninten]. @I am the boy's Dad... @Could you please let me know your name? @Thank you for your cooperation. |
@Hello, this is [Name]'s father. Thank you for always looking after him. @I thought it would be nice to at least know your name. @So, if you could tell me, that'd be great. |
◆どうも おいそがしいところを ありがとうございました。 ◆わたくしも いそがしいので では これでしつれいいたします。 |
@Thank you for spending your time with me. @I too have urgent things to do, so I'd better go now. |
@Thank you for your time. @I'm a busy man myself, so I must be going now. Goodbye! |
◆[Name]……でしょ? | @Are you [Name]? | @[Name]... right? |
◆ふざけないでね。 | @Don't get silly on me now. |
@Come on, quit joking around. |
◆わたしが ママを さがしにいくために あなた[Name]の たすけが ひつようだったの。 まっていたわ……[Name]。 ◆まず イ-スタ-のまちへ いってみましょう。 |
@I must go on a trip to find my Mom, and... @I needed your help... @So I've been waiting for you, [Name]. @First let's go see what is happening in Youngtown. |
@I've been waiting for you. @I need your help to find my mom. @Let's start by seeing what's happening in the town of Easter. |
◆あなたに とってもよくにたひとを ゆめで みたことがあるわ。 |
@You have appeared. Just like in my dream... @The boy in my dream looked just like you. |
@You know, I had a dream about someone who looked just like you... |
◆[Name]……そばにいて? | @[Ninten].... Please stay with me. |
@[Name]... Please stay with me. |
◆いやっ! そばにいて……おねがい。 |
@No!! Stay with me, Please!... |
@No! Stay with me... Please... |
◆しずかね。 おどりましょ? | @Silence falls... Would you like to dance? |
@It's so quiet here. @Would you like to dance? |
◆……そうね。 こんなことしてるときじゃないわね。 ごめんなさい。 |
@You're right. Now isn't the time. I wasn't thinking. |
@...You're right. This isn't the time for that. I'm sorry for asking. |
◆[Name]…… わたしのこと すき? |
@[Ninten]?... Do you love me? |
@[Name]... @Do you like me? |
◆[Lloyd]ったら どうしたの。 | @What's the matter, [Lloyd]? |
@What's wrong, [Lloyd]? |
◆ドラゴンは ねむっている。 ◆いまの [Name]には まだ ドラゴンを おこすことは できない。 |
@The Dragon sleeps. @[Name]'s Psychic Power is short of waking the Dragon. |
@The dragon is asleep. @[Name] can't wake it up just yet. |
◆[Name]のけはいを かんじて ドラゴンが めをさました。 「ワタシヨリ ヨワイモノニ コノ ガクフヲ ワタスコトハ デキナイ。」 |
@Feeling [Name]'s presence, the Dragon awoke. @You must defeat me to earn my musical note. |
@The dragon sensed [Name]'s presence and awoke. @"NO ONE WEAKER THAN ME CAN HAVE THIS SHEET MUSIC." |
◆むすめの[Ana]は おくびょうだけれど やさしいこころと ふしぎなちからを もっている。 |
@My daughter, [Ana] has never been a brave girl, @but, she is kind of heart, and has a secret strength. |
@My daughter [Ana] is timid, but she has a kind heart and mysterious power. |
◆あなたがたは かならず しょうりする。 ◆わたしたちのいのりが きっと ちかいうちに ききとどけられるだろう。 ◆いまは おやすみ。 |
@I know success will be yours in the end. @Surely, our pleas will be heard in the near future. @For now, just have a peaceful sleep. |
@You children WILL be victorious. @I have faith that our prayers will be heard soon. @For now, get some rest. |
◆[Name]は おとしものの つうこうきょかしょうを みつけた。 |
@[Name] found a Pass that someone had left behind. |
@[Name] found a pass that someone dropped. |
◆[Name]は ロケットに のりこんだ。 |
@They climbed into the rocket. |
@[Name] climbed into the rocket. |
◆アドベントのさばくに おじいちゃんがいるの。 もしあったら よろしくね。 |
@My grandfather lives in Yucca Desert. @If you see him, please say hello for me. |
@My grandpa lives in the Advent Desert. @If you see him, tell him I say hi. |
◆わたしは よいひとの しかばねです。 ◆だから おそいかかったり しませんよ。 |
@I am just a pile of bones now. @I used to be a nice guy before. @So, don't worry, I won't attack you. |
@I'm a nice guy's corpse. @So don't worry, I won't attack you or anything like that. |
◆わたし めじるしとして べんりでしょ。 |
@I could make a good signpost, don't you think? |
@I make a useful signpost, wouldn't you say? |
◆したいに はなしかけるなんて どきょうのあるこどもだなぁ。 |
@Conversing with a corpse? What a brave kid! |
@You're one gutsy kid, talking to dead bodies... |
◆わたしゃ ラクダのホネですが さばくでの あるきかたを しりたいですか? |
@I'm the bones of a camel. @Want to know how to walk when in the desert? |
@I'm a camel's bones. @Would you like some tips for walking through the desert? |
◆みぎあしが しずみこむまえに ひだりあしを だす。 ◆ひだりあしが しずむまえに みぎあしを だす。 ◆これが わかるのに ひゃくねんも かかったです。 |
@Move your left foot before your right foot sinks. @Move your right foot before your left foot sinks. @It took me 100 years to figure that out. |
@Move your left foot before your right foot sinks. @Move your right foot before your left foot sinks. @It took me 100 years to figure this out. |
◆おしえたいなぁ。 しりたいですか? | @I'd very much like to tell you. @Wouldn't you like to know? |
@Oh, but I wanna tell you. @Wouldn't you like to know? |
◆このゲ-ムのなかで いちばん たいくつなのは このアドベントのさばくなんです。 ◆でも ほんとに ぢらいには きをつけてね。 |
@Yucca Desert is the most boring part of this game. @But, stay on your toes, this desert has been mined. |
@Advent Desert is the most boring part of this game. @But watch out for land mines... |
「アドベントさばく ゆうらんひこうは いかがかね?」 |
@See the Yucca Desert. @Charter flights available by arrangement. |
"Advent Desert" Why not take a sightseeing flight? |
◆わしは まえのまえの せんそうのときに このさばくに ぢらいをうめたんじゃ。 ◆ぜんぶ ほりおこしたつもりだったが どうしても ひとつだけみつからん。 きをつけてくれよ。 |
@During the last war, I laid mines in this desert. @I removed all but one of them, so watch your step. |
@I laid land mines in this desert during the war before last. @I thought I dug 'em all up, but I just can't seem to find the last one. @Best be careful out there. |
◆おお ひこうきにのるか? | @Oh, you want a ride on the plane? |
@Oh, do you want to ride in my plane? |
◆では みんなのぶんで [Money]ドルいただこうか。 ◆チケットの はんけんは なくさないようにな。 ◆すごいぞ。 このはんけんを 10まいためると せんしゃに のれるのじゃ。 ◆うれしそうじゃな ハハハ。 |
@The airfare is $[Money] for that flight. @Save your Ticket Stubs. @After you get 10 stubs, you can take the tank. @You look so happy about that. Ha ha ha... |
@Then it'll cost $[Money] for the lot of ya. @Be sure to hang on to your ticket stubs. @Collect ten of 'em and you'll earn a ride in my tank! @Hahaha! You sure seem happy to hear that! |
◆ねだんがたかいから むりもないか。 | @Well, it is quite expensive... I don't blame you. |
@It IS rather pricey, so I can't say I blame ya. |
◆おお! 10まい たまったのか。 よしよし せんしゃをかしてやろう。 ◆うれしそうじゃな ハハハ。 |
@Great! I see you saved 10 stubs. Take my tank. @You sure look happy. Ha ha ha... |
@Oh! You collected ten ticket stubs! @All right, then! I'll lend you my tank! @Hahaha! You sure seem happy to hear that! |
◆せんしゃを こわしたな。 わしのだいじな せんしゃを…… オロオロ。 ◆せんしゃの しゅうりひを べんしょうしてくれ。 [Money]ドルだぞ。 ◆いますぐはらうか? |
@You broke my tank, it was my most prized possession. @Now you'll have to pay $[Money] for the repairs. @Will you make restitution right now? |
@You wrecked my tank. My precious, precious tank... (weep) @You better pay me the money to have it fixed. @It comes to $[Money]. @Will you pay right now? |
◆ああよかった。 いざ さらば。 | @Thank you, and good-bye. |
@Oh, that's great. Well, be seein' ya! |
◆わしは おこったぞ。 うっうっうううう…… |
@I am so angry. Arrrrrrrrr!! |
@Now I'm mad! Grrrrrrr... |
◆パパいない。 ママいない。 | @Where is my Mommy? Where is my Daddy? |
@Mommy and Daddy are gone. |
◆ぼくわ もんばんだ。 おまえわ だれだ。 |
@Halt, who goes there? |
@I gard this gate. Hoo goes there?! |
◆あ あやしいやつわ やっつけるぞ……ブルブル。 |
@Suspicious guys. I will stop you. Arrghh! |
@Y-you're suspishus! D-don't make me beet you up...! (shiver shiver) |
◆ガリクソンさんちの あかちゃんは なんかへん。 ぜったいへん。 なんか すごいきがするわ。 |
@Something's very strange with the Garrickson baby. @Something very strange indeed. |
@The Garricksons' baby is weird. Like, REALLY weird. |
◆え-と 2たす3は5。 8ひく4は4…… おれは いつも べんきょうしてるんだ。 |
@Well... 2 plus 3 equals 5, 8 minus 4 equals 4. @I study all the time. |
@Let's see... Two plus three is five. Eight minus four is four... I study all the time. |
◆ママ-! さみしいよ- | @Mom!! I miss you!!! |
@Mommy! I miss you! |
◆パパ-! さみしいよ- | @Dad!! I miss you!!! |
@Daddy! I miss you! |
◆でっかい そらとぶふねが おとなたちを みんな つれてっちゃったの。 |
@A big ship from the sky took Mom and Dad away. |
@A big flying ship took all the grownups away. |
◆おとなたちが いなくて せいせいしたぜ グスン。 |
@I like it without the grown-ups around. Sure I do. Sob, sob... |
@It's great having no grownups around! (sniffle sob) |
◆おねえちゃん オッパイ! | @Please hold me! | @I want milk! |
◆ぼくも オッパイ! | @Hold me, too! | @I want milk, too! |
◆オッパイ! | @Hold me! | @Milk! |
◆パパや ママを つれもどして。 おねがいします。 |
@Please bring back our Mom and Dad. Please, I beg you. |
@Bring my mommy and daddy back. Please. |
◆あ どうも。 ぼく トム・ガリクソンっていいます。 しゅみは じこしょうかいです。 |
@Oh, yes. My name is Tom Garrickson. @I like to introduce myself. It's my hobby. |
@Oh, hello there. My name is Tom Garrickson. @Introducing myself is my hobby. |
◆このベビ-は ふしぎなちからを もっているって いつかママがいってたわ。 |
@Mom told me this baby has mystic power. |
@Mommy told me this baby has a special power. |
◆アプ- アプ- バブバブ。 | @Goo gaa... | @Gaga googoo. |
◆わたしは このベビ-の いしき。 わたしも あなたたちと おなじ エスパ-だ。 ◆テレポ-トの ちからを もっている。 ◆あなたの しっている ところなら どこにでもいける。 ◆([Name]は ベビ-の いしきから テレポ-テ-ションの PSIを うけついだ。) |
@Yes, even though my body is that of a baby, @like you, I possess psychic abilities. @I know the power of Teleportation. @Use this power to return to a place you've been to. @(The baby taught them his power of Teleportation) |
@I am this baby's consciousness. @I have psychic powers, just as you do. @I possess the ability to teleport. @With it, you can return to anywhere you've been before. @(The baby's mind taught [Name] how to use teleportation PSI.) |
◆とうちゃんたちの こえが やまのほうで きこえたような きがするんだ。 ◆でも やまは バレンタインのまちの むこうなんだ。 とおすぎて ぼくには いけない。 |
@I heard my Dad's voice coming from the mountains. @But the mountains are beyond the town of Ellay. @It's so far away I can't make that journey. |
@I think I heard the voices of my dad and the others coming from the mountains. @But the mountains are way past the town of Valentine. @It's too far away for me to go there. |
◆なんだよ。 もちきれないんじゃ やれないよ。 |
@Wait a minute... You can't carry it, so you can't have it. |
@Aww, man. I can't give it to you. You're holding too much stuff. |
◆つきひは たったが おまえは まだ みせいねんだな。 |
@Time has passed, you are more experienced and @hopefully a little wiser, but you are still just a kid. |
@Time has passed, but you're still underage. |
◆きをつけて あるきなよ おまえたち。 へっへっへ…… |
@You must watch out around here. Hee.... |
@You really oughtta watch where you're walking. @Heheheh... |
◆まったく ブラックブラッドだんの やつらときたひにゃ…… |
@The B.B. Gang members are really terrible... |
@Oh, that blasted Black Blood Gang... |
◆ブラックブラッドだんってなまえは ながいから みんなブラブラだんと よんでいるのよ。 |
@We call Bla-Bla Gang members, B.B. Gangs for short. |
@"Black Blood Gang" is a long name, so everyone just calls it the BB Gang. |
◆おまえ[Name] ブラブラだんの なかまじゃ ないだろうね。 |
@Hey you! You are not a Bla-Bla, are you? |
@You're not with the BB Gang, I hope... |
◆やまのうえに くろいくもが かかってからというものは ひとも まちも おかしくなっちまったよ。 |
@The black clouds that hang over the mountains... @They're making all the towns- people crazy. |
@Everything's been nuts ever since black clouds appeared over the mountains. The town and its people have all started to go crazy. |
◆よっ! よっ! そっちのおふたりさんは こいびとどうしかね? |
@Hey, you two there. Sweethearts, huh!? |
@Hey! You! @You two, there! Are you two sweethearts? |
◆あいしあってるかい。 イエ-。 | @Love and peace, yeah! |
@You love each other? Hurray! |
◆いいや こころのおくには あいが めばえちゃってるんじゃ ないの。 |
@Love burns deep in your heart, right? |
@I dunno, are you sure love isn't budding deep inside your hearts? |
◆ライブハウスのチケットあるよ。 [Money]ドルで かうかね? |
@I've got a Ticket to the Live-Show. @You know the Store is all sold out. @But I could part with this one for only $[Money]? |
@Hey, I got concert tickets. @They cost $[Money]. Want some? |
◆ほれよ! デパ-トじゃ うりきれだもんな。 |
@Here it is! No, don't go to the Store now. |
@Here you go! @You're lucky. They're all sold out at the department store. |
◆ケチンボなガキどもだぜ。 | @Stingy kids... | @Geez, you kids are cheap. |
◆いいことおしえてあげるわよ。 しりたい? |
@It's a secret... Promise not to say that I told you? |
@I have some secret info you might find interesting. @Want to hear it? |
◆ブラブラだんのボスの [Teddy]って ほんみょうは [Teddy]ざえもんっていうのよ。 ◆うわさだけどね。 |
@The Bla-Bla Boss, [Teddy]'s real name is... [Teddy] Junior, the 3rd. Ha. @But, it's only a rumor, though. |
@The BB Gang's boss's full name is [Teddy] Junior the 3rd. @It's only a rumor, though. |
◆きっと こうかいするわよ。 | @You'll be the one who regrets it for sure. |
@I'm sure you'll regret it later. |
◆がくやを のぞいちゃダメよ。 どえらいめに あうからね。 |
@Don't peek in the back room. You'll catch it for sure. |
@No peeking in the dressing room. @You'll wind up in a world of trouble if you do. |
◆すいたらしい ひと。 ふ-ん [Name]っていうの。 ビ-ルをおごるわ。 のんで。 |
@Wow, you're so cute. Can I buy you a drink? |
@You're so cute. @Oh, your name is [Name]? @Here, this beer's on me. Drink up! |
◆あら まだこどもだったのね。 おとなになったら またおいで。 |
@You afraid of the cops? Come on! |
@Oh, you're still a kid? @Come back when you're older, then. |
◆もうビ-ルは おごらないわ。 | @No more drinks on my bill. |
@Forget it. No more drinks from me. |
◆はんせいしたか? | @Now you know you did a bad thing? |
@Now do you regret what you did? |
◆もう にどとしないなら かえってよろしい。 ◆あぶないものは あずかっておくからな。 |
@If you promise you won't do it again, you can go home. @You leave that dangerous weapon here though. |
@If you promise not to do it again, then you can go. @But I think I'll hold on to your dangerous items. |
◆じゃ もういちにち あたまをひやしていろ。 |
@Sorry, you must stay another night and cool your jets. |
@Then you can spend another day in there to cool off. |
◆へっへっへ このあいだ [Item]が てに はいったんだよ。 ◆[Money]ドルで かわないか? |
@Hee hee hee... I finally got a [Item]! @Wanna buy it for only $[Money]? |
@Heheheh. @I got my hands on some [Item]s the other day. @Want one for $[Money]? |
◆おかねが たりないぞ。 うっうっううう…… |
@Not enough money. Boo hoo hoo. Ha, ha, ha... |
@You don't got enough money. @Grrrr... |
◆[Teddy]は やまのばけものに りょうしんを ころされてしまったの。 ◆それまではやさしくて ひょうきんなこだったのよ。 |
@[Teddy]'s parents were killed by mountain creatures. @Before that, he was a gentle kid. |
@[Teddy]'s parents were killed by monsters in the mountains. @He had always been such a nice boy before then. |
◆[Teddy]が むかしのように やさしくなってくれたら うれしいな。 |
@I wish [Teddy] would go back to the way he was. |
@I wish [Teddy] would go back to his old, gentle self. |
◆あんた[Name]も うたうかね。 | @You want to sing too? |
@You gonna sing too? |
◆じゃあ けいきのいいやつを やってくれ。 |
@Then go ahead and jam, dudes! |
@All right! Do something with lots of pizzazz! |
◆シャイな こだね。 | @You're shy! | @I guess you're a shy kid, huh? |
◆[Ana]ちゃんっ! いやなに ぼうしに なまえが かいてあったからさ。 |
@[Ana] girl!! Well, I saw your name on your hat. |
@[Ana]! @Oh, nothing. I saw your name written on your hat, that's all. |
◆おまえのつれてた おんなのこ かわいかったなぁ。 |
@The girl was so cute. |
@That girl you brought with you sure was cute. |
◆いいうたを きかせてくれたな。 サンキュ-。 ◆おまえたちか? おれの なかまを かわいがってくれたのは。 |
@Thank you for your nice song. @By the way, you guys beat up on my friends. |
@Thanks, that was a great song. @Say, are you the guys who've been messin' with my buddies? |
◆ゆるさねぇ! | @I'll smash you! | @You're goin' down! |
◆わかっているんだ! | @I know you did it! | @I know it was you! |
◆アハハハ たいしたやつだ。 [Name]って いったっけな。 ドロウにしねぇか…… ハアハア ◆おやじと おふくろの かたきを とりてぇ。 いっしょに やまへ いこうじゃないか? |
@Aha ha ha... You are quite a guy. @Your name is [Ninten]? @Let's call it a draw then... Umm... @I seek vengeance for my parents. To the mountains!! |
@Ahahaha, you're really somethin'! @[Name], was it? @Whadya say we call it a draw? @I really wanna avenge my parents. @How about we go to the mountains together? |
◆どうか うちの [Name]の ちからになって あげてください。 |
@[Ninten], please accept my help. |
@Please give my [Name] all the help you can. |
◆[Name]は テレホンカ-ドを つかった。 |
@[Name] USEd the Telephone Card. |
@[Name] used the Phone Card. |
◆そうか きっと いいふりょうチ-ムが できるぜ。 カンパイ! |
@I'm sure we'll make a good team. Let's get going! |
@Great! I'm sure we'll make a great team of punks! Cheers! |
◆たのむ おれは きっと おまえらの やくにたつから。 |
@Please... I'll be a great help to you. |
@Please! I know I can help you guys! |
◆もしもし あ パパだ。 こんなところにでてくるつもりじゃ なかったんだが…… ◆いいかげんにしなさい! はやく Aボタンをおすんだ。 |
@Hello... It's Dad. @I really don't want to butt in now, but... @What are you waiting for!?? @Push the 'A' button at once! |
@Hello, this is your dad. @I don't mean to butt in or anything... But what's your problem?! @Just press the A Button already! |
◆おい そこのメガネやろう。 おまえはたたかいには むいてねぇ。 ◆しばらくここで からだを やすめてな。 にもつは おれが かりていくぜ。 |
@You there, the one with the glasses... @You're not so good at fighting, are you? @Rest here while I borrow your Goods. OK? |
@Hey, you. Four-eyes. @You're not cut out for fightin'. @Rest here and take it easy. @I'll take your stuff, too. |
◆ちからだけじゃ やつらには かてねぇ。 ◆でも おれたちは かならず へいわを とりもどせる。 しんじてるぜ。 |
@Brute strength is not enough to beat them. @I know now that peace can be brought back to us. @I believe. |
@There's no way we can beat 'em with brute strength alone. @But we CAN bring peace back to the world. @I just know it. |
◆[Teddy] 「ふたりとも なに あかくなってんだよ。 さっさと いこうぜ!」 |
@([Teddy]) Why are you two blushing? @Let's hurry up and get out of here! |
@[Teddy]: What're you two blushin' for? @Let's get goin' already! |
◆きがえちゅうだよォ。 エッチ! | @This is my dressing room, please get out!! |
@I'm changing my clothes! You pervert! |
◆わたしは [Lloyd]のちちです。 ◆[Name]のパパのいうとおり ちゃんと プレイヤ-のなまえは いいましたか? |
@I am [Lloyd]'s father. @I think [Ninten]'s Dad asked, @but you told him your name? |
@I'm [Lloyd]'s father. @[Name]'s dad asked for your name earlier. Did you give him the right name? |
◆じゃ いいんです。 ◆[Lloyd]を かばってあげて くださいね。 よわむしなんだから…… |
@OK, that's fine. @Please look after [Lloyd]. He is a real weakling... |
@Okay, great. @Please keep [Lloyd] safe, okay? @He IS a weakling, after all... |
◆じゃ もういっかい てつづき しましょうね。 |
@Let me register your name once more. |
@Then let's go through the process again. |
◆ホ-リ-ロ-リ-マウンテンに ゆくまえに みなとにいくべきじゃ。 これ ほんと。 |
@To the Harbor before Mt. Itoi. @I mean it. |
@You should visit the harbor before you go to Holy Loly Mountain. @I really mean it. |
◆……いちごあじの とうふをたべたことがあるかな? |
@Have you ever tasted Strawberry Tofu? |
@...Have you ever had strawberry-flavored tofu before? |
◆こんどみつけたら もってきてくれないか。 おれいに いいものをやるから。 |
@If you find some, buy some for me, please. @I'll trade something nice in return. |
@If you ever find any more, could you bring it to me? I'll give you something nice in return. |
◆そうか。 こんな いなかじゃ まだ うっていないのかなぁ。 |
@No way to buy things like that in this place. |
@Oh. I wish they'd start selling it out here... |
◆おお いちごあじのとうふだ。 ありがとう。 ◆では おみやげに いいものを あげよう。 |
@Oh! This is Strawberry Tofu! Thank you! @Here's something nice for you in return. |
@Oh, strawberry-flavored tofu! Thank you! @Now let me give you a nice gift in return. |
◆きずを おったら ここへおいで。 ◆すこしばかりの たべものも ちりょうのくすりも そまつだがベッドもある。 |
@You ever get hurt, come to my place. @I have food, medicine, and a bed you can use. |
@Stop by if you ever get hurt. @It's not much, but I have food, medicine, and some plain beds here. |
◆おい [Lloyd]くん。 きみの なけなしのゆうきを つかうときが きたようだぞ。 |
@Hey! [Lloyd]!... @Now is the time you must fight for yourself. |
@Say, [Lloyd]. @Looks like it's finally time to use what little courage you have. |
◆おいで こどもたち。 なにが ひつようなんだい? |
@Come on, children, what do you need? |
@Hello, kids. @What do you need? |
◆ワタシノ ナハ イヴ。 アナタヲ マッテイタ。 ◆ワタシノ チチハ じょ-じ。 ウチュウノ ハテニ ツレテイカレ モドッテキタ ヒト。 ◆アナタヲ マモル ワタシノ ツトメ。 |
◆にもつを もって くろうしてるんでしょ。 |
@Those bags must weigh heavy on your shoulders. |
@Surely it must be hard carrying so much stuff... |
◆[Name]! [Name]! ◆たたかいに つかれたようだな。 もういちど チャレンジするか? |
@[Ninten]! [Ninten]!.. @You seem to be worn out from fighting. One more time? |
@[Name]! [Name]! @It looks like you got your head handed to you. @So, how about giving it another shot? |
◆[Name]は さいごのきりょくを ふりしぼって たたかいのばに ふっかつした。 ◆がんばってくれ [Name]! |
@With his strength regained... @[Ninten] returned once more to the fighting scene. @Do your best, [Ninten]! |
@[Name] decided to return after summoning all the courage and energy he had. @Good luck, [Name]! |
◆[Name]は わるいゆめを みたのだ。 ◆がんばれ! [Name]! |
@[Ninten] realized that it had only been a bad dream. @Do your best, [Ninten]! |
@[Name] realized it had only been a bad dream. @Good luck, [Name]! |
◆だれに わたす? | @To whom? | @Give to who? |
◆もちきれない みたいだけど ほかの ひとに わたす? |
@Your load is too heavy. Hand it to someone else? |
@That person can't carry any more stuff. @Give it to someone else? |
◆まだ グッズがのこっているから とりにきてね。 |
@Please come again to pick up the rest of the Goods. |
@You still have some stuff left here, so come get it later. |
◆[Name]ちゃんの おともだちなの? ◆ふう-ん。 でも このグッズは [Name]ちゃんの だから わたすわけには いかないわ。 |
@Are you [Ninten]'s friend? @I see... But I can't give you [Ninten]'s Goods. |
@Are you a friend of [Name]? @Really? I see. @But these items belong to [Name], so I can't give them to anyone else. |
◆よわむし[Lloyd]は くたばっちまったのかい。 |
@Did that weakling [Lloyd] run away from you? |
@Has that weakling [Lloyd] kicked the bucket? |
「ウェルカム トゥ マザ-ズデイ」 | @ Welcome to Podunk |
@Welcome to Mother's Day |
「シュ-クリ-ムどうぶつえん かんりじむしょ」 |
@ City Zoo Superintendent's Office |
@Cream Puff Zoo Manager's Office |
「うみの てんぼうだい」 | @ Ocean View Tourists Welcome |
@Ocean Overlook |
◆そんなひとは いないみたいだけど わたしの おもいちがいかなぁ…… |
@There is no one here by that description, but... |
@I don't think there's anyone here by that name, but perhaps I'm mistaken... |
◆あかいくさは いずみのみずに つけると すっごくげんきな マジックハ-ブに なりました。 |
@When placed in the fountain, @the Red Weed became Magic Herb. |
@After being placed in the fountain, the Red Weed turned into a very energizing Magic Herb. |
◆そんなやつが どこにおるのだ! | @Where do you think you can find such a man! |
@There's no one like that here! |
◆[Item]だね。 ありがとう たすかるよ。 |
@This is [Item], right? Thank you. It's a big help. |
@[Item], right? Thanks! I really appreciate it! |
「このカンバンの あたり おとしものを しやすいので ちゅうい してください。」 |
@Now entering the Mislay Triangle. Watch out! |
@It is easy to lose items in the vicinity of this sign, so please be careful. |
◆カンバンのしたに なんと いればが おちていた。 |
@Someone lost his Dentures right under the sign! |
@Incredibly enough, you found dentures under the sign! |
◆はいはい どこか ぐあいが わるいわけね。 いっぱつで なおしてあげるからね。 |
@I see... You don't feel so well. Wait... |
@Hi there! Not feeling well, are we? @Then I can heal you up in a jiffy! |
◆りかしつにきてくれ。 | @Please come to my lab. |
@Come to the science lab. |
◆ふしぎな げんしょうは ひとまず おさまった。 |
@The phenomenon has stopped. For the moment... |
@The mysterious phenomenon has stopped, for now... |
◆つかいかたを せつめいするから よくみておくんだよ。 いいか このスイッチを…… ◆あっ しまった おしちゃった。 |
@Here, let me show you how. Just take this switch and... @Oh no! I pushed it by mistake! |
@Listen closely, now. I'm going to explain how to use this. @All right. Whatever you do, don't press... @Oh, crap! I pressed it! |
◆[Name]のすきな [Favorite Food]を つくるわ。 ◆それをたべて ゆっくりおやすみ。 |
@I'll cook [Favorite Food]. @Eat your dinner, and rest for the night. |
@I'll make you some [Favorite Food], [Name]. @Eat some and scoot up to bed. |
◆どうしましょ どうしましょ どうしましょ ◆どうしましょ どうしましょ ◆どうしましょ ◆うちのピッピが まいごになったの。 ◆マザ-ズデイの まちにいくなら ちょうちょうさんに れんらくしてくださいな。 ◆オロオロ ウロウロ。 |
@Oh, what can I do? What should I do? @Where can I go? Who can I see? @What should I do? What should I do? @My little Pippi is gone. @If you're going to Podunk... @Please tell the Mayor. @Oh me, oh my! |
@Oh me, oh my! Oh me, oh my! Oh me, oh my! @My dear Pippi's gotten lost. @If you're going into town, please tell the mayor for me, okay? (sniffle sniffle sob sob) |
◆どれを おひきとりしましょう? | @Which one? | @What would you like to sell? |
◆[Item]は [Money]ドルで おひきとりしますが それで よろしいですか? |
@I'll give you $[Money] for [Item]. @Is that alright? |
@I can buy your [Item] for $[Money]. @Is that okay with you? |
◆[Name]は そうそふのにっきの なかから つづきのことばをみつけ よみあげた。 ◆「あまかけるふねの わすれもの」 |
@Finding the entry in Great-Grand Father's Diary, @[Name] read out loud... @The forgotten one of the ship that sails the cosmos. |
@[Name] took out his great-grandfather's diary and read these words aloud: "...That which was left behind by the ship that soars the heavens." |
◆うそ ついてるだろう。 おれには おみとおしさ。 |
@I know you're lying. I can see right through you. |
@You're lying. @I can see right through your tricks. |
◆(おきゃくは さわいだ。) ◆3にんの グル-プって いったくせに 3にん いないじゃないか! ブ-ブ- |
@(A dull roar begins to rise from the crowd) @We paid to see a trio! There aren't three @performers here! Grumble grumble... |
@(The audience is unhappy.) @You said there'd be a trio! There ain't three people here! Boo! Boo! |
◆どれを あずけるの? | @Which one would you like me to keep? |
@Which item will you leave with me? |
◆ドラゴンは ながい ながい ねむりの ときに はいっていた。 |
@The Dragon was in a deep, deep, sleep. |
@The dragon was in a very deep sleep. |
◆なにか ごよう? | @What can I do for you? |
@Can I help you? |
◆[Item]ね。 だいじに しまっとくね。 ほかに あずかるものは ある? |
@Yes, I will keep [Item] with utmost care. @Anything else you want me to keep? |
@Your [Item]? @I'll take good care of it. @Do you want me to hold on to anything else? |
◆じゃあ きをつけてね。 | @See you later, and brother... You take care! |
@Okay, then. Be careful out there. |
◆[Item]ね。 だいじにしてね。 ほかに もっていくものは ある? |
@You want to take [Item]? @OK! Anything else you'd like to take with you? |
@Your [Item]? @Sure thing. Take good care of it, okay? @Is there anything else you want to take with you? |
◆サンタクロ-スの えきの ちかくで がけくずれが あって きしゃが はしれないんだ。 |
@There was a rock- slide near Union Station. @The train can't get through until it has been removed. |
@There was a landslide up by Santa Claus Station, so the train can't get through. |
◆[Item]で ございますね? |
@You mean [Item]? |
@The [Item], yes? |
◆おきゃくさま[Name] それいじょう おもちになれないようですよ。 |
@I am afraid you can't carry anything more. |
@It looks you can't hold any more items. |
◆おや かねが たりないようだな。 | @Oh? You don't seem to have enough money. |
@Oh. You don't seem to have enough money. |
◆おや もちきれないようだな。 | @Oh? You seem to have too much to carry. |
@Oh, my. It looks like you can't hold any more items. |
◆これじゃあ おかねが たりないよ。 でなおしておいで。 |
@You don't have enough money. Come back when you do. |
@You don't have enough money. @Come back again when you do. |
◆きをつけて いってらっしゃい。 | @Good bye! Be careful. |
@Bye! Take care! |
◆あら もてないの。 それじゃあ こんど おあいした ときにね。 |
@You can't carry anything more. See you later... |
@Oh, my. You can't carry any more things. @In that case, I'll give it to you the next time I see you. |
◆ほらっ くすりだ。 | @Here is your medicine. |
@Here you go! Medicine! |
◆じゃあ ゆっくり おやすみ。 | @Hope you sleep well. |
@Okey-doke! Good night! |
◆イクラ ヒキダシマスカ? | @How much would you like to withdraw? |
◆イクラ アズケマスカ? | @How much would you like to deposit? |
◆さ まちにかえりましょ! | @Now, let's go back to town. |
@Okay! Let's go back to town now! |
◆あら もちきれないみたい。 ざんねんだったわね。 |
@Sorry, but I am afraid you can't carry all of them. |
@Oh, no. Looks like you can't carry any more items. @That's too bad. |
◆もてないのか? ざんねんだな。 | @You can't carry it? What a shame! |
@You can't carry any more stuff? @That's too bad. |
◆もてないのなら またおいで。 | @If you can't carry it, come back some other time. |
@Looks like you can't carry any more stuff. Come by later when you can. |
◆どのコ-スが いいかね? | @Which flightplan would you like? |
@Which course would you like? |
◆いればが ないと うまく しゃべれんのじゃ。 |
@I can't talk very well without my Dentures. |
@I can't talk very well without my dentures. |
◆まだ たりないようじゃな。 | @No, that's not quite enough. |
@Looks like you still don't have enough. |
◆くせんしている ごようすね…… し・ん・ぱ・い。 |
@Having a tough time? I'm so worried. |
@You seem to be having a tough time... I'm so worried... |
◆がんばってね。 | @Good luck! | @Good luck! |
◆リ-ダ-は どいつだ。 おもいしらせてやる!! |
@Who's the boss? I'll teach him a lesson! |
@Who's your leader?! I'm gonna teach 'im a lesson!! |
◆ブラブラだんは あいかわらずよ。 | @The Bla-Bla Gang members are doing just fine. |
@The BB Gang members are doing just fine. |
◆おれを おこらせないでくれ。 | @Don't try to make me mad. |
@Please don't make me angry. |
◆[Name]は つうこうきょかしょうを こっそり てにいれた。 |
@[Name] picked up the Pass. |
@[Name] secretly pocketed it. |
◆おや おかねがたりないようですね。 | @Hmm... You don't have enough money. |
@Oh, you don't seem to have enough money. |
◆おや それいじょう もてないようですね。 |
@Let's see... It seems that your load is too heavy. |
@Oh, it looks like you can't carry any more things. |
◆わたしは はかせの じょしゅAであります。 ◆わたくしも いちごあじのとうふが たべたいであります。 |
@I am Able, the Doctor's assistant. @I too would like to taste Strawberry Tofu. |
@I am the professor's Assistant A. @I, too, would love to try some strawberry-flavored tofu. |
◆おっいしそう! ◆ありがとう。 おれいに みみよりの じょうほうを あげようね。 ◆ホ-リ-ロ-リ-マウンテンの みずうみに すっごいロボットが しずんでるんだ。 ◆たぶん まだ うごくはずだぞ。 |
@Thank you, It looks so good! @I'll share some important information. @Near the summit of Mount Itoi... @Deep in the lake, there lies a fantastic robot. @I think it still works. |
@Oh, it looks so good! @Thanks, I appreciate it. As a token of my gratitude, I'll share some information I heard. @There's an amazing robot at the bottom of a lake on Holy Loly Mountain. @I bet it still works, too! |
◆わしは じょしゅAににていますが じょしゅBでございます。 ◆わしも おおいに いちごあじのとうふを ほっしております。 |
@I look just like Able, but I am Baker. @I also want to try Strawberry Tofu. |
@I realize I look like Assistant A, but I'm actually Assistant B. @I really, truly want to try strawberry-flavored tofu too. |
◆おお! おお! うれしゅうござる。 この のろいのことばを おもちかえりくだされ。 |
@Oh! I'm so happy. Take these Swear Words with you. |
@Oh! Oh! I'm so happy! @Please, take these Curse Words with you. |
きずぐすり ねむり | LifeUp Sleep | @ Medicine Sleep |
◆もちきれないのか…… あとで わすれずに とりにおいで。 |
@Load is too heavy? Remember to come back and get it. |
@You can't hold any more stuff... @Come get it later, then. Don't forget! |
◆でかぶくろを とりにきたんだね。 まっていたよ。 |
@You came to get the Big Bag? My gift to you. |
@You're here for your Big Bag, right? I've been expecting you. |
◆でかぶくろは あんたに プレゼントするよ。 |
@I give you the Big Bag. A gift for you. |
@Here, this is for you. It's a Big Bag. |
◆たいしたもんだいじゃねぇな。 ◆そんなことより うちのにょうぼうだよ。 ◆まいあさ ひるまで ねむってやがって べんとうも つくらねぇ。 ◆ひでぇはなしだろ? |
@It's not that big of a problem. @My wife is a bigger problem. @She doesn't get out of bed @until after noon each day. @She won't even pack me a brown bag lunch! @Isn't that just horrible. |
@It's no big deal. @The real problem is my wife. @She sleeps until noon every day and she never packs me a lunch. @Isn't that just terrible? |
◆あっ [Ana]が しんでる。 |
@Oh! no! [Ana] has fainted! |
@Oh! [Ana] is dead! |
◆いつも ありがとう。 おれいに…… ◆せいこうを いのっているよ。 |
@Thank you for being so nice. My gratitude... @I'll be wagering on your success. |
@Thank you for everything. @As a token of my gratitude... I'll be praying for your success. |
◆わたしは ロ-ラよ。 | @I am Laura. | @I'm Laura. |
◆あらま えいゆうの [Name]くん。 ひとりでかえってくるとは…… ……きゅうけいですかな? |
@What a surprise! Our hero [Ninten] returning alone! @Won't you stop and rest for a while? |
@Oh, my! It's [Name], the hero! I never expected you to return all alone... @Are you taking a break? |
◆ちいさいおじょうちゃん。 ここは きみみたいなこどもが ひとりでくるところじゃないのよ。 |
@Little girl! This is no place for a child like you. |
@Oh, little girl. @This is no place for a child like you. |
◆やあ [Name]くん! げんきで やっているかね。 |
@Hello, [Name]! How are you doing? |
@Oh, [Name]! How are you doing? |
◆おはよう おにいちゃん。 よく ねむれたみたいね。 |
@Good morning! Did you have a good night's rest? |
@Good morning. It looks like you slept well. |
◆またきてね。 きっとだよ。 | @Please come again. Promise me you'll come again! |
@Please come again, okay? Promise? |
◆おはよう! | @Good morning! | @Good morning! |
◆ここにいる サルは うそつきが おおいから きをつけなよ。 |
@Most monkeys here will lie to you. Beware! |
@Be careful. A lot of the monkeys here like to lie. |
◆うふふっ おれって サルにみえるかな? |
@Huh what? Do I look like a monkey? |
@Heheh. Do I look like a monkey? |
◆……じつはタヌキなんだ。 ばけてるのさ。 |
@...I'm really a raccoon pretending to be a monkey. |
@...I'm actually a tanuki, also known as a raccoon dog. @I'm in disguise. |
◆おまえ めがいいなぁ。 まいった。 |
@You have good eyesight. Hats off to you... |
@Darn. @You have really good eyes, you know that? |
◆ゲ-ムなんか やめちまおうぜ。 | @Cool down dude... Are you so serious all the time? |
@You should quit playing. |
◆おまえ ほんとうにいいのか。 | @Well man... It's like you don't know when to quit. @Take a rest bud... |
@Are you really sure about that? |
◆ま しょうがねえな。 | @Good to hear it. It's just a game! |
@Oh. Oh, well, then. |
◆おれのスピ-ドに おいつけたな。 たいしたもんだ。 ほれっ いいものをやるぜ。 |
@You caught up with me. I'll admit that's something. @Here I'll give you something nice. |
@You managed to catch me. You're really something. @Here's something nice for you. |
◆みぎにまがって ひだりにまがると いいものがあるよ。 |
@Turn right, then left, to find something nice. |
@Turn right and then left to find something nice. |
◆へいわそうにみえるけど ここは くらくていけないよね。 |
@It's so quiet here, but too quiet for me, I think. |
@It seems peaceful in here, but it's also way too dark. |
◆とにかく まっすぐあるけ! しんじつってのは まっすぐゆくところにある。 |
@Just walk straight! Find truth at the end of the path. |
@Straight! Just walk straight! The truth is somewhere straight ahead. |
あたしは レディよ。 きやすく はなしかけないでね。 |
@I am a lady... Don't talk to me so casually. |
@I'm a lady, you know. @You shouldn't walk up to a lady so casually and start talking. Don't you agree? |
◆おれ ほんとは おとこだよ。 | @The truth is... I am a man. |
@Actually, I'm a man. |
◆ランララランラ ラララララ。 あ このメロディ-のことは きにかけないでくれ。 |
@La la la, la la ... Never mind, this song is not yours. |
@La-la la la-la, la la la la la... @Oh, don't pay any attention to this melody. |
◆おまえ ここにたどりつくまでに どれくらいのじかんを かけた? ◆いや ただきいてみただけさ。 |
@How long did it take you to get here? |
@How long has it taken you to get this far? @Oh, I just thought I'd ask. |
◆いいはなしがあるんだけど きくか? |
@I've got a good story to tell you. Want to hear it? |
@I got some good information for you. You interested? |
◆……あのな ともだちは たいせつにしろよ。 そういうことだ。 |
@Well... You should be nice to friends. @That's all I've got to say. |
@Well, basically... Treasure your friends. @That's all I have to say. |
◆ちてきこうきしんの ないやつめ! | @Have you no intellectual ambitions? |
@Fine, then! @You have no intellectual curiosity at all! |
◆このおくに いってはならん! | @Don't go any farther inside! |
@Stop! You must not go this way! |
◆おれは ここのサルどもは しんようしていない。 うそつきばかりだからな。 ◆みぎ ひだり ひだり そして みぎだ。 |
@I don't trust these monkeys. They're all liars. @By the way, go right, left, left and right. |
@I don't trust any of the monkeys here. All they ever do is lie. @Go right, left, left, and then right. |
◆ひきかえせ! そして つまり ひきかえしたく なかったら そのままゆけ! |
@Retreat! And if you don't want to... @Go back! @Oh, never mind. Go forward! |
@Turn back! @Or, if you don't feel like turning back, then just keep going! |
◆うみのみえるまちでは あたらしい なかまに であうであろうぞ。 |
@In the town by the sea, you'll meet a new friend. |
@I think you'll meet a new friend in a city with an ocean view. |
◆おら むくちな サルだ。 ◆おらは おしゃべりは にがてだ。 ◆………な。 ◆………。 |
@I am a quiet monkey. @I don't talk much. @you see... @............ |
@I'm a shy monkey. @Talking isn't really my thing. @......Okay? @...... |
◆このあたりには めがみさまが いるんだぞ。 |
@Oh [Ana] baby, Hubba hubba, what a dish. |
@Hubba hubba. Heaven must be missing an angel. |
◆サルのいうことは うそばっかりだと おもうなよ。 |
@Don't believe that all monkeys are liars. @That's nothing but a lie. |
@Don't assume that all monkeys are liars. |
◆わたしが サルのボスだが ほかのサルたちのウソつきぶりには あたまを なやませておる。 ◆まっすぐ すすんで みぎに でぐちがある。 |
@I'm the boss monkey. @I'm really annoyed that the others tell so many lies. @Go straight ahead, You'll find an exit to your right. |
@I'm the boss monkey. It annoys me how the others lie all the time. @Go straight ahead and you'll find the exit to your right. |
◆しっぱいしたなぁ…… ほんと。 こんなとこにきちゃってさ しっぱいだったよ。 |
@A big mistake... I really shouldn't have come here. |
@Boy, did I mess up... @I must've made a serious mistake to wind up here. |
◆たすけて おにいちゃん! | @Help me! | @Help! |
◆あっ でんわだ! [Name] おねがい。 |
@Telephone! [Ninten], please get it! |
@Oh, the phone! Could you get it, [Name]? |
◆わたくしが ちょうちょう…… じゃなくて じょやくの アボットです。 ◆ちょうちょうさんは あちらです。 |
@I am Abbott, not the Town Mayor, but his assistant. @Mr. Mayor is over there. |
@I'm Abbot, the mayor...'s assistant. @The mayor is right over there. |
◆あとでいいこと おしえてあげる。 | @I'll share the secret with you later. |
@I have a secret to share with you later. |
◆あ また とまりにきたんだね。 | @You come to stay the night again? |
@Oh, you came to stay the night again? |
◆まあ たびのおかた。 | @Oh, traveller! | @Oh, a traveler! |
◆ゆうれいやしきが ばけものたいじ だとおもったら おおまちがい。 メロディ-が あるのよ。 |
@The ghost house is not a place for slaying monsters. @There is a... melody, hee-hee, a haunting melody. @Hee-hee-hee. |
@If you think you're supposed to bust the ghosts in the haunted house... you're gravely mistaken. @No, there's actually a melody there. |
◆[Ana]は きっとどこかで げんきでいると しんじています。 |
@I believe that [Ana] may still be found somewhere. |
@I have faith that [Ana] is doing well somewhere out there. |
◆みせいねんだな。 ほどうする。 | @You're under age. I have to take you in to headquarters. |
@Hey, you're underage. I'm taking you into custody. |
◆おまえ ぢらい ふんだんだってな。 ◆おれは いぬのくそ ふんだことあるぜ。 |
@I heard you stepped on the landmine. @I stepped in dog crap once myself. @Tell you some- thing else kid... @I didn't like it very much either! |
@Say, I heard you stepped on a land mine. @I stepped in dog crap once myself. |
◆おまえ アドベントさばくとかってところで うんこ ふんだんだってな。 だっせぇ! |
@I heard that you stepped in dog crap in Yucca? @That wasn't very cool buddy. |
@I heard you stepped in dog crap in some place called the Advent Desert. @Could you get any lamer?! |
「にんていしょう」 [Name] どの ◆あなたは アドベントさばくにおいて たしかに ぢらいを ふんだことを みとめます。 ◆このばしょは ほかの プレイヤ-には ひみつにしておいてください。 いとい しげさと |
@"Certificate" @[Name] @We acknowledge the fact that you did step on the mine @in the Yucca Desert. @Keep this place to yourself, please. @signed... Shigesato Itoi. |
@Certificate This hereby certifies that: [Name] has stepped on the land mine in the Advent Desert. Please keep this location a secret from other players. -Shigesato Itoi |
◆よくねてたようね。 きょうは どちらにおでかけかしら。 いってらっしゃ-い。 |
@Had a good sleep? Have a nice trip! |
@It looks like you slept well. @Where are you off to today? @Well, take care! |
◆あら ごめんかいじゃないんですか? かんじゃさんなら おくのへやへどうぞ。 |
@Oh! not visiting a patient? @If you are the patient, please go to the back room. |
@Oh, you're not here to visit someone? @If you are the patient, come into the back room. |
◆そういうかたは にゅういんしていらっしゃいません。 |
@Sorry, no patient here by that name. |
@We don't have anyone named that in our hospital. |
◆ことしのカゼは なかなかひどいよ。 げっそり やせちまった。 |
@This year's flu is go bad. I lost so much weight. |
@The cold this year is especially bad. @It's made me so scrawny... |
◆わたしは カゼひいてないの。 ゴホン ゴホン。 ◆あ これは セキじゃなくて くちぐせよ。 ゴホン ゴホン。 |
@I don't have a cold. Cough, cough, hack. @I'm just talking to myself. Cough, hack hack. |
@I don't have a cold. Cough cough. @Oh, that wasn't a cough. it's just something I say out of habit. @Cough cough. |
◆つかれたら ホテル。 ねむくなったら ホテル。 ま そういうことだね。 |
@Whenever you get tired, just drop by our Inn. |
@Exhausted? Go to the hotel. @Sleepy? Go to the hotel. @That's all there is to say, really. |
◆あ どうも。 へへへへ。 | @Hi [Name], I'll catch you later, @I'm a little busy right now. |
@Oh, hi. Heh heh. |
◆ここは レストラン ランラン たのしい レストラン ランラン たのしい? |
@A restaurant, rant, rant, rant... Happy restaurant, @rant, rant, rant... Are you happy? |
@This is a restaurant, tra-la-la! @A happy restaurant, ha-ha-ha! @Are you feeling happy? |
◆どこのまちでも レストランの しはいにんって ミュ-ジカルっぽいのかしら。 |
@All restaurant owners love musicals! |
@Are restaurant owners everywhere so musical, I wonder? |
◆ぼくも [Favorite Food]は おいしいとおもうなぁ。 |
@I think [Favorite Food] is delicious, too. |
@I just love [Favorite Food], too. |
◆ここらのホテルは マザ-ズデイ あたりと せつびは おなじなのに りょうきんが たかいね。 ブツブツ…… |
@The Hotel in this town isn't any better than the @one in Podunk, and yet it is so expensive... |
@The hotels around here are really no different from the ones in Mother's Day, yet they cost so much more. (mutter grumble) |
◆この ホテルは やすいね。 やすいってだけが とりえだね。 |
@The room rate at this Hotel is so inexpensive... @And that's not where it stops being cheap either. |
@This hotel is cheap. @But that's about the only thing it has going for it. |
◆がけくずれで おおいわが せんろをふさいでしまってねぇ。 きしゃが とおれないのよ。 |
@Big rocks block the railroad. The train cannot pass. |
@There was a landslide and now big rocks are blocking the railroad tracks. @The train can't get through. |
◆きみって どうぶつのことばが わかるんだね。 ◆じゃ おしえてあげるけど ぼくを チェックしてごらん。 ◆ワンッ。 |
@You can converse with animals. @Tell you a secret. Why don't you CHECK me out? @Bow wow! |
@You understand animal talk, right? @Then I'll give you a hint: try checking me. @Woof! |
◆おかねが たりないわ。 ざんねんね。 また ききにいらっしゃいよ。 |
@You don't have enough money. Sorry, come again. |
@You don't have enough money. That's too bad. @Please come again some other time. |
◆いらっしゃいませ。 こちらのメニュ-をごらんください。 |
@Can I help you? Please use this menu. |
@Welcome! Please have a look at our menu. |
◆ありがとうございます。 [Item] ワン テイクアウト プリ-ズ! |
@Thank you very much. One [Item] to go, please! |
@Thank you. One order of [Item] to go! |
◆かれ……もう…… こないかもしれない。 |
@He may not come again... |
@He... ...might never come again. |
◆たのしんでってね。 | @Hope you enjoy yourself here. |
@Have fun! |
◆ボ-イさん ワインリストまだぁ? | @Hey, waiter... I'm still waiting for some service. |
@Hey, waiter! Where's the wine list I asked for? |
◆[Favorite Food]が たべてみたいわ。 | @I want to try [Favorite Food]. |
@I want to try some [Favorite Food]. |
◆ゾンビたちに かみのこころを つたえて いいひとに なってほしいと ねがっている。 ◆でも ゾンビは……コワイ! |
@I'd like to stop the zombies evil ways, but... @They do not listen to me, or won't even talk to me... @Now I am too scared to leave this place. |
@I'd like to help the zombies become friendly by teaching them about God. @But... Zombies freak me out! |
◆ピッピだよ! ほんとに あえたね [Name]ちゃん。 ◆わたしも ママに ないしょで こんなところまで あそびにきてるのよ。 |
@It's me Pippi! We meet once more [Name]! @Don't say anything, but I didn't tell my Mom I came here. |
@It's me, Pippi! @We really did meet again, [Name]! @I went out to play again. That's why I'm here. Don't tell my mom, though. |
◆あら ようちえんで となりのせきだった はなたらしの [Name]ちゃんじゃない? ◆ひとまちがいかしら? |
@My! You are that snot-nosed [Name] @who sat next to me in kindergarten! |
@Oh, aren't you [Name], that snot-nose kid who sat next to me in kindergarten? @Or are you someone else? |
◆くいにげしないでね。 ……しつれいだけど。 |
@It's cash, then carry 'round here boy... @It's not that I don't trust you, but... |
@Please don't dine-and-dash. Sorry if that comes off as distrustful... |
◆あなた しょくよくおうせい みたいね。 |
@You seem to have quite an appetite. |
@You know, you look like you have a big appetite. |
◆きしゃは うごいてないよ。 せんろを こわされちまったからね。 ◆あんまり つっこんだ しつもんをするな。 ◆しつこいなぁ ないちゃうぞ オレだって。 |
@The trains have stopped. The track was ruined. @It's the end of the world, and you just ask questions. @Stop asking so many questions or I'll start to cry. |
@With the tracks ruined, the train has stopped running. @Quit with all the pesky questions, will ya? @Geez, you're persistent. @You're gonna make me cry with all your questions. |
◆たちどまらないで さっさとあるけ! | @Don't stop... Keep on walking! |
@Don't just stand there! Get moving! |
◆けっこう くろうしたかおしてるなあ おまえ。 ま ゆっくり はんせいしろよ。 |
@You look like you've been through a lot. @Take your time, think about what you've done. |
@You look like you've been through a lot. @Well, now you can sit back, relax, and regret it all. |
◆だいかつやくの うわさは きいてるわ。 ◆あなたって やっぱり ゆうきあるのね。 |
@I've heard about your wonderful adventures. @You are so brave, aren't you? |
@I've heard about all the great things you've been up to. @You must really be brave, huh? |
◆カナリアむらは きたにのぼって にしのほうがくだ。 ◆あそこは にゅうえんりょうも タダだし いくといいぞ。 |
@The Canary Village is northwest from here. @It's a nice place to visit and admission is free! |
@Canary Village is north and west of here. @You should definitely go visit it - admission is free! |
◆まちやくばに びじんのひしょが いるんだよな。 1かいの うけつけさ。 |
@The receptionist at City Hall is so gorgeous. |
@There's this really pretty secretary at the town hall. @She's the first floor receptionist. |
◆は-ら へった-。 | @Hey [Ninten], how's your asthma? @Mine has gotten better, @but car exhausts still sets it off. |
@I'm starving. |
◆ファミコンしてるじかんがあったら べんきょうしなさいって むすこに いってやったわよ。 |
@I told my kid to study, then play Nintendo games. @Those are the rules around my house! |
@It's like I told my son, "If you have time to play Nintendo games... then you should be studying instead!" |
◆おまえって あかるいかおしてるなぁ。 |
@You look so happy all of the time! |
@You have a really cheerful look on your face. |
◆このまちに ダンカンが れいのみせを つくろうとしているの。 ◆わたしは だいはんたい! |
@Duncan Enterprises plans to build a strip-joint here. @No one in town likes the idea of that at all! |
@Duncan is trying to open a strip club in this town. @I'm absolutely against it! |
◆ぼくも おいしゃさんになって けがにんを たすけて おおもうけ したいな。 |
@I'd like to be a doctor, and help sick people... @and make lots of money doing it. |
@Someday I wanna be a doctor so I can help people. @And so I can make loads of money. |
◆えっ ほんとに? あやしいアンケ-トじゃ ないのになぁ。 |
@Really? This is a respectable survey... |
@Huh? Really? This is a respectable survey, though... |
◆がっこういけよ がっこう! がくせいさんだろ? |
@Get to school! You are a school boy, aren't you? |
@Go to school, you! @You're a student, aren't you?! |
◆せんろの うえの おおいわは どうやって どかすんだろうねぇ。 ◆やくしょに まかせておいたら らいねんになっちまうぜ。 |
@How can we get the big rocks off the railroad tracks? @I'll bet the Mayor leaves them there 'til election time. |
@How are we going to get the rocks off the train tracks? @If we let city hall take care of it, they'll be there well into next year! |
◆ずうっと きたの ダンカンさんの だいこうじょうには とてつもなく でかいロケットが あるんだよな。 |
@I've heard that in Duncan's Factory up north, @they've started building huge rockets. |
@I heard there's a gigantic rocket in the Duncan Factory way up north. |
◆おれを ただのおじさんと おもうなよ。 ◆じっさい そうなんだけどさ。 |
@Don't take me for an ordinary man. @Although I am an ordinary man. |
@Don't assume I'm just an ordinary old guy. @Although I actually am. |
◆おれさぁ…… せんろの おおいわなんてさ…… ◆ダンカンこうじょうの ロケットで ぶっとばしちまえば いいと おもうんだよね。 |
@I think... I think... @The rockslide on the railroad tracks... @Could be blown up with a Duncan Factory Rocket. |
@You know... @If it were up to me... @I'd probably use a Duncan Factory rocket to blow up the rocks on the tracks. |
◆わたしのしゅじんは ティンクルしょうがっこうの えらいひとなのよ。 ◆おひるの おべんとうは たべないひとなの。 |
@My husband is an important man at Twinkle School. @He never eats lunch. |
@My husband is an important man at Twinkle Elementary School. @He's so important that he doesn't eat packed lunches from home. |
◆スイ-トリトルこうじょうには いったか? |
@Have you been to Sweet's Little Factory? |
@Have you been to the Sweet Little Factory? |
◆まちのそとには コワイばけものが うようよしてるんだろ。 ◆おれ かねとられるんじゃないかと おもってさ。 しんぱい! |
@I've heard many scary monsters lurk outside town. @I'm so afraid that they'll take my money away. |
@You know how there are scary monsters all outside town? @I'm worried to death that they'll steal my money. |
◆ラララ たんぽぽの わたげを そ-ら-に ラララ ◆わたしは おんがくが いちばんすき。 |
@Laa, la laaa.... Dandelion seeds fly up to the sky, laa, la laaa... @I love music most of all. |
@La-la-laaa... Into the wide blue sky... dandelion fuzz does fly... La-la-laaa! @I love music more than anything else! |
◆おくじょうのカギを ようむいんさんが もってるんだけど かしてくれないのよ。 |
@The janitor has the key to the roof. @But he wouldn't give it to me. |
@The school janitor has the key to the roof, but he won't give it to anyone. |
◆やまのうえの よげんしゃの おじいさんは きまえがいいから もちきれないほど ものをくれるの。 |
@The old man on the mountain is so generous... @He'll give you as much as you can possibly carry. |
@The old fortunetelling man on top of the mountain is really friendly. @He'll give you as much stuff as you can possibly carry! |
◆ちいさいころに トンネルを あるいて とおったことが あるんだ。 ◆したいを みにいったんだ。 |
@I remember walking through the tunnel when I was young. @I went to see what was on the other side. |
@I walked through the tunnel once when I was young. @I went to see a dead body. |
◆ここは じゅうたくち だから しずかにあるきなさい。 |
@This is a residential area, please keep quiet. |
@This is a residential area. Try to keep the noise level down when you're walking around. |
◆あなたたち のはらに たべものとかを すてたりしたことない? ◆ま ゲ-ムだから しょうがないけどね。 |
@Have you ever thrown food out into the field? @Well, it's a game, but it is pretty wasteful. |
@I bet you've thrown food into the fields to get rid of it, huh? @Well, I guess it can't be helped, since this IS a game and all. |
◆はっ!! いま おふろばの けんきゅうを しているんだ。 ◆だいがくの しゅくだいでさ。 ◆……ほんとだよ! |
@Gasp!! You startled me. @For college credit I study indoor architecture. @That's the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!! |
@Whoa...!!! @I'm... doing research about baths. @It's for a university project. @...It's the truth! I swear! |
◆じてんしゃがあると べんりなのになぁ。 |
@I wish that I had a bicycle. |
@Man, having a bike would be so convenient. |
◆は-らへった- ◆って いうとおもったろ。 いわないよ。 へってるけど。 |
@You thought I was going to beg for food, didn't you? @I wouldn't do that, even though I am ever so hungry. |
@I'm starving... ...Is what you expected me to say, huh? @Well, don't worry, I won't. I AM starving, though. |
◆わたし とかいが すき。 わたし おしゃれが すき。 |
@I love life in the city! @I look so great in cute dresses! |
@I love the city. @I love the trendy, fashionable lifestyle. |
◆おれは ちょうのうりょく なんて しんじてない。 |
@I don't believe in Psychic Powers. |
@I don't believe in psychic powers at all. |
◆わたしは かげのうすい おとこ きえたように みえることさえ あります。 |
@I am a man whose existence does not matter. @My importance is so small, @that I may not be missed should I disappear. |
@I'm an overshadowed man. @Sometimes it even seems like I've disappeared completely. |
◆わたし このまちがすき! となりの ハロウィ-ンの まちは こわいところよ。 |
@I love this town! I wouldn't be caught dead in @Spookane! Ha ha! |
@I love this town. @Halloween, the next town over, is scary, though. |
◆あなたは ほとけさまを しんじますか? |
@Would you like to make a donation to my charitable fund? |
@Do you believe in God? |
◆かぜぐすりの よくきくやつを もってたら みせで たかく かってくれるぜ。 |
@The store will buy good medicine for good money. |
@If you have really strong cold medicine, they'll buy it for a lot at the store. |
◆わたしは ようきな ゆうびんや ランラン。 ◆ロ-ズマリ-さんの ひっこしさきは どこ ランラン。 |
@I'm the jolly postman, laa laaa, la la. @Have you heard the Rosemarys new address? @La la la laaa. |
@I'm a cheery mailman, la-la-la! @Do you know where the Rosemarys moved to, la-la-la? |
◆ロ-ズマリ-さんの げんじゅうしょを さがしてる ゆうびんやさんに どうぞ つたえてくださいな。 ◆それは ずっと ひがしなのよと ◆ランランラン。 |
@Tell the postman who seeks the forwarding address, @that the Rosemarys have moved far away. @La la la laaa. |
@The mailman's trying to find the Rosemarys' new address. @If you see him, tell them they live much further to the east. @La-la-la! |
◆ロ-ズマリ-のむすめって かんじわるいッ! |
@I don't like the little Rosemary girl! |
@That Rosemary girl gives me the creeps! |
◆ダウンタウンの ビルのあたりは ばけものが う-ようよでねぇ。 みんな こっちに にげてきたんだ。 |
@The streets are filled with monsters, @the people have run away. |
@The whole downtown area was so full of monsters that everyone fled here. |
◆なんか よう? | @What do you want? | @Can I help you? |
◆わたしは しゅぎょうちゅうの よげんしゃ。 ◆あなたは このえきから ふたたび サンタクロ-スのえきに ゆくであろう。 ◆わかんないけどね。 |
@I am a clairvoyant still in training. @However this much I can see... @You shall return again to Union Station. @Although I'm not completely sure. |
@I'm a fortuneteller in training. @I can see you returning to Santa Claus Station from this train station. @I'm not 100 percent sure about that, though. |
◆[Ana]ちゃんの いえは おてら……じゃなくて きょうかいだよ。 ◆あ しってたか。 |
@[Ana]'s house is a chateau, not a mansion. @But, I'll bet you already knew that. |
@[Ana] lives in a temple... Err, I mean a church. @Oh, you already knew that? |
◆きょうかいなら もっと ひがしの やまのなかさ。 ◆ゴホッゴホッ……ゴホッ…… |
@There is a chateau in the mountains to the east. @Cough cough cough cough... |
@There's a church in the mountains further to the east. @(cough... cough...) |
◆こどもは げんきだなぁ。 そんな うすぎで。 ◆ゴホッゴホゴホッ……ゴホン。 |
@You kids are crazy. Running around with just T-shirts on. @Cough cough cough cough... |
@You kids sure are energetic and carefree, wearing such light clothes out here! (cough... cough...) |
◆アドベントさばくの ラクダのほねに あったら よろしくな。 ちょっと しってるラクダなんだ。 |
@Please say hello to the camel's bones in Yucca Desert. @I knew that camel once upon a time. |
@If you run into some camel bones in the Advent Desert, tell them I say hi. @That camel and I go way back. |
◆すこしぐらいの ケガだったら ここでなおしてあげますよ。 ◆でも びょうきだったら ちゃんと びょういんで みてもらってね。 |
@Small wounds can be treated here, @but real sickness must be treated in the hospital. |
@I can treat minor injuries here. @But if you're sick, you'll need to visit an actual hospital, okay? |
◆[Lloyd]って しょうらいは コンピュ-タかんけいの しごとに つくんじゃないかな。 |
@I think [Lloyd] will grow up and be a computer engineer. |
@I bet [Lloyd] will have a computer-related job in the future. |
◆し-っ! としょしつで おおごえだしちゃ いっけないのよォ! ◆ハッハッハ---ックション!! |
@Keep quiet in the library! @Ahh--choo!! |
@Shh! Keep quiet in the library! @A-a-a-CHOO! |
◆わたしを せかいいちの つりしと しって やってきたのかね。 ◆いや それほどでもないが…… ◆じゃ これから 1じかんほど じまんばなしをするか…… |
@You think I'm the world's greatest fisherman? @Well, not quite that great. But, if you've a moment, @let me tell you some of my fishing stories. |
@Oh, you must be here because you heard I'm the world's greatest fisherman. @Well, I wouldn't say I'm THAT great, but... @Oh, how about I tell you about some of my great exploits for an hour or so? |
◆じゃまだよ。 がきども! | @You're in the way, kid! |
@Get outta my face, twerps! |
◆おらおら…… | @Hey! | @Hey, you! |
◆おれ HPひくいけど がんばってみるぜ! |
@I may have low HP, but I'm gonna do my best! |
@My HP may be low, but I'm gonna give this everything I got! |
◆おれ……たぶん…… おまえと たたかうと まけるとおもう。 |
@If I fight with you.... @I will surely be a loser. |
@In a fight between you and me... I'm pretty sure I would lose. |
◆おれは つよい。 くちばっかしだけどな。 |
@I am a strong man. That's what I say. I insist this. |
@I'm tough. @But I'm mostly all talk. |
◆[Teddy]の あにきがいたら おまえなんか ゆびさきで ヒョイッ さ。 |
@You are no match for [Teddy]. @He could beat you up with his pinkie. |
@Our boss [Teddy] could totally beat you with just his pinkie if he wanted to! |
◆カンバンの もじは ちゃんと よんどるかね? |
@Did you read the sign? |
@Did you make sure to read the sign? |
◆もし どこかのさばくで かおのあるサボテンを みつけたら…… ◆とても こわいざますわね。 |
@While walking in the desert, I saw a cactus with a face, @then I ran for the hills screaming as loud as I could. |
@If you ever come across a cactus with a face on it in a desert somewhere... ...that would be utterly terrifying. |
◆つりびとに はなしかけると はなしが ながくて いけないね。 |
@When you talk to a fisherman, you can never get away. |
@Talk to the fisherman and he'll wind up talking your ears off. |
◆しょうがく いちねんせいだったら さかあがりくらい できるものよねぇ。 |
@Any first grader can do a cartwheel, @don't you think? |
@Any first-grader can do a cartwheel, wouldn't you say? |
◆こちらのエレベ-タ-で てんぼうだいまで おあがりください。 |
@The telescopes? @Take this elevator to the top of Look- Out Tower. |
@Please take this elevator up to the observation deck. |
◆ここの てんぼうだいから みえる しまで けむりがでてたよ。 だれか すんでいるのかなぁ? ◆ぼうえんきょうで みてみれば よかったなあ。 |
@I once saw smoke rising from one of the islands. @I wondered if anybody lived there. @I should have looked through that telescope. |
@I saw smoke rising from an island you can see from the observation deck. @I wonder if someone lives there. @Man, if only I'd looked through the telescope... |
◆ぼく さかあがりできないのよ。 | @I can't do a cartwheel. |
@I can't do a cartwheel. |
◆わたしは ひきざんの くりさがりが まだ よくわからない。 |
@I still don't know how to carry over in subtraction. |
@I still don't really know how to carry numbers in subtraction. |
◆いちごあじのとうふって とかいのほうで はやってるらしいな。 ◆くってみてぇよ。 |
@I heard Strawberry Tofu is popular in big cities. @I'd like to taste some. |
@I hear strawberry-flavored tofu is all the rage in big cities. @I'd love to try some. |
◆はら へったな。 | @I am hungry. Let's do lunch. |
@I'm hungry. |
◆おれを ただのおじさんと おもうなよ。 ◆って うちのパパのくちぐせなの。 |
@Don't take me for an ordinary man. @Those are Dad's favorite words. |
@Don't assume I'm an ordinary old guy. @...Is what my dad likes to say all the time. |
◆あなた ちこくよね! | @You are late, aren't you!? |
@You're late for class! |
◆りかしつで へんなせんせいを みなかったぁ? ◆……わたし みた。 |
@Did you see a strange man in the lab? @Well... I saw him. |
@Did you see a strange teacher in the science lab? @...Because I did. |
◆あのゲ-ム やった? おれ まだ やってないんだ。 |
@Have you played Super Mario Bros.7? @I'm still playing Super Mario Bros.3. @It's been quite a challenge for me. |
@Have you played Dragon Quest 4? @I'm still having a hard time with the third one. |
◆いらっしゃいませ。 なにを さしあげましょう? |
@Welcome! What can I sell you? |
@Welcome. @What can I get you? |
◆もうしわけありません。 そのしなは ただいまうりきれで ございます。 |
@Sorry, that item is out of stock. |
@I'm very sorry. That item is currently sold out. |
◆あら おやめになるんですか? ざんねんですが…… ◆またの ごらいてんを おまちしております。 |
@Don't need that, do you? Come see us when you do. |
@Oh, you've changed your mind? @That's too bad, but I hope you'll come back soon! |
◆ありがとうございました。 また ごりようください。 |
@Thank you very much. Please visit us again. |
@Thank you. @Please come again. |
◆おや やめるんですか? では またきてくださいね。 |
@Are you sure you don't need that? Well, come again. |
@Oh, you've changed your mind? @Well, please come again. |
◆[Name]さん げんきになって よかったわね。 また いつでもどうぞ! |
@[Name], glad to see you are fine now. See us again! |
@I'm so glad that you recovered, [Name]. @Come back any time you need. |
◆あら あなたのおともだちでしょ? ほんとに しんじゃいますよ。 |
@You would leave your best friend on their deathbed? |
@Oh, isn't that your friend, though? @They really could die, you know... |
◆はいはい ひとり [Money]ドルで しんさつしてあげましょうね。 |
@Well well, I'll treat each of you for [Money] each. |
@Yes, yes. @I can examine you for $[Money] per person. @Is that agreeable with you? |
◆ほんとに ちりょうは いらない? あっそ。 |
@You really don't need treatment? Oh, well... |
@You really don't need treatment? @All right, then. |
◆わたしのみたてでは どこも わるくないようだよ。 |
@I see everything with you is fine. |
@I can find nothing wrong with that person. |
◆はい すっかりよくなったよ。 | @Well, you are fine once again. |
@There, all better! |
◆しんじようが しんじまいが わたしは ヒ-ラ-。 どうしたい? |
@Believe it or not, I am a Healer. What do you want? |
@Though you may not believe it, I'm a healer. @What do you want me to do? |
◆おお そうか。 そうしなさい。 | @OK, do what you want to. |
@Oh, okay. If you say so. |
◆[Money]ドル いただいておこうか。 |
@Give me $[Money] for that. |
@I need to charge you $[Money]. Okay? |
◆いらっしゃいませ。 ひとばん [Money]ドルに なりますが おとまりになりますか? |
@Welcome! $[Money] for a night. Care to stay? |
@Welcome. @It's $[Money] per night here. @Will you be staying? |
◆それは ざんねんです。 また いらしてくださいね。 |
@Sorry to hear that. Please visit us again. |
@Oh, that's too bad. @Well, come back again. |
◆では ごゆっくり。 | @Sleep tight... and don't let the bed bugs bite. |
@Pleasant dreams! |
◆おはようございます。 また おたちよりください。 おまちしております。 |
@Good morning! Please come back and see us again. |
@Good morning. @Please come back again. We look forward to it. |
◆[Name]さんでしたら さっき はこびこまれましたよ。 いしきが もどらないんですが…… ◆ちりょうひを [Money]ドル おしはらい ください。 |
@They just brought [Name] here, still unconscious. @Medical treatment for those injuries totals $[Money]. |
@[Name] was just brought in, and is still unconscious. @Please pay $[Money] for the doctor's fee. |
◆どなたに ごめんかいですか? | @Who are you here to visit? |
@Who are you here to see? |
◆パパは るすです。 だから おかねのことは わかんないけど ほかは ぼくが ちゃんとやりますから あんしんして とまってください。 |
@Well, Dad isn't home and I don't care about money. @So if you need a place to stay, @feel free to stay here tonight. |
@Dad's not home. @I don't understand money, but I can do other stuff. @So don't worry. You can stay here tonight if you want. |
◆おはよう。 また とまりにきてね。 ひとりぼっちで さみしいんだ。 |
@Good morning! Please come back again someday. @If you do, I may not get quite so lonely here. |
@Good morning. @Stay again sometime, okay? @It gets lonely here all by myself. |
◆なんだ とまっていかないの…… ◆パパがいなくても ぼくがちゃんと かわりをするから だいじょうぶなのに…… |
@Why aren't you going to spend the night here? @Dad may not be home, but it's alright, trust me. |
@Oh? You're not going to stay? @But I can do this work just fine even when Dad's gone... |
◆あらっ チケットがなきゃ はいれないわよ。 |
@Tickets please, you must have a Ticket to get in. |
@Oh, I can't let you in without tickets. |
◆しかし……… なにもなかった。 |
@However... Nothing was there. |
@But... There was nothing there. |
あずける もちだす | Leave Take out | @ Store Take |
◆なにももってないじゃない。 | @You have nothing. | @You don't have any items. |
◆なにも あずかってないわよ。 | @You haven't left anything with me. |
@You haven't left any items with me. |
◆ちょっとまって……… ◆そうこが いっぱいだから もうあずかれないよ。 |
@Just a moment... @The closet is full. I can't keep any more for you now. |
@Hold on... @The storeroom is full, so I can't store any more stuff. |
◆イラッシャイマセ | @Can I help you? | @WELCOME |
◆ザンダカガ タリマセン | @Your balance is insufficient. |
◆オカネガ タリマセン | @There isn't enough money. |
◆モウシワケ アリマセン トリヒキ ゲンドガクヲ コエマシタノデ オアズカリ デキマセン |
@I'm sorry, @the transaction you have requested exceeds your limit. |
◆アリガトウ ゴザイマシタ | @Thank you very much. |
◆にんぎょうの なかには ふるい オルゴ-ルが かくされていた。 ◆[Name]は オルゴ-ルをあけた。 ◆とぎれとぎれに メロディ-がながれた。 |
@Inside the doll, [Name] spotted an old music box. @As the music box was wound up... @A melody began to play. |
@There's an old music box hidden inside the doll. @[Name] opened the music box. @A broken melody began to play. |
◆ ? | @? | @ ??? |
◆ありがとう ございました。 | @Thank you. | @Thank you. |
◆おれ ぶきをてにいれる いいル-トを もっているんだ。 ◆そのうち すごいぶきを てにいれられる かもな。 |
@I have a fantastic source for weapons. @Check back again with me later... @I just may get a really awesome weapon or two. |
@I have a great source for weapons. @One of these days, I might get ahold of some really amazing ones... |
◆[Name]は たたかいに かった。 |
@[Name] won the battle. |
@[Name]'s party won the battle. |
ヒキダス アズケル | Withdraw Deposit | @ WITHDRAW DEPOSIT |
◆ゲンザイ $[Money]{ZEROES} オアズカリ シテイマス |
@Your account shows a balance of $[Money]. |
◆カギが かかっている。 | @The door is locked. | @It's locked. |
◆カギが あわないようだ。 | @That Key does not fit this lock. |
@The key doesn't fit. |
◆[Name]は カギをあけて なかにはいった。 |
@[Name] unlocked the door and went inside. |
@[Name] unlocked the door and went inside. |
きろくする とくにない | Yes No | @ Save Nothing |
つづける おわる | Continue Rest | @ Continue End |
◆[Name]は じゅわきを とった。 |
@[Name] grabbed the telephone. |
@[Name] picked up the telephone. |
◆しつれいですが…… おかねが たりないようですよ。 |
@I'm sorry, but you just don't have enough money. |
@I'm sorry, but you don't seem to have enough money. |
◆まあ おきゃくさま おかねが たりませんわ。 |
@Oh no sir, you do not have that much money. |
@Oh, I'm so sorry. You don't have enough money. |
◆おきゃくさま それいじょうおもちになろうなんて おやめになったほうが よろしいとおもいます。 |
@Sir, you can't carry more than what you now have. @At least, I don't think you should. |
@This is only my humble opinion, but you probably shouldn't carry any more things. |
◆っはい! もうなおってる。 すごいでしょ。 |
@There you have it! I've fixed it like a true expert. |
@Okay! All better! @Amazing, huh? |
◆もうしわけありません。 [Item]は かいとれません。 |
@Sorry, but I can't buy [Item] from you. |
@I'm very sorry. I can't buy your [Item]. |
◆うたひめロ-ラは わがこ と たいめんして おおよろこびで うたを うたいはじめた。 |
@Overjoyed with her reunion, Laura began singing. |
@Laura the songbird was so happy to see her baby again that she began singing. |
◆[Name]は メロディ-をおぼえた。 |
@[Name] remembered the tune. |
@[Name] learned the melody. |
◆カナリアが うたっている。 | @This canary is singing. |
@The canary is singing. |
◆サルは どうぶつえんのカギをぬすんだ。 |
@The monkey stole the Zoo Key. |
@The monkey stole the Zoo Key. |
◆ロボットは ふるく さびついていた。 |
@The robot appeared old and rusty. |
@The robot is old and rusted. |
◆[Name]の けはいを かんじた しゅんかん ロボットは いのちを ふきこまれた。 |
@Feeling [Ninten]'s presence, the robot came back to life. |
@The instant it sensed [Name], the robot sprang to life. |
◆[Name]は [Money] | @[Money] for [Name] | @[Name]: [Money] EXP. |
◆がんばりなさい。 | @Do your best. | @Good luck. |
◆いずみの みずにふれると すっごく げんきになりました。 |
@Your strength has revived by touching @the fountain's mysterious water. |
@Touching the fountain's water revitalized you. |
◆ピッピ! よかったわ よかったわ。 ほんとによかった。 ◆ちょうちょうさんも ピッピを さがしてくれてるはずよ。 ◆ちゃんと ごあいさつに いってきてちょうだい。 |
@Oh my, little Pippi! You're back and safe! @Thank you for finding her, [Ninten]! @By the way, the Town Mayor is waiting for you... @Pippi, go with [Ninten], and help straighten this out. |
@Pippi! @Oh, thank goodness! She's all right! @I think the mayor is looking for her too. @You should probably go and see him. |
◆はいってます! って ここはトイレじゃないけどな。 ◆いま てがはなせないんだ。 あとでおいで。 |
@I'm busy, So I can't help you right now. @You'll have to come back later. |
@Someone's in here! ...Wait, this isn't a bathroom. @I have my hands full at the moment. Come back later. |
◆だれが どくに やられたんだね? | @Who has been poisoned? |
@Who's been poisoned? |
◆だれを やわらかくしようかね……? | @Who needs to be softened? |
@Who shall I soften? |
◆どくなんか ない! | @You haven't been poisoned! |
@They haven't been poisoned! |
◆かたくなって ないじゃないか。 | @You have not been turned to stone. |
@Wait, they haven't been turned to stone! |
◆あそこは むかし ペンシルロケットを じゃんじゃん つくってたんだよ。 |
@They manufacture Bottle Rockets there. |
@They used to make loads of Bottle Rockets there. |
◆うちの にょうぼうは しょだいの ミスいなかまち だったんだ。 |
@My wife was the 1st Miss Merrysville in history. |
@My wife was the very first Miss Middle of Nowhere. |
◆カギは あけたよ。 おくじょうは けしきがいいぞ。 |
@OK, I've unlocked the roof. While you're up there... @Make sure to take in the view. It is unforgettable. |
@Okay, I unlocked the door. @The view from the roof is really nice, by the way. |
◆あとで ダンカンのだいこうじょうに いこう。 ◆あそこには すっごいロケットが あるらしいんだ。 |
@Later we should go to Duncan's Factory... @I've heard they're constructing an incredible rocket. |
@Let's go visit Duncan's Factory later. @I hear there's a really incredible rocket there. |
◆みんなが ぼくのことを よわむしとか けむしとか アホタレとか うわさしてなかったかなぁ。 |
@They call me names, weakling or four eyes, or worse... @I'm sure that you've heard them. |
@I bet people have been spreading rumors about how I'm a "weakling stinkling" or a "stupid head"... |
◆いや……あさになってしまったな。 | @In the mean time, dawn breaks over the harbor... |
@Oh... It's morning now. |
◆としよりを たいせつにしなさいね。 ゴホゴホ。 |
@Pardon me young whipper-snappers... @I didn't really mean to talk all night, but... |
@Cherish your elders, you hear? (cough cough) |
◆チビ! きやすく はなしかけんじゃねぇよ。 |
@You young little... Don't talk to me that way! |
@Hey, pipsqueak! Who said you could talk to me?! |
◆ある ファミコンソフトのはなしだけどね。 ◆マザ-って タイトルに きまったらしいんだけど ジョン・レノンの まねだよな。 |
@This game I heard of @was titled "EARTH BOUND"... @don't know exactly why... @because it really doesn't matter. @So if you shouldn't judge a book by its cover... @Don't judge a game by its title. |
@I heard there's a Famicom game called "MOTHER" now. @They totally copied that from John Lennon, didn't they? |
◆レインディアの えきにいる おばあさんは とっても たいせつなものを くれるんだけど ◆あなた[Name]は あったかしら…… |
@A lady at Reindeer Station has some- thing for you... @Have you gone there and met her yet? |
@An old lady at the Reindeer train station has something very important to give you. @Have you met her yet? |
◆さいごの ヒントよ。 マジカントこくの ギタ-ひきの うたは ぜひ きいてね。 |
@The most important hint to remember though is... @No matter how much it hurts your ears to do so... @Listen to the words in the song by @Magicant's guitar player. |
@This is my final hint. @You know the guitar player in Magicant? Be sure you listen to his song! |
◆なにか あるなとおもったら こまめに チェックするといいぞ。 |
@When you find some- thing strange, @be sure to CHECK it out every time. |
@If something ever seems strange, be sure to "Check" all around. |
◆うたうサルは しみじみとうたった。 | @The Singing Monkey sang with passion. |
@The singing monkey sang with passion. |
◆サボテンは うたう。 なぜか うたう。 せつせつと うたいつづけた。 |
@The Cactus sang... @and for whatever reason, it kept on singing. |
@The cactus sang. @For some reason, it sang. @It continued to sing with emotion. |
◆ピアノは ひとりでに けんばんが うごいて えんそうを はじめた。 |
@The Piano began to play all by itself... |
@The keys on the piano began to play all by themselves. |
◆ドラゴンは いがいと すなおに ふるい がくふを みせてくれた。 ◆こんな うただった。 |
@The Dragon crooned his tune without much hesitation. @The song went something like this... |
@With no hesitation at all, the dragon showed its old sheet music. @The song went like this... |
◆ロボット イヴは はかいされ うごかなくなった。 ◆イヴの むねのあたりから おんがくが ながれてきた。 |
@Robot Eve was demolished and moved no more. @Examining the wreckage caused music to start... |
@EVE was destroyed and ceased functioning. @Music began to emanate from EVE's chest area. |
「よにも めずらしい うたうさるは とう シュ-クリ-ムどうぶつえんに しか おりません。」 |
@One of a kind! See the amazing Singing Monkey! |
@The world's only singing monkey! Right here at Cream Puff Zoo! |
◆かいだんの うえの とびらには おおきな じょうまえが かかっている。 |
@There's a padlock on the door at the top of the stairs. |
@There's a big lock on the door at the top of the stairs. |
◆わたしは スノ-マンのまちの ひとたちのために ここにのこるが どうか……きをつけて……いって。 |
@I must stay here with the people of Snowman. @Please take care... |
@I'm going to stay here and help the people of Snowman. Please be careful on your way... |
◆おかねが たりません。 | @Not enough money. | @You don't have enough money. |
◆やっぱり こわいから [Name]ちゃん さきに あるいてよ。 |
@[Ninten], please go first. I am so afraid. |
@I'm too scared. @You lead the way, [Name]. |
◆よくみると とびらの カギは こわれていた。 [Name]は とびらを あけた。 |
@The lock was broken. [Name] opened the door. |
@Upon closer look, the gate's lock was broken. @[Name] opened the gate. |
◆あっ [Teddy]さん こんにちは ッス。 |
@Hi! [Teddy]! How are you doin'? |
@Oh! [Teddy]! What's up? |
◆[Teddy]のアニキを はやく カムバックさせてくれよう! |
@Let [Teddy] come back fast! |
@You better hurry and get [Teddy] back on his feet! |
◆あ だめだめ。 [Item]は あずかれないのよ。 ◆わたし わがままなの。 |
@No, no. I can't keep [Item] with me. @I must go my own way, whatever you say. |
@Oh, whoops. @I can't hold on to your [Item]. @I'm selfish like that. |
「[Name]の えいえんのしもべ。 ゆうかんなる フライングマンせんし ここに ねむる。」 |
@[Ninten]'s faithful and loyal servant, @The brave soldier, Flying Man, rests here in peace. |
@Here rests Flying Man, the courageous warrior and eternal servant to [Name]. |
「[Name]の うちなる ちから。 ゆうかんなる フライングマンせんし ここに ねむる。」 |
@[Ninten]'s strong and powerful ally, @The brave soldier, Flying Man, rests here in peace. |
@Here rests Flying Man, the courageous warrior and inner strength of [Name]. |
「[Name]の ぜんなる こころ。 ゆうかんなる フライングマンせんし ここに ねむる。」 |
@[Ninten]'s benevolent buddy, @The brave soldier, Flying Man, rests here in peace. |
@Here rests Flying Man, the courageous warrior and virtuous heart of [Name]. |
「[Name]の おおいなる かなしみ。 ゆうかんなる フライングマンせんし ここに ねむる。」 |
@To [Ninten]'s great sorrow, @The brave soldier, Flying Man, rests here in peace. |
@Here rests Flying Man, the courageous warrior and great sorrow of [Name]. |
「[Name]の ち と にく。 ゆうかんなる フライングマンせんし ここに ねむる。」 |
@To [Ninten]'s horror and dismay, @The brave soldier, Flying Man, rests in peace here. |
@Here rests Flying Man, the courageous warrior and flesh and blood of [Name]. |
◆ちょうちょうさんの めいれいで どうぶつえんの じけんが かいけつするまで ここは とおれないんだぞ。 ◆ちょっと ロコツな やりかただけどな。 |
@Proclamation by the Town's Mayor says... @No one may pass until the Zoo case is solved. @A real one way attitude if you ask me. @I don't have to like it, just enforce it. |
@No one's allowed past here until the incident at the zoo is resolved. @Those were the mayor's orders. @It's kind of a heavy-handed way of doing things though, if you ask me. |
◆このおくの やまのどうくつに へんな いわが あるんだぞ。 ◆あんまりへんだから けんぶつすると いいぞ。 |
@Deep in a cave, there is a strange rock-like thing. @It's so strange, you definitely should take a look. |
@There's a strange rock in a mountain cave past here. @In fact, it's so strange that you should go check it out. |
◆ところで…… おまえ[Name] テレパシ-とかが できるんだってな。 ◆だいひょうばんだぞ。 ◆この にんきもの! |
@I heard that you can communicate with Telepathy. @Have you heard all of the people talking about you? @But you probably don't need to 'listen' to them! |
@Say... You know how to use telepathy or whatever, right? @Everyone's talking about you, you know! @You're a real celebrity! |
◆あんた[Name] スノ-マンに いくのかい? |
@Are you going to Snowman? |
@By any chance are you on your way to Snowman? |
◆このぼうしを ひろったんだけど スノ-マンにいる おんなのこの ものらしいの。 ◆とどけてあげて ちょうだいな。 |
@I found this Hat. I believe it's the property of a girl @who lives there. Please take it to her. |
@I found this hat. I think it belongs to a girl in Snowman. @Deliver it to her, if you'd be so kind. |
◆たのみたいことが あったんだけど ざんねんだわ。 |
@Well, I had something to ask you. |
@Oh, that's too bad. I was hoping to ask you a favor. |
◆かっこいいしょうねんは どくとくの うたをうたった。 ◆[Name]は このメロディ-は さすがに おぼえられなかった。 |
@The good-looking boy sang a quite a unique song. @[Name] did not want to remember this strange melody. |
@The cool boy sang a very... unique song. @Not even [Name] could learn this melody. |
◆すみません。 ちょっと アンケ-トに こたえていただけますか? |
@Excuse me... could you answer this questionnaire? |
@I'm sorry to bother you, but could I ask you some survey questions? |
◆あなたは きしゃの うんちんを たかいと おもいますか? |
@Do you think the train tickets are too expensive? |
@Do you feel that train tickets are too expensive? |
◆あなたは ふしぎなメガホンを つかいましたか? |
@Have you USEd the Bullhorn? |
@Have you ever used a Megaphone? |
◆ごきょうりょく ありがとうございました。 おれいの テレホンカ-ドです。 |
@Thank you for your cooperation. In exchange... @for your time, this Telephone Card is for you. |
@Thank you for your cooperation. @For your time, please take this Phone Card. |
◆すいません。 ちょっと…… アンケ-トに……… ◆あっ まえに おねがいしましたっけね。 |
@Excuse me, but could you answer this questionnaire? @Oh! I'm sorry I've already asked you these questions... |
@I'm sorry to bother you, but... could you... @Oh! You've already taken the survey, haven't you? |
◆こころの さけびを ききつけて おたすけじいさんが とうじょうした。 |
@Hearing the soulful cry, the Benevolent Old Man showed up. |
@Hearing the cries from your heart, a helpful old man appeared. |
◆[Name]は カンオケを あけた。 カンオケのなかから……!! |
@[Name] pried up the lid. Out from the casket...!! |
@[Name] opened the coffin. @Inside the casket was...!! |
◆[Name]は ぼうえんきょうを のぞいた。 |
@[Name] looked into the telescope. |
@[Name] peered into the telescope. |
◆うみが きれいだった。 | @The shimmering blue sea stretched toward the horizon. |
@The ocean was beautiful. |
◆むこうのしまで なにかが ひかった! |
@In the distance, on the island, something sparkled! |
@Something sparkled on the island in the distance! |
◆カプセルのなかから なにかが とびだした。 |
@Suddenly, from inside of the capsule... |
@Something leapt out of the capsule! |
◆[Ana] 「パパ……いまは……さよなら。 つぎに あうときは きっと ママといっしょよ! ……いのっててください。」 |
@([Ana]) Daddy... Good-bye... @Next time, Mommy will come back with me! @Believe in us! |
@[Ana]: Dad... Goodbye for now... The next time I see you, Mom will be with me! ...Please pray for us. |
◆だれに はなしているのだ。 | @Who are you talking to? |
@Who are you talking to? |
◆なに? | @What?!? | @What? |
◆もんだいなし。 | @No problem. | @No problem here. |
◆(The voice of Queen Mary speaks) ◆I am the consciousness of Maria. ◆[Name], use my last power! ◆Then, as the voice became a whisper of wind... ◆The rock disintegrated. ◆Leaving only a pile of very fine sand at their feet. |
@(The voice of Queen Mary speaks) @I am the consciousness of Maria. @[Ninten], use my last power! @Then, as the voice became a whisper of wind... @The rock disintegrated. @Leaving only a pile of very fine sand at their feet. |
@(The voice of Queen Mary speaks) @I am the consciousness of Maria. @[Name], use my last power! @Then, as the voice became a whisper of wind... @The rock disintegrated. @Leaving only a pile of very fine sand at their feet. |
◆[Name]は [Item]を つかった。 |
@[Name] used the [Item]. |
◆[Name]は [Item]を つかえない。 |
@[Name] can't use the [Item]. |
◆やめてください。 | @Please don't do that. | |
◆[Name]は [Item]を そうびした。 |
@[Name] equipped the [Item]. |
◆[Name]は [Item]を そうびできない。 |
@[Name] can't equip the [Item]. |
◆[Name]は [Item]を すててしまった。 |
@[Name] threw away the [Item]. |
◆[Item]は すててはいけない。 |
@Don't throw away [Item] |
@You shouldn't throw away the [Item]. |
◆[Name]は [Name]に [Item]を わたした。 |
@[Name] gave the [Item] to [Name]. |
◆[Item]は わたせない。 |
@Can't hand over [Item]. |
@The [Item] can't be given away. |
◆[Name]は これいじょう ものをもてない。 |
@[Name] can't carry any more. |
@[Name] can't hold any more stuff. |
◆なにも おこらない。 | @Nothing happened. | @Nothing happened. |
◆[Name]は プレゼントのはこを あけた。 |
@[Name] opened the present. |
@[Name] opened the present. |
◆[Item]が あった。 | @There was [Item]. |
@Found [Item]. |
◆[Name]は [Item]を てにいれた。 |
@[Name] got [Item]. |
@[Name] took the [Item]. |
◆しかし これいじょう ものを もてない。 |
@Can't carry anything else. |
@But you can't hold any more stuff. |
◆しかし からっぽだった。 | @It was empty. | @It's empty... |
ドクをけす やわらかくする |
@Cure poison. Soften |
@Cure Poison Soften |
「みなみ・マザ-ズデイ きた ・シュ-クリ-ム どうぶつえん」 |
@ City Zoo NORTH @ Podunk SOUTH |
@South: Mother's Day North: Cream Puff Zoo |
「このおく カナリアむら。 しぜんを たいせつにしよう!」 |
@No Hunting - Approaching @The Canary Village Wildlife Refuge |
@Canary Village ahead Let's nurture nature together! |
「マザ-ズデイ まちやくば」 | @ City Hall City of Podunk |
@Mother's Day Town Hall |
「にし・うみのてんぼうだい きた・バレンタインみなと うみをきれいに!」 |
@ Look-Out Tower WEST Harbor NORTH |
@West: Ocean Observatory North: Valentine Harbor Keep our ocean clean! |
「にし ・バレンタイン ひがし・ホ-リ-ロ-リ- マウンテン」 |
@ Ellay WEST @ Mount Itoi EAST |
@West: Valentine East: Holy Loly Mountain |
「にし ・ヒ-ラ-のいえ はしのむこう・はかば ひとりあるき きけん!」 |
@ Healer's House WEST Beyond Bridge... @ Cemetery Abandon all hope ye who enter! |
@West: Healer's House Bridge Path: Cemetery Walking alone is dangerous! |
「にし ・マザ-ズデイ ひがし・サンクスギビング」 |
@ Podunk WEST @ Merrysville EAST |
@West: Mother's Day East: Thanksgiving |
「シュ-クリ-ムどうぶつえんは にしに 700メ-トル」 |
@ City Zoo 700 meters WEST |
@Cream Puff Zoo 700 meters west |
「スノ-マンきょうかい このおく」 | @Snowman Chateau Straight Ahead |
@Snowman Church ahead |
「にし ・バレンタイン みなみ・しっちたい」 |
@ Ellay WEST @ Swamp SOUTH |
@West: Valentine South: Swamp |
「サンクスギビングおおどおり みなみ・ティンクル しょうがっこう」 |
@ Twinkle Elementary School SOUTH |
@Thanksgiving Main Street South: Twinkle Elem. School |
「[Name] の いえ」 | @[Ninten]'s house | @[Name]'s house |
「サンクスギビングへ ようこそ! にし・マザ-ズデイ きた・サンタクロ-スえき」 |
@Welcome to Merrysville! @ Podunk WEST @ Union Station NORTH |
@Welcome to Thanksgiving! West: Mother's Day North: Santa Claus Station |
「にし ・ヒ-ラ-のいえ ひがし・レインディアえき みなみ・レインディアのまち」 |
@ Healer's House WEST @ Reindeer Station EAST @ Reindeer Town SOUTH |
@West: Healer's House East: Reindeer Station South: Reindeer |
「にし ・ハロウィ-ンダウンタウン ひがし・ハロウィ-ン じゅうたくち」 |
@ Spookane Downtown WEST @Spookane Residental EAST |
@West: Downtown Halloween East: Halloween residential area |
「ひがし・しっちたい」 | @ Swamp - EAST | @East: Swamp |
「このさき ロ-ズマリ-さんの しゆうち」 |
@PRIVATE PROPERTY (signed)- The Rosemarys |
@Private property of the Rosemary family |
「バレンタイン けいさつしょ」 | @Police Station City of Ellay |
@Valentine Police Department |
「れいのみせ けんせつよていち ダンカンけんせつがいしゃ」 |
@Coming this fall- Duncan's Debutantery @Financing by, Architectural by, Construction by, @The Duncan Company Inc. |
@Coming soon: Strip Theater -Duncan Construction |
◆アニハ ウツクシク タオレタト キキマス。 ◆ハカヲ タテテ テアツク トムライマシタ。 ◆ツギハ ワタシノ バンデス。 |
@I heard that my brother died with honor in combat. @With all our love, he was buried in our cemetery. @It is with great pride that I take his place by you. |
◆ワタシモ ハヤク アナタノ オテツダイガ シタイ。 |
@I cannot wait to serve you. |
◆ワタシハ ふらいんぐまん。 アナタノ チカラニナル。 ソノタメニ ウマレテキタ。 |
@I am the Flying Man. My destiny is to help you. |
◆かいげんれいは とかれた。 ちょっと おおげさだったけどな。 |
@The curfew has been lifted. @Although I can't see why travel was ever restricted. |
@They finally lifted the orders for martial law. @They overreacted a little bit, if you ask me. |
◆ふるぼけた ロケットだ。 | @Old, rusty rocket. | @There's an old rocket here. |
◆グッズを とりにきたのね。 はい どうぞ。 |
@Did you come for your Goods? Here you go. |
@You came to get your items, right? @Okay, here you go! |
◆グッズは ぜんぶわたしたわよ。 でも また あいにきてね。 |
@I've given you all the Goods. Please come again. |
@I gave you all your items. But come seem me again sometime! |
◆わたし ミニ-よ。 | @I am Minnie. | @I'm Minnie. |
きをいれる やわらかくする | Refresh Soften | @ Refresh Soften |
◆[Teddy] 「おまえら ふたりで いたいんだろう。 おれ ここで ねてるわ。」 |
@([Teddy]) I'm sure you two would like to be alone. @I'll make a few phone calls and wait out here. |
@[Teddy]: You two probably wanna be alone, huh? I'll just be catchin' some Zs over here, then. |
◆しまった! まにあわなかった。 | @Oh shoot! I missed! |
@Oh no! I'm too late! |
◆……よかった。 | @Oh [Ninten], I've loved you for such a long time. @I've loved you since I saw you in my dream. |
@...I'm so glad. |
◆[Teddy] 「おい! なんか とんでもないおとが したぜ。」 |
@([Teddy]) Sorry to bother you two... @but did you hear those loud noises? |
@[Teddy]: Whoa! What the heck was that sound?! |
◆[Teddy] 「ほ-んとかよ!?」 |
@([Teddy]) Those noises coming from outside, @not in here silly. |
@[Teddy]: You gotta be kiddin' me! |
◆ボ-トは エンジンの ちょうしが わるいようだ。 |
@The boat motor appears to be broken. |
@The boat's engine seems to be in poor condition. |
◆[Name]には うごかすことが できない。 |
@[Name] just does not seem to be able to fix it. |
@[Name] can't get it to work. |
◆しかし [Lloyd]は じょうずに エンジンを かけることが できた。 |
@But [Lloyd] fired it right up. |
@But [Lloyd] managed to get it running. |
◆[Item]ですね。 ちゃんと [Name]さんの うちへ おくっておきますね。 ◆ほかに あずかるものは ありますか? |
@I'll send this [Item] to [Ninten]'s house. @Is there anything else you want me to keep? |
@The [Item], right? @I'll be sure to send it to [Name]'s house. @Is there anything else you want to store? |
◆こんな せまいなかに とじこめられて…… これから どうなるんだろう。 |
@Not that I have claustrophobia... @but I can't stand small, close spaces! |
@What are we trapped inside these cramped things for? @What's going to happen to us? |
「スイ-トリトル こうじょう」 | @ Sweet's Little Factory |
@Sweet Little Factory |
◆やまのうえの マザ-シップに つれていかれて きがついたら こんなことに…… ◆なんとかしてくれ! |
@I was kidnapped by the Mother Ship. Please help me! |
@The mothership brought us to the top of the mountain, and when we came to, we were stuck in these things... @Please, do something! |
◆スペルの まちがいは ないですね? | @Are you sure that it is spelled correctly? |
@Are you sure it's spelled right? |
◆どうぶつたちを くるわせていた あやしいおとは きえた。 どうぶつえんは あんぜんになった。 |
@The odd sound that drove the animals insane died down. @The Zoo once more became a safe place. |
@The strange sound driving the animals crazy stopped. @The zoo is safe once more. |
◆だいじな せんしゃだからな。 こわさんようにな。 |
@Be careful, that tank is my most prized possession. |
@This tank is my prized possession. Try not to break it, okay? |
◆いぬの くびわには ちかしつのカギが さがっていた。 |
@There, on the dog's collar, was the Basement Key. |
@A key to the basement is hanging from the dog's collar. |
◆へっへっへ あっしは おせっかいな ねずみです。 ◆まちの いえには はいれる いえと はいれない いえが あります。 ◆まるいドアと かんばんのあるドアは はいれる いえ。 ◆あとは はいろうとしても あたまを ぶつけるだけでさぁ。 ◆さいなら。 |
@Hee Hee Hee... I am the noisy mouse. @Some buildings you can enter, some you cannot. @If the door is round, or has a sign, go on inside. @The rest of the doors will not open for you. @Bye! |
@Heh heh heh! I'm a meddlesome mouse! @In towns, there are some houses you can go inside and some you can't. @Houses with round doors or signs on them are the ones you can go into. @If you try to go into any of the other ones, you'll just hit your head. @Well, bye! |
◆テレポ-テ-ションを おもちゃに するんじゃないぞ。 |
@Teleportation is a Psychic Power not to be played with. |
@Remember, teleportation isn't something to be toyed with. |
◆ほんとうの こどものように かわいがったのに…… |
@I loved him... @I loved him, as if he was my own child... |
@I had loved him as if he were my own child, too... |
◆しっぽを ふってた あかちゃんだった…… こもりうたを……でも…… |
@He was always wagging his tail, just like a pup... @EXCEPT for when I tried to SING him lullabies... |
@He would always wag his tail as a baby... @I would sing him a lullaby, but then... |
◆ああ ジョ-ジ! あなたの つま マリアです。 ◆あなたのまつ てんごくに わたしも いまから むかいます…… |
@Ahhh...George! This is your wife, Maria. @I'm coming to join you, my purpose is complete... |
@Oh, George! This is your wife, Maria. @I know you've been waiting... I'm on my way to join you in heaven now... |
◆キャッシュカ-ドヲ イレテクダサイ | @Please insert your Cash Card. |
◆そんなに げんきんを もちあるいては いけない。 |
@Don't carry so much cash with you. |
@You shouldn't carry around that much cash. |
◆このまえの セ-ブデ-タまで もどるが それで よいのか? |
@Is it all right to go back to the data SAVEd earlier? |
@This'll return you back to your previous save data. Is that all right? |
◆「はい」って いったのに もってないじゃないか。 アハハハハ。 |
@You said "Yes", but you don't have it. Ah ha ha ha... |
@You said yes, but you don't have a save file! Ahahaha! |
◆こきゅうが みだれて くるしそうだ。 |
@[Teddy] seems to be out of breath. |
@His breathing is rough. He looks like he's in pain. |
◆まだ グッズをわたせる なかまが いない。 |
@You don't have any friends to hand the Goods to. |
@You don't have any friends to give items to yet. |
◆[Item]ですね。 たしかに おわたししましたよ。 ◆ほかに もっていくものは ありますか? |
@The [Item] is once more in your possession. @Is there anything else you'd like to take? |
@Oh, the [Item]? @Here you go. Take good care of it. @Is there anything else you want to take with you? |
◆もちきれない みたいだけど ほかのひとに わたしますか? |
@Can't someone else carry that? Your load is too great! |
@It looks like you can't carry any more stuff. @Should I give this to someone else? |
◆そうこが いっぱいです。 | @The closet is full. |
@The storeroom is full. |
◆クイ-ンマリ-は [Name]に かたりおえると かぜのなかに きえていった。 ◆そして マジカントのくにも また あとかたもなく かききえた。 ◆マジカントのくに とは マリ-のいしきが うみだした まぼろしだったのだ。 |
@After telling the story to [Ninten], @with a rush of wind, Queen Mary vanished. @As she disappeared, so did Magicant. @Magicant was a mirage... @A mirage born of Maria's consciousness. |
@Once Queen Mary finished speaking to [Name], she disappeared into the wind. And then the land of Magicant itself vanished without a trace. @Magicant had actually been an illusion born of Mary's consciousness. |
◆わたしが あなた[Name]を よんだのです。 ◆[Name]! [Ana]! [Lloyd]! [Teddy]! ◆そして すべての ゆうきある こどもたち。 ◆いまが そのときです! |
@I am the one who has called you. @[Ninten], [Ana], [Lloyd], and [Teddy]! @All of the brave children. @Now is the time! |
@It was I who called you here. @[Name]! [Ana]! [Lloyd]! [Teddy]! @And all courageous children out there... @The time is now! |
◆し-っ! わたくしどもも あなた[Name]と おなじように あっちの せかいの にんげんです。 ◆おかねさえ いただければ マジカントの すばらしいおみやげを わけて さしあげますよ。 ◆ヒッヒッヒ。 |
@What are you staring at? @Here in Magicant it's just like the world outside. @Just leave me some cash, then with the Goods you can dash. @Hee Hee Hee. |
@Shh! I'm just like you! I'm from the other world! @For some money, I'll share some souvenirs of Magicant with you. @Hee hee hee! |
◆でんしゃにのらないと オレみたいに なっちゃうぜ。 |
@Get on the train, or you will have a hard time like me. |
@You'll end up like me if you don't take the train... |
◆ほかに ございますか? | @Do you want anything else? |
@Do you need anything else? |
◆ようこそ [Name]…… ◆かならず ここまで たどりつくことができると しんじていました。 ◆そのむかし [Name]の そうそぼ マリアは ◆8つのメロディ- それぞれに せいいっぱいの あいをちりばめ ◆まだみぬ あなた[Name]への おくりものとしたのです…… |
@[Name], Welcome... @I always believed that you would find your way here. @Your Great-Grand Mother Maria's love was scattered, @scattered in the form of melodies. @I have a melody for you. Listen and remember... |
@Welcome, [Name]... @I always had faith that you would make it this far. @Long ago, your great-grandmother Maria filled her eight melodies with all the love she could and scattered them around as gifts for you, even though she had never seen you before... |
◆クリスタルの かがやきを あびて ぜんいん かんぜんに かいふくした! |
@The crystal fragments that had broken off @stopped glowing and disappeared.. |
@Bathed in the glow of the crystal, everyone was completely healed! |
◆[Name]は わたすのを やめた。 |
@[Name] didn't do anything. |
@[Name] decided not to hand over any items. |
◆[Name]は [Name]に [Item]を あたえた。 |
@[Name] gave [Item] to [Name]. |
@[Name] gave the [Item] to [Name]. |
◆[Name]は [Name]の バッグに [Item]を いれた。 |
@[Name] put [Item] in [Name]'s bag |
@[Name] put the [Item] in [Name]'s bag. |
◆[Name]は [Name]の バッグから [Item]を だした。 |
@[Name] pulled [Item] from [Name]'s bag. |
@[Name] took the [Item] from [Name]'s bag. |
◆[Name]は [Name]の バッグから [Item]を すてた。 |
@[Name] threw [Item] out of [Name]'s bag. |
@[Name] threw out the [Item] that was in [Name]'s bag. |
◆[Name]は [Name]の バッグから [Item]を だして [Name]の バッグに いれた。 |
@[Name] took [Item] from [Name]'s bag @and placed it in [Name]'s bag. |
@[Name] took the [Item] out of [Name]'s bag and put it in [Name]'s bag. |
◆[Name]は [Item]を たべた。 |
@[Name] ate [Item]. |
@[Name] ate the [Item]. |
◆[Name]は [Item]を のんだ。 |
@[Name] drank [Item]. |
@[Name] drank the [Item]. |
[Money] かいふくした。 | @recovered by [Money]. |
@was recovered by [Money]. |
[Money] あがった。 | @increased by [Money]. |
@went up [Money]. |
◆[Name]の HPは | @[Name]'s HP is | @[Name]'s HP |
◆[Name]の PPは | @[Name]'s PP is | @[Name]'s PP |
◆[Name]の ファイトは | @[Name]'s ENERGY is | @[Name]'s Fight |
◆[Name]の スピ-ドは | @[Name]'s SPEED is | @[Name]'s Speed |
◆[Name]の かしこさは | @[Name]'s WISDOM is | @[Name]'s Wisdom |
◆[Name]の たいりょくは | @[Name]'s STRENGTH is | @[Name]'s Strength |
◆[Name]の フォ-スは | @[Name]'s FORCE is | @[Name]'s Force |
◆[Name]は でかぶくろから マジックハ-ブを とりだして つかった。 |
@[Name] took out a Magic Herb from the Big Bag and USEd it. |
@[Name] took a Magic Herb from the Big Bag and used it. |
◆[Name]は パンを ちぎって まきながら あるきだした。 |
@[Name] started dropping the Crumbs. |
@[Name] broke the bread into crumbs and started a trail out of them. |
◆ふるいパンくずを すててからでないと パンは つかえない。 |
@You can't USE Bread until old Crumbs are USEd up. |
@You need to throw out your old bread crumbs before you can use other bread. |
◆[Name]は パンくずを たどりながら もとのばしょに もどった。 |
@[Name] returned to the head of the trail... @by following the Crumbs that had been dropped. |
@[Name] followed the trail of bread crumbs back to where it started. |
◆[Name]は かみに リボンを つけた。 |
@[Name] tied the Ribbon into her hair. |
@[Name] put the ribbon in her hair. |
◆「もう スイッチを きっちまえ!」 | @If that is true, push the POWER off, @but remember to hold in RESET! |
@"Just turn the power off!" |
◆いろいろなものの ながさが わかった。 |
@[Name] measured the lengths of many things. |
@You were able to figure out the lengths of many things. |
◆でかぶくろは からになって かききえてしまった。 |
@When the Big Bag was emptied, @it disappeared into thin air. |
@The Big Bag disappeared after being emptied. |
◆テレホンカ-ドを つかいきってしまった。 |
@The credit limit of the Telephone Card has been reached. |
@You used up all the calls on your Phone Card. |
◆[Name]の からだから どくが ぬけた。 |
@The poison was neutralized from [Name]'s body. |
@The poison was removed from [Name]'s body. |
◆[Name]のカゼが なおった。 | @[Name] was rid of the cold. |
@[Name]'s cold went away. |
◆[Name]は サイパワ-スト-ンをにぎりしめた。 |
@[Name] squeezed the PSI-Power Stone. |
@[Name] gripped the PSI Stone. |
◆サイパワ-スト-ンは ただの いしころに なった。 |
@The PSI-Power Stone became an ordinary stone. |
@The PSI Stone turned into an ordinary rock. |
◆[Name]は [Item]をこころみた。 |
@[Name] tried [PSI]. |
@[Name] tried [PSI]. |
◆それを こころみるだけの パワ-は のこっていない。 |
@There isn't enough power left to try that. |
@You don't have enough power left to try that. |
◆[Name]は カムバックした。 | @[Name] has returned to the scene. |
@[Name] was revived! |
◆にっきは ほとんど よみとれなかったが かろうじて ◆「あいことば…… かみのしっぽは どこにある。 あまかけるふねの わすれもの」 と よめた。 |
@The Diary was hard to read, but opened up to this page... @(PASSWORD) @.... the one who lost the tail. @The forgotten one... ...the ship that sails... |
@Most of the diary is unreadable, but one part did stand out: @"The password... Where is the god's tail, that which was left behind by the ship that soars the heavens?" |
◆[Name]は すっかり やわらかくなった。 |
@[Name] became softened. |
@[Name]'s body became soft again. |
◆きぼうのオカリナを ふいた。 | @The Ocarina played on and on... |
@You played the Ocarina of Hope. |
◆「きこえたかい?」 | @Did you hear it? | @Did you catch that? |
◆このばしょは ちずに のっていない。 |
@This place is not on the map. |
@This location is not on the map. |
◆[Name]は ちずを しらべた。 |
@[Name] checked the map. |
@[Name] checked the map. |
◆[Name]は なにかの ちからに おしとどめられて しまった。 |
@Stopped by some mysterious force. |
@Some sort of force is pushing [Name] back. |
◆まよけのゆびわの ふしぎなちからは きえた。 |
@The Repel Ring has lost its mysterious power. |
@The Repel Ring's mysterious power wore off. |
Copyrights of Game, Scenario, Music, but excluding the copyright of Music composed by Keiichi Suzuki, reserved by SHIGESATO ITOI and NINTENDO. Copyright of Program reserved by NINTENDO. |
"This software is an illegal copy of a Nintendo game. The use, possession or sale of this counterfeit cartridge is illegal and infringes Nintendo copyrights." Nintendo Co., Ltd. Kyoto, Japan / Redmond WA, USA. "This illegal copy of NES EARTH BOUND will no longer function." |
@Copyrights of Game, Scenario, Music, but excluding the copyright of Music composed by Keiichi Suzuki, reserved by SHIGESATO ITOI and NINTENDO. Copyright of Program reserved by NINTENDO. |
ほらあなに とじこめられていた ひとたちも ぜんいん ぶじに きゅうしゅつされ [Ana]と ママの かんどうの さいかい。 |
At the summit of Mt. Itoi, [Ana] is reunited with her mom as the rest of the freed Earth people exit the cave. |
@[Ana] is reunited with her mother as the rest of the freed people exit the cave. |
[Teddy]は かんぺきに げんきになり いまや ライブハウスの にんきシンガ-だ。 |
[Teddy], his health fully recovered, now sings daily at The Live Show. |
@[Teddy], his health fully recovered, is now a popular singer at the Live House. |
イ-スタ-のまちの おとなたちも こどもたちの ところへ かえってきた。 がんばったね! こどもたち! |
The kidnapped grown-ups return to their lonely children in Youngtown. |
@The abducted grownups return to their children in Easter. You did great, kids! |
([Ana]) ぜったい わすれないって やくそくするわ。 だから 「さようなら」 じゃなくて 「またあいましょう」 だね! |
([Ana]) I promise I won't forget you so I will not say Good-Bye, just - 'til we meet again! |
@[Ana]: I promise I'll never forget you. So I won't say goodbye... Just, "'Til we meet again!" |
[Lloyd]は ヒ-ロ-となって ティンクルしょうがっこうに かえり みんなに もみくちゃに されたのだった。 |
[Lloyd] returns to a hero's welcome at Twinkle Elementary School. |
@[Lloyd] returns to a hero's welcome at Twinkle Elementary School. |
おかえり [Name]! ぶじに かえってきて ほんとうに よかった…… すご-く おなか すいたでしょ?! |
Son, your sisters and I are so happy to see you back in one piece. How unbelievable that you are not hungry. |
@Welcome home, [Name]! We're so glad you made it back safe and sound. You must be famished! |
[Name]から てがみが とどいた。 かれに あえなくて ちょっと さびしかったところ。 はやく また あえるといいな…… |
A letter from [Ninten], I miss him so much. I hope we can get together again soon. |
@Oh, a letter from [Name]. I miss him so much. I hope we can get together again soon... |
さて ちきゅうの ききも ひとまず さったことだし ぼくも あんしんして ゆっくり ねむろうかな…… …… Zzzzzzzz …… |
Well, now that the Earth's crisis is finally over, I think I'll just lay down for a moment and Zzzzzzzzz |
@Well, now that the Earth's crisis is finally over, I think I'll just lie down for a moment and... Zzzzzzz... |
あ パパだ。 おやすみのところ もうしわけないが もしかしたら ゆっくり やすんでいる ばあいじゃ ないかも しれないぞ…… |
I know that boy is home. Come on son and answer the phone. Something new has come up and... |
@Oh, this is your dad. I hate to wake you, but it might be just a little too soon to rest easy... |
たたかうべきか にげるべきか? | Should you fight, or run? |
@Should you fight it? Or should you run from it? |
とても じゅうような ひみつを にぎっているようだ。 |
It seems to have an important secret. |
@It appears to be holding a very important secret. |
こいつを たおす ほうほうは はたして あるのだろうか? |
It there any way to defeat him? |
@Is there actually any way to defeat this thing? |
おもい からだで のしかかってきたり ながい はなで おそってくるぞ! |
Don't let him stop and unpack his trunk! |
@Sometimes it'll slam you with its heavy body or attack with its long trunk! |
だれかに エサを とられて きげんが そうとう よくない! |
Somebody ate his porridge, and he isn't too happy about it! |
@Someone ate its food, and it's not happy at all! |
おどろいたか? じつざいの かいぶつ だったのだ! |
Surprised? It really does exist! |
@Shocked? It really does exist! |
はいきガスに ちゅうい。 ぜんそくに なるぞ。 |
Be careful of its exhaust if you are asthmatic. |
@Watch out for its exhaust! It can cause an asthma attack! |
ロボットには さいみんじゅつは きかないでしょう。 |
Hypnotism does not work on this robot. |
@Hypnosis probably doesn't work on robots, does it? |
PSIこうげきから みをまもる とくしゅな よろいを きている。 |
Special armor protects from PSI attack. |
@It's wearing special armor to protect itself from PSI attacks. |
にんげんを いしに してしまう のうりょくが ある。 |
It has, the awful Stone of Origin. |
@This has the power to turn people into stone. |
こんなやつは ちきゅうじょうには そんざいしない はずだ…… |
Something like this should not exist on the earth... |
@Creatures like this shouldn't exist on Earth, but... |
こんな ちんぴら るいじんえんに からまれている ばあいではない! |
Don't let this primate punk pick on you! |
@This is no time to be getting caught up with a punk ape like this! |
ははおや いがいの だれもが おそれる つらがまえ。 |
A face only a mother could love. |
@The only one not afraid of this thing's face is its own mother. |
あの おそろしい めを みたか!? | Watch those eyes! | @Just look at those terrifying eyes! |
うんてんせきに だれも いないぞ!? | No one is in the driver's seat. |
@Whoa, there's no one in the driver's seat! |
かれには つよい なかまが いる。 | It has strong friends. |
@He has strong friends. |
こいつの からは しんじられないほど かたい。 |
Its shell is unbelievably hard. |
@This thing's shell is unbelievably hard. |
さいみんじゅつを つかってくるぞ。 | It uses hypnotism. | @Watch out. It'll use hypnosis on you. |
すばやさが こいつの ごじまん。 | Its quickness is the source of its pride. |
@This animal is as swift as they come. |
しんじゅみたいに しろい やつに きをつけろ。 |
Watch out for those pearly whites. |
@Watch out for those pearly whites! |
この どろぼう!! | That thief!! | @You dirty thief! |
ワニに しょくじに さそわれても おことわり しなさい。 |
Don't accept his invitation to dinner. |
@Always turn down an alligator's dinner invitation. |
あるく ねんりょうタンクだ。 | A walking fuel supply. |
@It's a walking fuel tank. |
なにかを まもっている ようだ。 | It seems to be guarding something. |
@It appears to be protecting something. |
FBIの しめいてはいリストの さいしょのほうに のっている。 |
He can be found on the FBI's most wanted list. |
@This guy is at the very top of the FBI's most-wanted list. |
ねは いいやつなのかも しれない。 | Maybe he is not really rotten to the core. |
@Deep down, he might actually be a nice guy. |
えいようふりょうの ロボット? | A malnourished robot? | @A malnourished robot? |
かのじょの えがおに だまされるな。 | Do not be tricked by her smile. |
@Don't be fooled by her smile! |
とおい ほしから きた おとこ。 | A man from the stars. | @A man from a distant star. |
げんじつせかいの いきものではない。 | This thing could not occur naturally |
@This creature does not exist in the real world. |
じゃあくな じっけんが うみだした うごきまわる のうみそ。 |
What evil lab has manufactured this mobile brain. |
@A mobile brain that is the result of an evil science experiment. |
さまざまな PSIを つかいこなす。 | It uses various PSI attack. |
@This creature is a master of many kinds of PSI. |
こっちも よろいを みにつけたいよ。 | It would be nice to have armor of your own. |
@It'd be nice to have some armor of your own. |
あやしく うごきまわる き。 | An animated tree with suspicious actions. |
@A strange, mobile tree. |
おこりっぽいので ようちゅうい。 | He has a short temper, so be careful. |
@He looks bad-tempered, so be careful. |
あの かみのけの なかに おはなを うえたら そだつかもね。 |
He looks like he could grow flowers in his hair. |
@You could probably plant flowers in his hair and they'd grow. |
れいぞうこの ような からだつきの なかみは こおりの ハ-トだ。 |
Her refrigerator shaped body holds a heart of ice. |
@She has a body like a refrigerator and a heart of ice. |
ふりょうの リ-ダ-を たおせば かれらは まともに なるだろう。 |
A real bad apple, stay out of his way. |
@Beating the punks' leader will probably set them all straight. |
かおだけではなく こころも ゆがんでいる。 |
His twisted face covers his twisted mind. |
@His heart is as warped as his face is. |
こいつの スマッシュヒットには ようちゅうい。 |
Careful, his 'Smash Hit'is quite effective. |
@Watch out for this guy's SMAAAASH hits! |
しつこい ふいうちに きをつけろ。 | Watch out for further sneak attacks. |
@Watch out for this guy's constant sneak attacks! |
もちものは だいじょうぶ? こいつは どろぼうなのだ。 |
Watch your wallet and count your change, he's a thief. |
@Watch your items! This guy is a thief... |
どくは もっていないはず。 たぶん…… |
It might not poison, maybe... |
@It isn't poisonous. Hopefully, anyway... |
わらうものが さいごに かつ。 | He who laughs last laughs best. |
@He who laughs last laughs best. |
こいつは ペットの ねことは おおちがい。 |
It is quite different than a pet cat. |
@This animal is quite a bit different from your ordinary pet cat. |
さっちゅうざいで やっつけろ-。 | Exterminate with Insecticide. |
@Kill it with bug spray! |
は---っくしょん!! | AHH-Choooo!! | @Aaaachoo!! |
さっちゅうざいが よくきくぞ。 | Insecticide is effective. |
@Bug spray works wonders on it! |
さっちゅうざいを ためしてみる? | You'll want to try Insecticide. |
@Why not try using bug spray on it? |
どくが あるが さっちゅうざいで やっつけることが できるのだ。 |
It's poisonous, but Insecticide works. |
@It's poisonous, but you can kill it with bug spray. |
しばられないように しなければ。 | Don't let yourself get tied up fighting this guy. |
@Try not to get tied up. |
マンガから とびだして きたような やつだな。 |
It looks like it jumped out of a comic book. |
@It's almost like this guy escaped from a comic book or something. |
こいつの かおは いちばん かくのが かんたんです。 |
This enemy's face is the easiest to draw. |
@This guy's face is the easiest to draw. |
もし こいつが マスクを したら だれかと くべつが つかないな。 |
If he was a mask, someone might mistake your identity. |
@If this guy put a mask on, it'd be impossible to tell who he is. |
わりと へいぼんな おばけです。 | Just an ordinary ghost. |
@A rather run-of-the-mill ghost. |
しょくじの おさらと おなじくらいの おおきさなのだが。 |
Only as big as a dinner plate. |
@It's about as big as a dinner plate... |
かれにとって じんせいとは パズルのような ものらしい。 |
Life itself is a puzzle for Mr.Bat. |
@Apparently, life is like a puzzle to him. |
まだ ちいさいが あきらかに うちゅうじんだ。 |
He is small, but it is obvious that he is a spaceman. |
@It may be small, but it's clearly an alien. |
はなを つまめ! | Hold your nose! | @Hold your nose! |
みためも こわいが さいごのいちげきは もっとこわい。 |
An evil, caped Zombie. Beware, his 'Last strike' could be devastating. |
@It looks scary on the outside, but its final attack is even scarier. |
しっぽの ながい おおきな ねずみ。 | A big rat, with a tail this long. |
@A big rat with a long tail. |
たまごみたいだが もっと かたいぞ。 | Shaped like an egg, but a little tougher. |
@It looks like an egg but is harder than one. |
はいごから きみを にらんでいる。 | It stares back at you. |
@It glares at you from afar... |
くうちゅうを とびまわっている! | It hovers in the air! |
@It's flying all around! |
けんきゅうじょで きょうりょくな どくを さずけられた らしい。 |
It's strong poison was developed in a laboratory. |
@It was apparently given a powerful poison at a lab somewhere. |
どくと いしに きをつけろ。 | Beware of its poison and Stone of Origin. |
@Watch out for its poison and petrifying attacks! |
にがすな。けいけんちを かせげるぞ。 | Good experience, if it doesn't run. |
@Don't let it get away! It's a good source of experience points! |
ともだちが ひとりも いないらしい。 | It seems that it does not have any friends. |
@It apparently doesn't have any friends at all. |
じぶんの いすが こわれて きげんが すこぶる よくない! |
His chair was broken, and he isn't very happy! |
@Its chair broke and now it's in a REALLY bad mood! |
どくけしは どこかに あるのか? | Where's that antidote. |
@Happen to have any Antidotes handy? |
どく ドク どぉくぅぅ-。 | Poison, poison, poison. |
@Poison Pois on Poi Sonnnn |
ワニに わらいかえしたり するなよ。 | If he smiles, don't smile back. |
@Don't smile back at this alligator. |
じつの ちちおや でさえ おそれる つらがまえ。 |
Its father won't even look at his face. |
@Even this thing's own father is scared of its face. |
いしに されないよう ちゅうい。 | Beware of its Stone of Origin. |
@Be careful not to get petrified... |
ノミが いるんじゃ ないだろうか。 | I wonder if it carries fleas? |
@This thing better not have fleas... |
くるまには さいみんじゅつは きかないでしょう。 |
Hypnotism does not work on the car. |
@Hypnosis probably doesn't work on cars, does it? |
トラックには さいみんじゅつは きかないでしょう。 |
Hypnotism does not work on this vehicle. |
@Hypnosis probably doesn't work on trucks, does it? |
つぎは どうくる? まっすぐか? ジグザグか? |
What is going to happen next, speeding, reckless driving, or.. |
@How will it come at you next?! Straight-on, or in a zig-zag?! |
おどろくと なかまを よぶぞ! | Don't alarm this ghost, he has friends! |
@Watch out, it'll call for friends if it's alarmed! |
めいしゃさんの おきにいり。 | The optometrists favorite. |
@The favorite of optometrists everywhere. |
きをぬくな。 パパは どこでも みているぞ。 |
Watch your step, Dadseyes are every where. |
@Don't let your guard down. This daddy is always watching you... |
ママは なんでも おみとおし! | Momseyes will spot you for sure! |
@This mommy can see through all your tricks! |
PKビ-ムしか してこないのだが… | He only has PK Beam. | @He only seems to use PK Beam... |
おにの ように つよい。 | As strong as on ox. | @This thing is devilishly strong. |
オンボロに みえても あなどっては いけない。 |
Ragged around the edges, but do not underestimate it. |
@It may look like a hunk of junk, but don't underestimate it! |
さいしんがた りょうさんロボット。 | The latest in the product line. |
@A cutting-edge, mass-produced robot. |
マンホ-ルの ふたと おなじくらいの おおきさなのだが。 |
This is as big as a manhole cover. |
@It's about as big as a manhole cover... |
この うつくしさに だまされるな。 | Do not be tricked by her beauty. |
@Don't let her beauty fool you... |
ボムを もっていて よく つかう。 | It carries, and likes to use Bombs. |
@It carries bombs... and often uses them. |
からだのなかに ねんりょうを たいりょうに たくわえている。 |
There is a plenty of fuel inside. |
@This robot has large amounts of fuel stored inside its body. |
きょうりょくな PSIこうげきを ためらうことなく はなってくるぞ。 |
She is good at, and not afraid to use a strong PSI attack. |
@Watch out! She won't hesitate to use powerful PSI attacks! |
かれの しめいは だれにも ほらあなを ぬけさせないことだ。 |
His sole purpose is to keep travelers from passing through the cave. |
@His mission is to keep anyone from getting through the caves... |
PKフリ-ズを このんで つかう。 | It likes to use PK Freeze. |
@Prefers to use PK Freeze. |
こいつを たおせたら えらい。 | If you can beat it, that is great. |
@If you can beat this thing, you're incredible. |
PSIを つかうだけではなく どろぼうも するそ! |
Not only will it attack using PSI, it is a thief! |
@It doesn't just use PSI - it also likes to steal things! |
ブレインショックに きをつけろ。 | Careful, he knows 'Brain Shock'. |
@Watch out for its Brainshock attacks! |
いきなり すでで なぐりかかってくる らんぼうな やつ。 |
"It attacks with bare hands." |
@A violent guy who comes out swinging the first chance he gets. |
うつくしい ぎんいろの けがわが きらめき かがやいている。 |
Its marvelous silver coat glistens and gleams. |
@Its beautiful silver coat glistens in the light. |
なんて おおきいんだ! | He is absolutely huge! | @This thing is HUGE! |
どんなに ねむくても こいつの ベッドでは ねるなよ! |
If you must sleep, don't borrow his bed! |
@Don't ever sleep in this guy's bed, no matter how tired you are! |
あらたに かいりょうされ さらに つよく なっている。 |
New and unfortunately, improved. |
@This robot has been remodeled to be even stronger now! |
もっとも つよい スタ-マン。 | The strongest of the Starmen. |
@The strongest Starman of all. |
"でかぶくろ" ◆マジックハ-ブが いっぱい つまった ふくろ です。 |
"Big Bag" @A bag filled with Magic Herb. |
"Big Bag" @A bag filled with lots of Magic Herbs. |
"テレホンカ-ド" ◆こうしゅうでんわを 50かい かけることが できます。 |
"Telephone Card" @USE this handy card to charge your phone calls. |
"Phone Card" @You can make 50 calls on public phones with this. |
"パンくず" ◆パンくずを まきはじめた ところまで まよわずに もどれます。 |
"Bread Crumbs" @If you follow them, @you will return to the place that you started. |
"Bread Crumbs" @With these, you can return to the exact spot where you began spreading crumbs. |
"まよけのゆびわ" ◆よわい てきを しばらくのあいだ とおざけることが できます。 |
"Repel Ring" @One look at this strange ring @will drive away weak enemies. |
"Repel Ring" @When used, this item will ward off weak enemies for a short while. |
"メモリ-チップ" ◆そうそふジョ-ジの きおくのいちぶが やきつけられています。 ◆[Name]は それをたどって イヴのところまで もどれます。 |
"Memory Chip" @Part of Great Grandfather George's memory is stored on this. @[Name] can use it to return to EVE's location. |
"ナイフ" ◆[Teddy]が つかいこなす ぶき。 |
"Butter Knife" @[Teddy] can master it. |
"Knife" @A weapon that [Teddy] can skillfully use. |
"サバイバルナイフ" ◆[Teddy]の ぶき。 ただのナイフより つよそうです。 |
"Survival Knife" @Hey [Teddy], this is stronger than an ordinary Knife. |
"Survival Knife" @A weapon for [Teddy]. It looks stronger than a regular knife. |
"アシガルソ-ド" ◆かぎられた ひとにしか つかいこなせないでしょう。 |
"Sword" @Few people can master it. |
"Basic Sword" @Probably only a select few can master using this. |
"KATANA" ◆この にほんせいの カタナは [Teddy]が つかえる ◆いちばん つよい ぶきです。 |
"Katana" @This Japanese sword is the best [Teddy] has seen yet. |
"Katana" @[Teddy] can use this Japanese sword. @It's the strongest weapon of all. |
"ショックガン" ◆[Lloyd]が つかえそうです。 |
"Stun Gun" @[Lloyd] seems to be able to USE it. |
"Stun Gun" @[Lloyd] can probably use this. |
"エアガン" ◆とても つよい ぶきですが [Lloyd]しか つかえません。 |
"Air Gun" @A strong weapon, @but only [Lloyd] seems to be able to USE it. |
"Toy Air Gun" @This is a very strong weapon, but only [Lloyd] can use it. |
"ボロのバット" ◆[Name]、これを ぶきとして つかってみよう! |
"Plastic Bat" @This weapon is OK for [Ninten]. USE it! |
"Cracked Bat" @[Name]! Try using this as a weapon! |
"ふつうのバット" ◆[Name]、よわい てきなら これで だいじょうぶ。 |
"Wooden Bat" @[Ninten], USE this weapon to fight with weak enemies. |
"Teeball Bat" @This should work well against weak enemies, [Name]. |
"いいバット" ◆[Name]が これをもてば つよい てきとも たたかえます。 |
"Aluminum Bat" @With this weapon @[Ninten] can easily fight tougher enemies. |
"Sandlot Bat" @With this, [Name] can fight against strong enemies. |
"さいこうのバット" ◆ゆうめいせんしゅの サインいりの すばらしい バット。 |
"Hank's Bat" @This awesome bat was personally autographed. |
"Hall of Fame Bat" @A spectacular bat with a famous athlete's autograph on it. |
"フライパン" ◆[Ana]が ぶきとして つかいます。 |
"Frying Pan" @[Ana] can USE this weapon best. |
"Frypan" @[Ana] can use this as a weapon. |
"いいフライパン" ◆りょうりが こげつかない フライパン ですが ◆[Ana]の ぶきにも なります。 |
"Non-stick Pan" @A good weapon for [Ana], with no messy clean up. |
"Deluxe Frypan" @This frypan doesn't burn food, and [Ana] can also use it as a weapon. |
"とびきりのフライパン" ◆この おもいフライパンで [Ana]に たたかれたら ◆つよい てきも たまらない。 |
"Iron Skillet" @[Ana] can USE this heavy metal pan to rock strong enemies. |
"Best Frypan" @Not even tough baddies can withstand a hit from this heavy frypan. |
"スリングショット" ◆だれでも つかえる おてがるな ぶきです。 |
"Slingshot" @A handy weapon, that anyone can USE. |
"Slingshot" @A simple weapon that anyone can use. |
"ブ-メラン" ◆とりあつかい ちゅうい。 おもちゃでは ありません。 みんなが つかえる ぶきです。 |
"Boomerang" @Be careful, this isn't a toy. @Anyone can USE it as a weapon. |
"Boomerang" @Handle with care. This is not a toy. Anyone can use this weapon. |
"さっちゅうスプレ-" ◆むしなどに あるていど こうかあり。 |
"Insecticide" @It has an irritating effect on bugs. |
"Bug Spray" @Somewhat effective on insects and such. |
"ス-パ-スプレ-" ◆しんかいはつの きょうりょくな さっちゅうざい。 |
"Super Spray" @Industrial strength Insecticide. |
"Super Spray" @A new and powerful bug spray. |
"ノミとシラミ" ◆てきに なげつけて こうかを みてみよう! |
"Flea Bag" @A bag of fleas and other nasty critters. @Throw at an enemy and watch the effect! |
"Flea Bomb" @Filled with fleas and lice. Throw it at the enemy and see what happens! |
"あいのことば" ◆??? |
"Words of Love" @??? |
"Love Words" @??? |
"のろいのことば" ◆??? |
"Swear Words" @??? |
"Curse Words" @??? |
"ねばねばマシン" ◆たたかいに つかえそうな きも するけれど…… |
"Sticky Machine" @It seems to be used for fighting, but... |
"Slime Generator" @It SEEMS like it could be useful in battle, but... |
"やみのライト" ◆あかるいライトとは せいはんたいの ものです。 |
"Flashdark" @The opposite of a flashlight. |
"Flashdark" @This is the exact opposite of a flashlight. |
"かえんほうしゃき" ◆てきを こんがり やきますが [Lloyd]しか つかえません。 |
"Flame Thrower" @Toasts the enemy, but only [Lloyd] can use it. |
"Flamethrower" @Burns enemies to a crisp, but only [Lloyd] can use it. |
"ボム" ◆たぶん [Lloyd]にしか あつかえないでしょう。 |
"Bomb" @Maybe only [Lloyd] can detonate it. |
"Bomb" @Probably only [Lloyd] can use this. |
"ス-パ-ボム" ◆「きけん ばくはつぶつ」と かかれています。 ◆このての ものは [Lloyd]に おまかせ。 |
"Super Bomb" @Written on the side "Beware of blast", @only [Lloyd] can use it. |
"Super Bomb" @"Danger! Explosive!" is written on it. @Leave this in [Lloyd]'s hands. |
"レ-ザ-ビ-ム" ◆よわむし[Lloyd]も これを もったら…… |
"Laser Beam" @It helps that sissy [Lloyd]. |
"Laser Beam" @If that weakling [Lloyd] were to wield this... |
"デスビ-ム" ◆いくじなし[Lloyd]も これを もったら ちょっとすごい。 |
"Plasma Beam" @It helps that weenie [Lloyd] quite a lot. |
"Death Beam" @If that cowardly [Lloyd] were to wield this, he'd really be something. |
"ロ-プ" ◆これで てきを しばってしまおう。 |
"Rope" @Use it to tie the enemy up. |
"Rope" @Use this to tie up the enemy. |
"やすらぎのコイン" ◆そうびすると ディフェンスが すこし あがります。 |
"Peace Coin" @When you USE it, DEFENSE goes up a little bit. |
"Peace Coin" @Raises your Defense slightly when equipped. |
"まもりのコイン" ◆そうびすると ディフェンスが まあまあ あがります。 |
"Protection Coin" @When you USE it, DEFENSE goes up. |
"Protect Coin" @Raises your Defense somewhat when equipped. |
"まふうじのコイン" ◆そうびすると ディフェンスが けっこう あがります。 |
"Magic Coin" @When you USE it, DEFENSE really goes up. |
"Magic Coin" @Raises your Defense quite a bit when equipped. |
"ようせいのうでわ" ◆そうびすると ディフェンスが ちょっと あがります。 |
"Brass Ring" @When you USE it, DEFENSE goes up a bit. |
"Fairy Bracelet" @Raises your Defense a tiny bit when equipped. |
"てんしのうでわ" ◆そうびすると ディフェンスが そこそこ あがります。 |
"Silver Ring" @When you USE it, DEFENSE goes up. |
"Angel Bracelet" @Raises your Defense a nice amount when equipped. |
"めがみのうでわ" ◆そうびすると ディフェンスが ずいぶん あがります。 |
"Gold Ring" @When you USE it, DEFENSE really goes up. |
"Goddess Bracelet" @Raises your Defense a whole lot when equipped. |
"しずくのペンダント" ◆そうびすると PKファイア-による ダメ-ジを へらすことが できます。 |
"H2o Pendant" @When you USE it, it will defend against PK Fire. |
"Rain Pendant" @Reduces damage from PK Fire when equipped. |
"ほのおのペンダント" ◆そうびすると PKフリ-ズによる ダメ-ジを へらすことが できます。 |
"Fire Pendant" @When you USE it, it will defend against PK Freeze. |
"Flame Pendant" @Reduces damage from PK Freeze when equipped. |
"だいちのペンダント" ◆そうびすると PKサンダ-による ダメ-ジを へらすことが できます。 |
"Earth Pendant" @When you USE it, it will defend against PK Thunder. |
"Earth Pendant" @Reduces damage from PK Thunder when equipped. |
"うみのペンダント" ◆そうびすると PKファイア-、 PKフリ-ズ、PKサンダ-による ダメ-ジを へらすことが できます。 |
"Sea Pendant" @When you USE it, @it will defend against all PSI attack. |
"Sea Pendant" @Reduces damage from PK Fire, PK Freeze, and PK Thunder when equipped. |
"Easy Ring" @Equip this ring to increase EXP and money from enemies and reduce random battles. |
"オレンジジュ-ス" ◆ビタミンCが ほうふで HPが すこし かいふくします。 |
"Orange Juice" @Vitamin C is always good for a few HP. |
"Orange Juice" @Rich with Vitamin C. Restores a little HP. |
"フライドポテト" ◆ケチャップを つけても つけなくても HPは かいふくします。 |
"French Fries" @EATen with or without catsup, your HP will rise. |
"French Fries" @Restores HP with or without ketchup. |
"マジックハ-ブ" ◆つかれたり けがをしたときに つかってください。 |
"Magic Herb" @When you are tired or injured, USE it. |
"Magic Herb" @Please use this when you're exhausted or hurt. |
"ハンバ-ガ-" ◆てばやく HPを かいふくするための ファ-ストフ-ド です。 |
"Hamburger" @Fast food for some fast HP. |
"Hamburger" @Fast food for restoring HP quickly. |
"スポ-ツドリンク" ◆どんなに つかれたときでも これを のんで げんきに なろう。 |
"Sports Drink" @No matter how tired you are, one bottle will strengthen you. |
"Sports Drink" @Drink this to feel refreshed, no matter how exhausted you are. |
"きずぐすり" ◆きずの てあてに つかいます。 |
"Life Up Cream" @USEd to heal wounds. |
"Medicine" @Use this to heal wounds. |
"ぜんそくスプレ-" ◆もしも [Name]の ぜんそくが でてしまったら ◆これで なおします。 |
"Asthma Spray" @When [Ninten]'s asthma attacks, spray this. |
"Asthma Spray" @If [Name] starts to have an asthma attack, this will stop it. |
"どくけし" ◆どくを すばやく けしさります。 |
"Antidote" @It neutralizes poison quickly. |
"Antidote" @Quickly counteracts poison. |
"うがいぐすり" ◆これで よく うがいをして かぜを なおそう。 |
"Mouthwash" @If you gargle with it, you will lose your cold. |
"Mouthwash" @Gargle with this to get over a cold. |
"いちごとうふ" ◆ほんとうに たべてみたいと おもいますか? |
"Strawberry Tofu" @If you really want to eat it OK, but... |
"Strawberry Tofu" @Wouldn't you like to try some for real? |
"パン" ◆たべても いいけど もとの ばしょに もどれるように ◆ちぎって まきながら すすむことも できます。 |
"Bread" @OK to eat it, but its CRUMBS can be used @to mark your trail. |
"Bread" @It's good to eat, but you can use its crumbs to mark a trail that you can retrace later. |
"エンジェルシ-ド" ◆デ-モンシ-ドの のろいを ときます。 |
"Noble Seed" @USE this to cancel the Wicked Seed. |
"Angel Seed" @Lifts the curse of a Demon Seed. |
"サイパワ-スト-ン" ◆PSIパワ-が いしのなかに ひめられて います。 |
"PSI Stone" @PSI Power in solid form. |
"PSI Power Stone" @PSI power is hidden inside this stone. |
"ふしぎなリボン" ◆おんなのこの かみに むすぶと 「フォ-ス」が ちょっと ふえます。 |
"Magic Ribbon" @With this FORCE will rise a bit. @This is for a girl to tie in her hair. |
"Magic Ribbon" @Raises Force a little bit when tied into a girl's hair. |
"ふしぎなキャンディ" ◆よわいこが たべると 「ファイト」が ちょっと ふえます。 |
"Magic Candy" @If the sissy boy EATs this his FIGHT rise some. |
"Magic Candy" @Raises Fight a little bit when a weakling eats it. |
"スピ-ドカプセル" ◆「スピ-ド」が アップします。 |
"Quick Capsule" @Take this capsule to raise your SPEED. |
"Speed Capsule" @Raises Speed. |
"ウィズダムカプセル" ◆「かしこさ」が アップします。 |
"Wisdom Capsule" @Take this capsule to raise your WISDOM. |
"Wisdom Capsule" @Raises Wisdom. |
"フィジカルカプセル" ◆「たいりょく」が アップします。 |
"Physical Capsule" @Take this capsule to raise your STRENGTH. |
"Strength Capsule" @Raises Strength. |
"フォ-スカプセル" ◆「フォ-ス」が アップします。 |
"Force Capsule" @Take this capsule to raise your FORCE. |
"Force Capsule" @Raises Force. |
"ファイトカプセル" ◆「ファイト」が アップします。 |
"Fight Capsule" @Take this capsule to raise your FIGHT. |
"Fight Capsule" @Raises Fight. |
"ちかしつのカギ" ◆ちかしつに はいるときに ひつようです。 |
"Basement Key" @USE this Key to unlock the basement door. |
"Basement Key" @Needed to enter the basement. |
"どうぶつえんのカギ" ◆これで どうぶつえんの せいもんを あけることが できるでしょう。 |
"Zoo Key" @This Key will unlock the main gate at the City Zoo. |
"Zoo Key" @This should open the front gate of the zoo. |
"ゆうれいやしきのカギ" ◆ロ-ズマリ-さんの やしきの かぎです。 |
"Ghost House Key" @This is the Key to the Rosemary's house. |
"Haunted House Key" @The key to the Rosemarys' mansion. |
"そうそふのにっき" ◆[Name]の ひいおじいさんの にっきです。 ◆もじが びっしり かいてありますが いたみが はげしく よくよめません。 |
"Great-Grand Father's Diary" @It is old, ragged, and filled with entries. |
"Great-Grandfather's Diary" @The diary of [Name]'s great-grandfather. @It's filled with writing, but it's in such bad shape that it's mostly illegible. |
"つうこうきょかしょう" ◆「ダンカンこうじょう しゃいん」 と かいてあります。 |
"Pass" @Printed on it, "Duncan Factory Employee". |
"Pass" @"Duncan Factory Employee" is written on it. |
"ライブのチケット" ◆「エブリデイ・オ-ルナイト・ ロックンロ-ル・ライブ・ショ-」 と かいてあります。 |
"Ticket" @Printed on it, @"Rock'n Roll all night and every day at The Live Show". |
"Show Ticket" @"Every Day All Night Rock 'n' Roll Live Show" is written on it. |
"カナリアのこども" ◆さびしそうな めを しています。 |
"Canary Chick" @Its eyes show sadness. |
"Baby Canary" @It has a lonely look in its eyes. |
"ペンシルロケット" ◆[Lloyd]なら つかいかたが わかるでしょう。 |
"Bottle Rocket" @[Lloyd] seems to know how to use it. |
"Bottle Rocket" @[Lloyd] should know how to use this. |
"ぼうし" ◆「[Ana]」という なまえが ししゅうされた すてきな ぼうし。 |
"Hat" @A pretty hat embroidered with the name [Ana]. |
"Hat" @A pretty hat with the name "[Ana]" embroidered on it. |
"いれば" ◆しっかり はみがきして はを だいじに していれば ◆ひつようのない ものですね。 |
"Dentures" @Brush, floss and see your dentist and @you won't have to own a pair. |
"Dentures" @Unnecessary if you make sure to take care of your teeth and brush regularly. |
"チケットのはんけん" ◆「10まい あつめて せんしゃに のろう!」と かいてあります。 |
"Ticket Stub" @Printed on it, @"Save ten of these for a complimentary tank ride". |
"Ticket Stub" @"Collect 10 ticket stubs for a tank ride!" is written on it. |
"きぼうのオカリナ" ◆これまでに あつめた メロディ-を きくことが できます。 |
"Ocarina" @It can play a catchy tune. |
"Ocarina of Hope" @You can use this to hear the melodies you've collected so far. |
"フランクリンバッヂ" ◆いいつたえに よると ベン・フランクリンという ひとが ◆かみなりの じっけんを するとき おまもりに していた そうです。 |
"Franklin Badge" @Legend says that Ben Franklin wore @this reflective badge during his @experiments with lightning. |
"Franklin Badge" @It's said Ben Franklin wore this as protection during his lightning experiments. |
"めのうのつりばり" ◆どこにいても すぐ マジカントに もどることが できます。 |
"Onyx Hook" @As long as you have it, you can warp back to Magicant. |
"Onyx Hook" @You can return to Magicant from anywhere using this. |
"さいしゅうへいき" ◆??? |
07124B: "Last Weapon" @??? |
"Ultimate Weapon" @??? |
"ものさし" ◆12インチ(やく30センチ)の ながさの ものさしです。 |
"Ruler" @It is 12 inches long. |
"Ruler" @A 12-inch (approx. 30 cm) ruler. |
"キャッシュカ-ド" ◆ぎんこうこうざから おかねを だしいれする ときに つかいます。 |
"[Ninten]'s Cash Card" @Use it for all your banking needs. |
"ATM Card" @Use this to access your bank account and make deposits or withdrawals. |
"あかいくさ" ◆いっけん ただの くさの ように みえますが…… |
"Red Weed" @It looks like just grass, but... |
"Red Weed" @At first glance, it looks like an ordinary weed, but... |
"ふしぎなメガホン" ◆おおごえで てきを おどかします。 |
"Bullhorn" @Your amplified voice may intimidate an enemy. |
"Magic Megaphone" @Use this to scare enemies with your loud voice. |
"Debug" ◆....... |
"Debug" @....... |
"Debug" @....... |
[Unchanged from Japanese] |
だいウッド- | BigWoodoh | Territ. Oak |
ドラゴン | Dragon | Dragon |
R・7038 | R7038 | R-7038 |
きょぞう | Elephant | Elephant |
くま | Bear | Bear |
ビッグフット | Big Foot | Bigfoot |
マッドトラック | Mad Truck | Mad Truck |
オ-ルドロボ | Old Robot | Old Robot |
メガボ-グ | Megaborg | Mega-Borg |
ガ-ゴイラ | Gargoyle | Gargoyle |
ガビラン | Gabilan | Gabilan |
ゴリラ | Gorilla | Gorilla |
バイソン | Bison | Bison |
タイガ- | Tiger | Tiger |
マッドカ- | Mad Car | Mad Car |
ベアル | Raeb Yddet | Raeb Yddet |
マジカスネイル | Magic Snail | Magisnail |
タイタニ- | Titanees | Titany |
ギ-グ | Giegue | Giygas |
イ-グル | Eagle | Eagle |
オオカミ | Wolf | Wolf |
とうぞくカモメ | Seagull | Gull Bandit |
ワニ | Alligator | Crocodile |
エナジ-ロボ | EnergyRobot | Atomic Robot |
ちかたいがのぬし | The Fish | Cave Master |
だっそうはん | Fugitive | Fugitive |
BBだんのボス | B.B.'s Boss | BB Gang Boss |
バ-ボット | Barbot | Barbot |
ジェ-ン | Nancy | Jane |
スタ-マン | Starman | Starman |
ミラコ | Ullrich | Ulrich |
ブレインガ | Cerebrum | Brainger |
ム-ク | Mook | Mook |
カッチュウ | Armor | Armor |
ウッド- | Woodoh | Oak |
おじさん | Wally | Redneck |
おにいさん | The Hippie | Hippie |
おばさん | Bag Lady | Bag Lady |
ブラブラだん | B.B. Gang | Gang Member |
ゆがみはかせ | Dr.Distorto | Dr. Distorto |
ギャングゾンビ< | Gang Zombie | Gang Zombie |
ゾンビもどき | PseudoZombi | PseudoZombie |
カラス | Crow | Crow |
スネ-ク | Snake | Snake |
ハイエナ | Hyena | Hyena |
やまねこ | Cougar | Lynx |
ムカデ | Centipede | Centipede |
ダストゴ-スト | Dust Ball | Dust Ghost |
フライ | Fly | Fly |
スパイダ- | Spider | Arachnid! |
サソリ | Scorpion | Scorpion |
ロ-プ | Rope | Rope |
ファイアボ-ル | Fire Ball | Fireball |
ビュ-ン | Watcher | Swoosh |
おまけビュ-ン | Groucho | Bonus Swoosh |
ゴ-スト | Ghost | Ghost |
リトルソ-サ- | Lil Saucer | Li'l Saucer |
こうもりさん | Mr. Bat | Mr. Batty |
スタ-マンのむすこ | Starman Jr. | Starman Jr. |
スカンク | Skunk | Skunk |
ちみどろゾンビ | Shroudley | BloodyZombie |
ねずみ | Rat | Rat |
ボマ- | Bomber | Bomber |
にんぎょう | Doll | Doll |
でんきスタンド | Lamp | Lamp |
バイオムカデ | BionicCenti | Biopede |
バイオサソリ | BionicScorp | Bio-Scorpion |
レッドスネ-ク | Red Snake | Red Snake |
いっぴきオオカミ | Lone Wolf | Lone Wolf |
しろくま | Polar Bear | Polar Bear |
がらがらへび | Rattlesnake | Rattlesnake |
タランチュラ | Tarantula | Tarantula |
つよいワニ | Crocodile | Tough Croc |
バッファロ- | Buffalo | Buffalo |
バイオこうもり | Bionic Bat | Bio-Bat |
のらイヌ | Stray Dog | Stray Dog |
デビルカ- | Psycho Car | Devil Car |
デビルトラック | PsychoTruck | Devil Truck |
デストラック | ManiacTruck | Death Truck |
アラ-ムゴ-スト | Alarm Ghost | Alarm Ghost |
ビュンビュ-ン | Foureyes | Woosh Swoosh |
パパビュ-ン | Dadseyes | Papa Swoosh |
ビュビ- | Momseyes | Swooshette |
スカイベアル | Sky Yddet | Sky Yddet |
ギガボ-グ | Giga Borg | Giga-Borg |
ラストボ-グ | Omega Borg | Last Borg |
スクラッパ- | Scrapper | Scrapper |
デスバ-ボット | UltraBarbot | Death Barbot |
オメガソ-サ- | OmegaSaucer | Omega Saucer |
キャロライン | Kelly | Caroline |
スタ-マイナ- | Star Miner | Star Miner |
ス-パ-エナジ- | SuperEnergy | NuclearRobot |
ス-ジ- | Juana | Suzie |
ブル-スタ-マン | BlueStarman | Blue Starman |
サタ-ニア | Rockoyle | Satania |
タイタニアン | Titanian | Titanian |
ドム-ク | Oh-Mook | Mook Senior |
ゾンビ | Zombie | Zombie |
ぼうりょくゾンビ | NastyZombie | Mean Zombie |
ぎんオオカミ | Silver Wolf | Silver Wolf |
R・7037 | R7037 | R-7037 |
グリズリ- | GrizzlyBear | Grizzly |
R・7038XX | R7038XX | R-7038XX |
ラストスタ-マン | LastStarman | Last Starman |
でかぶくろ | Big Bag | Big Bag |
テレホンカ-ド | Phone Card | Phone Card |
パンくず | Crumbs | BreadCrumbs |
まよけのゆびわ | Repel Ring | Repel Ring |
ITEM05 | ITEM 05 | |
メモリ-チップ | Memory Chip | |
ナイフ | ButterKnife | Knife |
サバイバルナイフ | Surv.Knife | Surv. Knife |
アシガルソ-ド | Sword | Basic Sword |
KATANA | Katana | Katana |
ショックガン | Stun Gun | Stun Gun |
エアガン | Air Gun | Toy Air Gun |
ボロのバット | Plastic Bat | Cracked Bat |
ふつうのバット | Wooden Bat | Teeball Bat |
いいバット | AluminumBat | Sandlot Bat |
さいこうのバット | Hank's Bat | HallFameBat |
フライパン | Frying Pan | Frypan |
いいフライパン | NonstickPan | DX Frypan |
とびきりのフライパン | IronSkillet | Best Frypan |
スリングショット | Slingshot | Slingshot |
ブ-メラン | Boomerang | Boomerang |
さっちゅうスプレ- | Insecticide | Bug Spray |
ス-パ-スプレ- | Super Spray | Super Spray |
ノミとシラミ | Flea Bag | Flea Bomb |
あいのことば | WordsO'Love | Love Words |
のろいのことば | Swear Words | Curse Words |
ねばねばマシン | StkyMachine | Slime Gen. |
やみのライト | Flashdark | Flashdark |
いしのもと | StoneOrigin | Stone Spray |
どくばり | PoisnNeedle | Stinger |
かえんほうしゃき | Fl Thrower | Flamethrowr |
ボム | Bomb | Bomb |
ス-パ-ボム | Super Bomb | Super Bomb |
レ-ザ-ビ-ム | Laser Beam | Laser Beam |
デスビ-ム | Plasma Beam | Death Beam |
ITEM39 | ITEM 39 | |
ロ-プ | Rope | Rope |
やすらぎのコイン | Peace Coin | Peace Coin |
まもりのコイン | ProtectCoin | ProtectCoin |
まふうじのコイン | Magic Coin | Magic Coin |
ようせいのうでわ | Brass Ring | Fairy Brace |
てんしのうでわ | Silver Ring | Angel Brace |
めがみのうでわ | Gold Ring | GoddessBrac |
しずくのペンダント | H2o Pendant | RainPendant |
ほのおのペンダント | FirePendant | FlamePendnt |
だいちのペンダント | EarthPendant | EarthPendnt |
うみのペンダント | Sea Pendant | Sea Pendant |
ITEM55 | Easy Ring | |
ITEM56 | Item 56 | |
ITEM57 | Item 57 | |
オレンジジュ-ス | OrangeJuice | OrangeJuice |
フライドポテト | FrenchFries | FrenchFries |
マジックハ-ブ | Magic Herb | Magic Herb |
ハンバ-ガ- | Hamburger | Hamburger |
スポ-ツドリンク | SportsDrink | SportsDrink |
きずぐすり | LifeUpCream | Medicine |
ぜんそくスプレ- | AsthmaSpray | AsthmaSpray |
どくけし | Antidote | Antidote |
うがいぐすり | Mouthwash | Mouthwash |
いちごとうふ | berry Tofu | Berry Tofu |
ITEM70 | Item 70 | |
パン | Bread | Bread |
エンジェルシ-ド | Noble Seed | Angel Seed |
サイパワ-スト-ン | PSI Stone | PSI Stone |
ふしぎなリボン | MagicRibbon | MagicRibbon |
ふしぎなキャンディ | Magic Candy | Magic Candy |
ITEM77 | Item 77 | |
スピ-ドカプセル | QuickCapsul | SpeedCapsul |
ウィズダムカプセル | Wisdom Caps | Wis.Capsule |
フィジカルカプセル | PhysicalCap | Str.Capsule |
フォ-スカプセル | ForceCapsul | ForceCapsul |
ファイトカプセル | FightCapsul | FightCapsul |
ちかしつのカギ | BasementKey | BasementKey |
どうぶつえんのカギ | Zoo Key | Zoo Key |
ゆうれいやしきのカギ | Ghost Key | Haunted Key |
そうそふのにっき | GGF's Diary | GGF's Diary |
つうこうきょかしょう | Pass | Pass |
ライブのチケット | Ticket | Show Ticket |
カナリアのこども | CanaryChick | Baby Canary |
ITEM96 | ITEM 96 | |
ペンシルロケット | BottlRocket | BottlRocket |
ぼうし | Hat | Hat |
いれば | Dentures | Dentures |
チケットのはんけん | Ticket Stub | Ticket Stub |
ICチップ | IC-chip | IC Chip |
きぼうのオカリナ | Ocarina | Ocarina |
ITEM103 | Item 103 | |
フランクリンバッヂ | FranklnBdge | Frank.Badge |
ゆうじょうのゆびわ | FrndshpRing | Friend Ring |
ITEM106 | Item 106 | |
めのうのつりばり | Onyx Hook | Onyx Hook |
さいしゅうへいき | Last Weapon | Ult. Weapon |
ものさし | Ruler | Ruler |
キャッシュカ-ド | Cash Card | ATM Card |
あかいくさ | Red Weed | Red Weed |
ふしぎなメガホン | Bullhorn | Megaphone |
ちず | Map | Map |
ざひょう | Coords. |
[Name]がおそいかかった! | [Name] draws near! |
@[Name] suddenly attacked! |
[Name]の こうげき! | [Name]'s attack! | @[Name] attacks! |
[Name]は せんしゃほうを うった! |
[Name] fired the tank gun! |
[Name] fired the tank cannon! |
[Name]は [Name]に かみついた! |
[Name] bit [Name]! |
[Name] bit [Name]! |
[Name]は [Name]を ひっかいた! |
[Name] scratched [Name]! |
[Name] scratched [Name]! |
[Name]は [Name]に のしかかった! |
[Name] charged at [Name]! |
[Name] bore down on [Name]! |
[Name]は ぼうそうした! | [Name] ran out of control! |
[Name] went berserk! |
[Name]の さいごの いちげき!!! |
[Name]'s last blow!!! |
[Name]'s final desperation attack!!! |
[Name]からの こうげきのしょうたいが つかめない! |
The form of [Name]'s attack was inexplicable! |
You can't grasp the form of [Name]'s attack! |
[Name]は ねんえきを はきかけた! |
[Name] spit a sticky substance! |
[Name] spewed a a sticky substance! |
[Name]は しばられている…… |
[Name] is bound tightly. |
[Name] is tied up... |
[Name]は ふしぎなさけびごえをあげた! |
[Name] let out a strange cry! |
[Name] let out a strange howl! |
[Name]は ふてきに ほほえんだ |
[Name] smiled a darling smile. |
[Name] smiled boldly! |
[Name]は かっとなった! |
[Name] flew into a rage! |
[Name] flew into a rage! |
[Name]は いしきを かきみだした! |
[Name] made [Name] confused! |
[Name] did something disturbing! |
[Name]は なかまを よんだ! |
[Name] cried out for help! |
[Name] called for help! |
[Name]は たねを まいた! |
[Name] sowed its seed! |
[Name] sowed some seeds! |
[Name]は わらいだした! | [Name] started laughing! |
[Name] burst into laughter! |
[Name]は こわいことばを なげつけた! |
[Name] uttered threatening words. |
[Name] said something scary! |
[Name]は きたないことばを なげつけた! |
[Name] uttered dirty words! |
[Name] said something nasty! |
[Name]は けはいを ころしている |
[Name] is trying to play dead... | |
[Name]は わけがわからなくなっている |
[Name] has lost sense of the situation. | |
[Name]は ねむっている… | [Name] is asleep... | |
[Name]は エネルギ-を ちゅうにゅうした! |
[Name] replenished energy! | |
[Name]は にげだした! |
[Name] ran away! | |
……だめでした | ...It didn't work out. | |
[Name]は ころんだ | [Name] tripped and fell! | |
[Name]は うごけない…… | [Name] can't move... | |
[Name]は いしになっている…… |
[Name] has been petrified... | |
[Name]は はいきガスを ふきかけた! |
[Name] vented exhaust fumes! | |
[Name]は ぜんそくの ほっさがでた ……ゴホ ゴホ ゴホ |
[Name] had an asthma attack! ...(cough cough cough) |
[Name]は おいのりをしている |
[Name] is praying! | |
[Name]は あいさつをして とおりすぎた |
[Name] greeted everyone politely and left. | |
[Name]は みがまえている | [Name] is in a defensive stance! | |
[Name]は うたを うたった! |
[Name] sang! | |
[Name]は ガ-ドしている | [Name] is guarding. | |
[Name]は にじりよってきた! |
[Name] edged closer! | |
[Name]は [Item]を つかった! |
[Name] used p[Item]! | |
[Name]は [Item]を こころみた! |
[Name] tried [Item]! | |
[Name]は [Item]を つかうことが できない! |
[Name] can't use [Item]! | |
[Name]は たちばを かんがえた… |
[Name] is sizing up the situation... | |
[Name]は なにか あやしいことをした |
[Name] did something strange! | |
[Name]は ぼ-っとしている |
[Name] is spacing out. | |
[Name]は [Name]を チェックした |
[Name] checked [Name]! | |
[Name]は デ-モンシ-ドをつかった! |
[Name] used a Demon Seed! | |
[Name]は まひガスをつかった! |
[Name] used paralysis gas! | |
[Name]は [Name]の [Item]を うばった! |
[Name] stole [Name]'s [Item]! | |
[Name]は ロ-プから ぬけだした |
[Name] escaped from the rope! | |
[Name]は めをさました |
[Name] woke up! | |
[Name]は くうかんを きりさいた! |
[Name] tore a hole through space! | |
れんぞくこうげき! | Continuous attack! | Combo attack! |
[Name]は たたかいに やぶれた |
You lost the battle. | [Name] was defeated... |
しょうぶが つかない | The battle lingers on. | No end to the battle is in sight... |
せんしゃは こわれてしまった | The tank is broken. | The tank was scrapped... |
{0x03}{0x3C} ねつにつよい | Strong against PK Fire. |
{0x03}{0x3C} Strong against heat |
{0x03}{0x3C} さむさにつよい | Strong against PK Freeze. |
{0x03}{0x3C} Strong against cold |
{0x03}{0x3C} かみなりにつよい | Strong against PK Thunder. |
{0x03}{0x3C} Strong against thunder |
{0x03}{0x3C} ひかりにつよい | Strong against PK Beam. |
{0x03}{0x3C} Strong against light |
{0x03}{0x3C} スプレ-によわい | Weak against Sprays. |
{0x03}{0x3C} Strong against sprays |
{0x03}{0x3C} オフェンス [num] | OFFENSE | {0x03}{0x3C} Offense [num] |
{0x03}{0x3C} ディフェンス [num] | DEFENSE | {0x03}{0x3C} Defense [num] |
「[Name]! あなたの いちぞくには ほんとうに おせわになっています」 |
[Ninten]! I am grateful to your family. |
"[Name]! I owe a great deal to your family line!" |
「おさない わたしを そだててくれた ジョ-ジのつま……マリア」 |
Your Great- Grandparents, George and Maria raised me. |
"Maria, George's wife, raised me when I was very young..." |
「わたしたちのほしから たいせつな じょうほうを ぬすみだして わたしたちに はむかおうとした…… ジョ-ジ」 |
But, George stole vital information from our planet that can be used to betray my people... |
"While George himself stole vital information from our planet and tried to turn against us..." |
「そして そのふうふの しそん また わたしたちの けいかくを じゃましようとしている…… [Name]! あなたのことだ」 |
And now, one of his descendants is obstructing our plans, and must be stopped!! [Ninten]! I am talking about you! |
"And now their descendant is bent on hindering our plan again... [Name]! I am referring to you!" |
「もう おかえりなさい みにくい ちきゅうじんたちと ともに ほろびてください」 |
Go home now! Perish with the rest of the ugly Earth People. |
"Now leave! May you be destroyed with the rest of the disgusting Earth people!" |
「その むしけらのような ちからでは どうすることも できない」 |
Foolish one, you cannot do a thing with your meager powers... Powers worthy of a lowly insect. |
"You are too weak to do anything! You are mere insects to me!" |
「[Name]……あなただけ ひとりなら たすけてあげてもよい わたしと ともに マザ-シップに のりなさい」 |
[Ninten]! You alone, I may save you. Just you alone. Board our Mother Ship with me. |
"[Name]... I'm willing to let you, and only you, live. Board the mothership with me." |
「……ならば ともだちや みにくい ちきゅうじんと いっしょに ここに ねむりなさい」 |
...then, fall into long sleep with your friends and the other ugly Earth People. |
"...Then you can perish here with your friends and all the other hideous Earth people!" |
「うたうのを やめなさい」 | Stop singing. |
"Stop singing!" |
「うたを……やめろ」 | STOP singing! | "Stop... singing...!" |
「う うたを やめろ!」 | STOP! Stop the song! |
"S-stop singing!" |
「うたを やめるんだ!」 | STOP IT!! STOP THAT SONG! |
"Stop singing!" |
「ちきゅうの むしけらども! だまれ! うたうな!」 |
You puny little Earth bugs! Shut up, and STOP singing!! |
"You Earth insects! Shut up! Stop singing!" |
「うたを……」 | The SONG... | "Stop..." |
「やめろ!」 | STOP IT!!! | "...singing!" |
「!!!」 | !!!!! | "!!!" |
「や……」 | Stop... Pleeease, stop! |
"Stop..." |
「!!!!」 | !!!!!!! | "!!!" |
「……………」 | ........ | "........." |
「ナゼ コノワタシガ コンナウタニ ヤブレタノダ……」 |
How could I be defeated by a song like that? |
「ワタシハ カナラズ オマエタチヲ …………マタ……イツカ……」 |
I will... sometime... |
「[Name]! また あおう!」 | [Ninten]! We SHALL meet again! |
"[Name]! We will meet again!" |
[Name]は すばやく よけた |
[Name] dodged swiftly. |
[Name] dodged quickly! |
[Name]は [num]の ダメ-ジをうけた |
[Name] suffered damage of [num] |
[Name] took [num] damage! |
[Name]を やっつけた! |
Defeated [Name]! |
Defeated the [Name]! |
[Name]は きずつきたおれた |
[Name] was hurt and beaten. |
[Name] got tired and collapsed... |
しかし [Name]は すでにいなかった |
[Name] was already gone. |
But [Name] was already gone. |
[Name]には こうかがなかった |
There was no effect on [Name]. |
No effect on [Name]! |
[Name]は ちからつきた | [Name] was totally exhausted. |
[Name] ran out of strength! |
[Name]は バリアに つつまれた |
[Name] was surrounded by a barrier. |
[Name] was enveloped in a barrier! |
「おまえの おかあさんは ないているぞ!」 |
"Your mother is calling for you!" |
"You're a disgrace to your mom!" |
[Name]は いしになった | [Name] turned into a stone. |
[Name] turned to stone! |
[Name]は めがみえなくなった! |
[Name] was blinded! |
[Name] was blinded! |
[Name]は ばくはつした! |
[Name] exploded! |
[Name] exploded! |
[Name]は もえあがった! |
[Name] burst into flames! |
[Name] burst into flames! |
[Name]の オフェンスが [num]あがった |
[Name]'s OFFENSE increased by [num]. |
[Name]'s Offense went up by [num]! |
[Name]の オフェンスが [num]さがった |
[Name]'s OFFENSE decreased by [num]. |
[Name]'s Offense went down by [num]! |
[Name]の ディフェンスが [num]あがった |
[Name]'s DEFENSE increased by [num]. |
[Name]'s Defense went up by [num]! |
[Name]の スピ-ドが [num]あがった |
[Name]'s SPEED increased by [num]. |
[Name]'s Speed went went up by [num]! |
[Name]の ファイトが [num]さがった |
[Name]'s FIGHT decreased by [num]. |
[Name]'s Fight went down by [num]! |
[Name]の ディフェンスが [num]さがった |
[Name]'s DEFENSE decreased by [num]. |
[Name]'s Defense went down by [num]! |
[Name]の ファイトが [num]あがった |
[Name]'s FIGHT increased by [num]. |
[Name]'s Fight went up by [num]! |
[Name]の スピ-ドが [num]さがった |
[Name]'s SPEED decreased by [num]. |
[Name]'s Speed went down by [num]! |
なぜか [Name]の けいけんちが あがった |
Don't know why, but [Name]'s EXP increased. |
For some reason, [Name]'s experience points went up! |
せっとくに せいこうした | and [Name] believed it! |
It was effective! |
せっとくに しっぱいした | but [name] wasn't convinced at all. |
It wasn't very convincing. |
[Name]を おこらせた | This made [Name] angry. |
[Name] became angry! |
[Name]は ききてきじょうたいに おちいった |
[Name]'s situation became critical. |
[Name] fell into a critical state! |
[Name]は わけがわからなくなった |
[Name] lost all senses. |
[Name] lost all sense of the situation! |
[Name]を ねむらせた | [Name] was put to sleep. |
[Name] fell asleep! |
[Name]の PPが [num]かいふくした! |
[Name] recovered [num] PP's! |
[Name] recovered [num] PP! |
[Name]の HPが [num]かいふくした! |
[Name] recovered [num] HP! |
[Name] recovered [num] HP! |
しかし だれもきてくれなかったのだ | However, no one came to assist. |
But no one came. |
し-ん……… | Silence... | (silence...) |
[Name]が くわわった! | [Name] joined in the battle! |
[Name] joined the battle! |
[Name]の PPを [num]うばった |
[num] PP's were snatched from [Name]. |
Stole [num] PP from [Name]! |
[Name]は うごけなくなった |
[Name] can not move. |
[Name] is immobilized! |
[Name]は どくに おかされた |
[Name] was poisoned. |
[Name] was poisoned! |
[Name]は すいぶんを すいとられた |
[Name] was dehydrated. |
[Name] was dehydrated! |
[Name]は ちょうのうりょくを ふうじられた |
[Name]'s PSI was blocked. |
[Name]'s powers were blocked! |
[Name]を ロ-プで しばった |
[Name] was bound with Rope. |
[Name] was tied up with rope! |
[Name]は シ-ルドに つつまれた |
[Name] was shielded. |
[Name] was enveloped by a shield! |
からぶり-っ! | Miss!! | Missed! |
しかし ちょうのうりょくは ふうじられていた |
But, the PSI was blocked. |
But the PSI was blocked! |
しかし [Name]の フランクリンバッヂが こうせんを はねかえした! |
But, [Name]'s FranklinBadge bounced back the Beam! |
But [Name]'s Franklin Badge reflected the beam back! |
[Name]は こうげきを はねかえした! |
[Name] bounced back the attack! |
[Name] reflected the attack back! |
PPが たりない | Not enough PP's. | Not enough PP! |
[Name]には こうかが なかった |
There was no effect on [Name]. |
There was no effect on [Name]! |
[Name]の からだのどくが きえた |
Poison has dissipated from [Name]'s body. |
The poison disappeared from [Name]'s body! |
[Name]は われに かえった |
[Name] senses were regained. |
[Name] went back to normal! |
[Name]は かゆみに もだえた |
[Name] became itchy all over. |
[Name] writhed around in itchy pain! |
[Name]は うごきを とりもどした |
[Name] can move now. |
[Name] is able to move again! |
[Name]は めをさました |
[Name] woke up. | [Name] woke up! |
[Name]を カムバックさせた!!! |
Brought [Name] back!!! |
[Name] was revived!!! |
[Name]の シ-ルドを はかいした |
Destroyed [Name]'s shield. |
[Name]'s shield was destroyed! |
[Name]の ぜんそくがなおった |
[Name]'s asthma attack has passed. |
[Name]'s asthma attack went away! |
[Name]は やわらかくなった |
[Name] recovered from being a stone. |
[Name] softened! |
「すき」 | "I love you." | "I like you!" |
「きらい」 | "I hate you." | "I hate you!" |
[Name]は ぜんそくの ほっさがでた |
[Name] had an asthma attack. |
[Name] had an asthma attack! |
[Name]は われにかえった! |
[Name] regained all senses! |
[Name] went back to normal! |
[Name]は おとなしくなった! |
[Name] became quiet! |
[Name] became tame! |
[Name]を たおした! | [Name] was beaten! |
[Name] was defeated! |
[Name]は はかいされた! |
[Name] was destroyed! |
[Name] was destroyed! |
[Name]は つちにかえった! |
[Name] has returned to dust! |
[Name] returned to the dust of the earth! |
[Name]は もう うごかない |
[Name] doesn't move anymore! |
[Name] stopped moving! |
[Name]は ポンコツになった! |
[Name] became a pile of junk! |
[Name] was scrapped! |
[Name]は かきけされた! |
[Name] vanished! |
[Name] disappeared into thin air! |
[Name]は こんらんから たちなおった |
[Name] wasn't confused anymore! |
[Name]'s confusion went away! |
しかし こうかが なかった | But... it had no effect! |
But there was no effect! |
[Item]は こわれてしまった…… |
[Name] was broken. |
The [Item] broke... |
[Item]は ただの いしになった…… |
[Name] turned into a stone. |
The [Item] turned into an ordinary stone... |
[Item]は からになった…… |
[Name] became empty. |
The [Item] was fully emptied... |
[Name]は レベルが あがった! |
[Name] advanced to the next level! |
[Name] leveled up! |
さいだいHPが [num] UP | Maximum HP has increased by [num]. |
Max HP went up [num]! |
さいだいPPが [num] UP | Maximum PP has increased by [num]. |
Max PP went up [num]! |
ファイトが [num] UP | FIGHT has increased by [num]. |
Fight went up [num]! |
スピ-ドが [num] UP | SPEED has increased by [num]. |
Speed went up [num]! |
かしこさが [num] UP | WISDOM has increased by [num]. |
Wisdom went up [num]! |
たいりょくが [num] UP | STRENGTH has increased by [num]. |
Strength went up [num]! |
フォ-スが [num] UP | FORCE has increased by [num]. |
Force went up [num]! |
[Name]は たたかいのなかで PSIを おぼえた! |
[Name] learned a new PSI-Power through battle! |
[Name] learned a new PSI in battle! |
[Item]を ひろった! | Picked up [21 04 6D]! | Picked up [Item]! |
([Name]には どこからか クイ-ンマリ-のこえが きこえた) ちからでは ギ-グには かてません… どんなぶきでも かれを たおすことは できないでしょう…… でも こもりうたなら… わたしがうたった あのうたなら!?! |
([Name] hears the voice of Queen Mary) Giegue cannot be defeated with force... You cannot defeat Giegue with a weapon of any kind. You must SING my lullaby, with all your feelings... SING my lullaby with all your heart. |
(From somewhere, [Name] heard Queen Mary's voice...) You can't beat Giygas with brute strength... I doubt any weapon can defeat him... But the lullaby... Maybe the song I used to sing to him can stop him! |
[Name]は かんぜんに かいふくした! |
[This line appears to be out of sequence in the GBA ROM. More digging is needed to find Sandhop's version. -olivia] | [Name] recovered completely! |
なまえを つけてください | What is this boy's name? |
Name this boy. |
おんなのこの なまえは? | What is this girl's name? |
Name this girl. |
ともだちの なまえは? | This other boy's name? |
Name this friend. |
もうひとりのともだちは? | This last boy's name? |
Name this other friend. |
{MOVECURSOR}{0x01}{0x02}{0x03}{0x08}{0xDB}{0xDB} {0x03}{0x0A} すきな こんだては なに? {0x03}{0x0C}{0xFB}{0xFB} |
What is your favorite food? |
What's your fav. food? |
{MOVECURSOR}{0x0C}{0x04}{0x03}{0x08}{DUPICATECHAR}{0x0E}{0xDB}{0x03}{0x09} {0x03}{0x0A} このなまえは つかえない {0x03}{0x0B} {0x03}{0x0C}{DUPICATECHAR}{0x0E}{0xFB}{0x03}{0x0D} |
Please change this name. A character in this game has that name. Try again, and use only capital letters. |
{MOVECURSOR}{0x06}{0x04}{0x03}{0x08}{DUPICATECHAR}{0x14}{0xDB}{0x03}{0x09} {0x03}{0x0A} Name not allowed {0x03}{0x0B} {0x03}{0x0C}{DUPICATECHAR}{0x14}{0xFB}{0x03}{0x0D} |
ジョ-ジ マリア ミミ- ミニ- ピッピ ダンカン ロ-ズマリ- バグエラ- ス-ジ- アボット ロ-ラ ギ-グ ガリクソン イヴ |
Mary? Suzy? George? Maria? Mimmie? Minnie? Pippi? Duncan? Laura? Giegue? Abbott? Nancy? Ullrich? Wally? Kelly? Juana? |
ABC George Mimmie Minnie Pippi Duncan Suzy Abbot Laura Gyiyg Giegue Giygas Mary Maria EVE Eve |
1900ねんだいの はじめ アメリカのいなかまちに くろくものようなかげがおち ひとくみの ふうふが ゆくえふめいに なりました。 おっとのなは ジョ-ジ。 つまのなは マリア。 2ねんほどして ジョ-ジは いえにもどりましたが どこにいっていたのか なにをしていたのかについて だれに はなすこともなく ふしぎなけんきゅうに ぼっとうするようになりました。 つまの マリアのほうは とうとう かえっては きませんでした。 |
In the early 1900's, a dark shadow covered a small country town in rural America. At that time, a young married couple vanished mysteriously from their home. The man's name was George. The woman's name was Maria. Two years later, as suddenly as he left, George returned. He never told anyone where he had been or what he had done. But, he began an odd study, all by himself. As for Maria, his wife... She never returned. |
In the early 1900s, a dark shadow fell over a rural town in America. Shortly after, a married couple mysteriously vanished. The man's name was George. The woman's name was Maria. Two years later, George returned home but never told anyone where he had been or what he had done. Instead, he deeply immersed himself in strange research. As for his wife, Maria... she never returned. |
1988ねん マザ-ズデイのまちはずれ | 80 years have passed since then. |
1988, outside the town of Mother's Day... |
はい いいえ | Yes No | |
たち | 's party | |
あずかりもの | Stored Goods | |
{0x03}{0x0E}どこへ? | {0xDB}Where to? | |
◆[Name]は バッグから [Item]を だして また もどした。 |
[Name] took out the [Item] and then put it away again. |
◆[Name]は いしきが ない。 |
[Name] is unconscious. | |
◆あやしげな けはいが……。 | Danger seems to be lurking nearby... |
◆たいへんな ことが おきている! | @Things are going crazy! | |
◆わすれられたおとこの はなしを きいたことが あるけど ◆どんな はなしか わすれちゃった。 |
@I've heard about a man who was forgotten... @But I forget what his story was. |
◆しんじようが しんじまいが わたしは ヒ-ラ-。 ◆PPを かいふくしたり いしになったのを なおせるが さて どうしたい? |
@Believe it or not, I am a Healer. @I can charge your PP, and can cure stone-illness. |
@Though you may not believe it, I'm a healer. @I can restore your PP or heal friends turned to stone. @So, what can I do for you? |
◆ぶきを おさがしでしたら こちらは いかがでしょうか。 |
@Welcome to our shop. We sell weapons. |
@If you're looking for a weapon, check these out! |
◆ありがとうございました。 | @Thank you! | |
◆([Name]は そっと がくふを よんだ。) |
@([Name] looked over the sheet music.) |
◆ぜんいん かんぜんに かいふくした! | @The entire party was healed! |
◆[Name]は そうそふの かすかな きおくを かんじた! |
@[Name] sensed a faint memory of his great-grandfather! |
◆おや? イヴの からだの なかに まだ なにか あるようだ…… |
@Huh? There still seems to be something inside EVE's body... |
◆あなたの キャッシュカ-ド おへやに おちてたわよ。 |
@I found your ATM Card on the floor in your room. |
◆あら もちきれないみたいね。 | @Oh, it looks like you can't carry any more stuff. |